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Should a question about dedicated servers / ping have been in the Player Satisfaction Survey?

Jukantos Member Posts: 114

I think the title speaks for itself. General bonus points for putting a question about hitboxes in the survey, but you are ignoring the #1 elephant in the room.

Contrary to your repeated statements playing at 150ms ping is neither viable nor fun, has a game-deciding impact and on top of it all the sacrifices made to put us on the dedicated server system seem to have been utterly in vain, as lagswitching, teleports, running through walls, flying and other blatant hacks have not decreased in popularity or apparent ease of use (at least the guys using them keep spamming "EZ").

On top of it all it seems it's now possible to directly influence the matchmaking servers to cheat your way into crossplay, decimating PS4 survivors or even going as far as being able to make it 100% impossible to streamers / content creators to join any lobby other than your own (where you obviously hack against them after going through the trouble of commiting a felony to break into servers just to ensure they can't play against anyone but yoU)

Again, this is THE dominating topic in the entire community, yet it failed to show up in a 50+ question survey to my extreme surprise. Dedicated servers do not stop being a problem because you refuse to acknowledge they are a problem. You cannot claim to be "listening to feedback" and then selectively ensure the feedback you get is about everything EXCEPT dedicated servers.

At this point i cannot be the only player who would happily take the (realistically not really) increased chance of running into cheaters playing on Peer2Peer. Please give us an option ingame to use Peer2peer. Heck i'd even go so far as to pay for access to that option (if you wanna put it behind an auric cell bundle purchase to disincentivize cheaters from doing it repeatedly on multiple accounts)

Time to collect that feedback you for some reason chose not to gather via the player study. Do you guys think

  • A question about dedicated servers should've been in the survey?
  • Dedicated servers are a dominant topic in the community?
  • Dedicated servers are positive / negative for the game?
  • Playing at 150ms ping isn't significantly different from playing Peer2Peer?
  • Cheaters have stopped existing on dedicated server?
  • The switch to dedicated servers was worth the cost?

Thank you and good night.

See you in the fog.


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Surely there should have been a part about Dedicated Servers. However, BHVR tends to not ask about stuff they will not change. Like in previous Surveys, they neither asked about the Ruin-Rework, nor the Balanced Landing-Nerf. Those things were fixed and they did not want/need any opinions on that.

    Same with Servers, they will stay and we have to hope that they will work, at some day.