Matchmaking is making the game not fun

jiguiri Member Posts: 124
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

Ok so i knownive been pretty active recently but the game is so broken it isnt even fun anymore. I am just rank a rank 10 killer, i just want to get better while having fun in the process. I dont think a rank 10 killer should be matched with red rank survive with friends team. I just want to have fun and try to realize my mistaked to get better and as soon as they see me make one single mistake they all start playing around and just making the game not fun. This really shouldnt be a thing dude, this isnt fair. I legit had to modify my settings on my ps4 cause every match without fail people were being toxic to me and it really sucks the fun out of the game. And i know what some of you are going to say, yes i disconnected. I wasnt having fun and i wanted to go to bed.


  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    I get the same as killer. I stopped playing killer for awhile because of it. I am all for 'getting good' but when you go from potato survivors to god survivors it makes learning to play at high ranks much more difficult.

    I love playing both roles tho so I am back at killer again. I have found not engaging in long chases helps. Red ranks know how to loop. It is easier to drop them and hopefully find someone else who isn't in such a strong area/position.

    I think as killer you just have to keep at it, and when you know you are in a hopeless game just look at it as practice :) I will say F it and just chase the survivors around watching what they do and try to predict their movements.

    Also having no add-ons and less then ideal perks doesn't help. What I did was play survivor for the bp, then use that to level my killers :) playing killers while also leveling them is very painful... I did that with Hag. Never again! I either go in fully equiped or not at all ^^"

  • jiguiri
    jiguiri Member Posts: 124

    Yeah ik my oerks stent that good, i usually play legion and huntress and hsve been getting pretty good with spirit but i wanted to play hillbilly becsuse i dont have to try so much. He is a " relaxing " killer to play that you just chainsaw around the map but i still need good perks thst i always run like bbq and save the best for last

  • MPGamer18
    MPGamer18 Member Posts: 124
    edited April 2020

    What makes matters worse (at least on console) is that you can wait up to 10 minutes to find a match to begin with. So when this happens it really sucks. We had a rank 17 player in our group, who was good, but because of his rank we were getting matched against rank 17 killers or closer while we are red ranks. So we stopped playing with them and got another red rank player, yet killers are still green or even yellow ranks most of the time.

    I'm constantly de-pipping from 1 to 2 because of how quickly the matches are completed and because the killers are much higher rank. They need to open up console crossplay. It's really bad now and the wait times have me, and others, not wanting to play anymore.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    Best way to get better is to face higher rank people. The ranking system doesn't really matter as much as you think. I've lost to lower rank killers then you. It happens sometimes. There's no reason a rank 10 can't at least make this type of lobby competitive.