New chapter: Bloody Nature- including a wendigo and a hunter named Jim

I haven't drawn it out but I was planning that for the map it could be a forest with a few log cabins in it. Scattered around the map are a bunch of dead bodies and a random unknown book at the entrance to the basement. The book contains unknown symbols and the basement is located behind one of the cabins. Theres also random camp fires in the map, at least a couple of them. With how long this game has lasted I'm really surprised that the wendigo hasn't been a killer yet so here we are. I made all of these pics and it took me nearly 2 months to do. Hope you guys enjoy. Also I didnt create a ultra rare cosmetic for the hunger cause I didnt feel like it.

Let's hope we get the Wendigo one day...


  • Mr_Madness
    Mr_Madness Member Posts: 1,003

    Finally someone besides me taking tons of time to think of a DLC That needs to be ingame, I was the one doing Jack the Ripper aka The Shadow.

    I would love to see the Wendigo ingame just as much as Jack.

    I just imagine Huntress and Wendigo fighting.

    Heck you drew everything including perks, power, and models.

  • Mr_Madness
    Mr_Madness Member Posts: 1,003

    Still don't know why devs dont consider Cryptids or Urban Legends for ideas, Wendigo is the perfect creature since Bigfoot is done to death and Wendigo as a posture that is human like.

  • GamerGirlMiller82001
    GamerGirlMiller82001 Member Posts: 26

    Ikr, XD the only non human one they have is demogorgon, and they made that because it was getting famous so they used it for their economic advantage. They should do something a bit more, u know. Creative. I would love to see a battle between huntress and the wendigo XD I can imagine the wendigo vaulting over windows like the demogorgon.

  • Mr_Madness
    Mr_Madness Member Posts: 1,003

    If my Jack the Ripper concept does not get in I hope yours does since we need more Folklore/Urban legends DLC in game.

  • TheChinCollector
    TheChinCollector Member Posts: 54

    I’m not sure I’m understanding the power correctly. Is part one of the ability a charge attack or just the ability dash across the map? Do you see the active totem’s auras when someone is nearby or do you have to actively go look at the totem to see?

  • GamerGirlMiller82001
    GamerGirlMiller82001 Member Posts: 26

    The charge ability is like the hillbilly 's power. You hold it down to pretty mish dash. All the cursed totems will have a white aura and if it turns red that means a survivor is near them. And the killer will get that notification just like how a gen blows up. No you dont have to be facing the totem for it to activate

  • Mr_Madness
    Mr_Madness Member Posts: 1,003
    edited April 2020

    Also wondering where did you get the idea to do the Wendigo anyway? Mostly because I only seen 1 other person do it besides you which was long forgotten which was really sad.

    Post edited by Mr_Madness on
  • GamerGirlMiller82001
    GamerGirlMiller82001 Member Posts: 26

    I didnt know that. That's interesting tho. I came up with the wendigo idea cause I got inspired by the wendigo from watching a play through called The Wolf Among us. And I thought about the creature being in dbd and how cool it would be

  • Mr_Madness
    Mr_Madness Member Posts: 1,003

    It was on steam forums so thats why but Ironic thing about the Wolf among us is that's the Jersey Devil Ironically.......even I was confused at first since took me a while to find out his wings were chopped of by a axe and the real Jersey Devil does not look like that in the books or descriptions. I am glad you did make it into the version everybody knows and loves. Really ironic that the Wendigo out of all the Cryptids is the must unused one unless they are referencing very little like pet cemetery did. I imagine the mori will some how have snow surrounding like mist him since he is a known in Canada during the winter and tearing the survivor apart. Also maybe eating bits and pieces of the survivor since its always Hungry.

  • GamerGirlMiller82001
    GamerGirlMiller82001 Member Posts: 26

    I could see that. It is supposed to eat people anyways. I didnt know it had wings. I always just knew of the wendigo being a bi pedal beast with a deer skull that has sharp teeth

  • Mr_Madness
    Mr_Madness Member Posts: 1,003

    Wendigo did not have wings but the Jersey Devil in Wolf among us did have wings at some point but got chopped off with a axe so it looks like a Wendigo......which confused a lot of people if they did not read the guys history saying he is the Jersey Devil that had his wings chopped off. I still don't know why the made him look like a Wendigo but say he is the Jersey Devil but just wingless. Look at a pic of the Wendigo next to it and you cant tell the difference but take a jersey devil pic next to the wolf among us and you can't Tell the difference XD.

  • GamerGirlMiller82001
    GamerGirlMiller82001 Member Posts: 26

    Yeah that's pretty funny XD hey I hope that this creature will exist at some point tho

  • Mr_Madness
    Mr_Madness Member Posts: 1,003

    Amen since only creature based killer we have is Demogorgon which

    This does have a high chance getting in game though if the Devs would consider looking into urban legends or myths instead of horror movies or making a original killer which I am fine but I want the real classics have a chance to shine and plus they are going to run out of horror characters to use one day and original ideas so why not just reboot a classic urban legend or myth character/creature. You will see lots of more people playing the game since most of them are in horror novels and not in movies so people will love to see what they would look like in a game.

  • GamerGirlMiller82001
    GamerGirlMiller82001 Member Posts: 26

    Ikr. I hear of alot of people saying "oh let's make chucky, oh let's make pin head, oh let's make pennywise" first of all chucky would be impossible cause he would be to damn short to see over the grass. Second of all, pennywise wouldn't be in the game cause he has alot of power him self being able to change things around him so the Entity wouldn't be able to control him, and 3rd ok maybe pin head MIGHT make it but I dont see that happening either. They also had a Jason model ready but since Jason already had his game at the time they deleted the model. But that the Friday the 13th game is pretty much dead they might try to make him again

  • TheChinCollector
    TheChinCollector Member Posts: 54

    They actually can’t do Jason since there is an ongoing legal battle over who owns the copyright to him. I believe it’s between the original screenwriter and the company that hired him.

  • Mr_Madness
    Mr_Madness Member Posts: 1,003

    Yeah and its complicated to understand what is going on during the battle, HECK I thought it was something to do about the Hockey mask.

    100% true about Chucky unless they do something to make him more visible. Also if they decide to add him then Leprechaun needs to get in.......I don't know why I like him he is like Chucky mixed with Freddy and he is funny when he makes kills. Besides that they could easily use folktales and Urban legends or Classic novels like you can use Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and make them survivor and killer since they make them separate characters instead of one unlike the novel. They could even bring the Headless Horseman but call him the Dullahan which is the Irish version of the Headless Horseman but more terrifying. Best part is most of it is in public domain so either shards or cash for DLC and not every cosmetic item has to be bought with cells. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde film rights is bought by a studio but not any other rights so pretty sure it still can be used.