Opinions about ghostface?

I want buy a licenced killer and seems ghostface is a good option, I'm wrong?
I already have BBQ and chili of Bubba and dead shot of Laurie. And I hate the dream world of Freddy.
Ghostface is a good Killer, and quite fun to play. The only thing which is really annoying is his reveal mechanic, sometimes Survivors cannot reveal Ghostface at all, sometimes he gets revealed behind Walls.
So if you are playing Ghostface and you are revealed somehow, dont worry, this is normal.
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Definitely one of my favorite killers. Survivors are pretty much always guessing where The killer is.
One of my friends insist it’s his least favorite killer to go against.
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Do you like sneaking around, stalking people for one shots, jump scares or just sneaking in close for grabs or a free hit? Watching survivors mind games themselves, for they have no idea where you are during a chase? That or have a habit of running into you, more so than normal? Do you want to sit on top of tall buildings and feel like batman for a moment before you remember you are a killer and are using this great point of view to stalk people? Than welcome to ghostface. You can stalk people out in the open but leaning from cover to stalk them, will be much faster.
One trick you can do as ghostface, is to 99% stalk someone. Than later, fully stalk them when you are close. For a much easier one shot. One of Ghost face's best add ons, will be his recovery ones. For it allows you to simply use your base power way more often. Since if you are playing Ghostface, good or bad. You will be revealed. With the recovery add ons allowing you to get right back into your power faster. That and don't go back into your power after hooking someone. Get away from the person on hook and than go back into your power. For the person on hook, can reveal you.
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I hate this killer since he was the one to bring a lot of A****les on this game. I never met a ghostface that isnt a tryhard/toxic
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He's fun to play as and against, can buggy at times, but still great. He's also pretty good as a killer.
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Thx for the opinions, I bought it and I have a good impresion.
But one question, when he is crouching his terror radius is the normal of 32 metres or is 0 like the pig?
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But teabagging isn't toxic ;)
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His TR is normal unless he's in shroud. Crouching doesn't change it.
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This. Once managed to get a down with the threat if ghostface as bubba (one of the players sent me their recorded clip, one had heard a TR and saw no-one, so they thought "Alright no GF, we can do gens." Insidious Bubba said hello.)
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Do you like memes and teabagging but being able to swap at the drop of a hat because you're trying to be chill and a survivor is really testing your gangsta? Yes? Then get him.
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You will hate Spine Chill, but other than that, he is fun. I love twerking while moonwalking with him so much that I throw matches just to have fun.
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He’s great and I love him. Reveal mechanic is finicky and a bit annoying for both parties tho.
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He's a meme and relatively decent performance wise so I like him. He also can teabag so there's that.