Karaage Member Posts: 340
edited April 2020 in Creations

Survivor: Tanya Sharanova

Lore: Daughter of a carpenter, she developed interest in the same trade as her father. She worked harder than anyone else and was soon regarded as one of the best carpenters in the town. This sparked waves of jealousy and hate in her male colleagues, which developed into bad cases of harassing and other chauvinistic behaviours.

One night while coming back from work, Tanya was ambushed by several masked men. She managed to defeat one of her assailants, but was soon overpowered and knocked out. When she came to, she was surrounded by darkness and wooden walls on every side. Apparently, she was trapped in some kind of a wooden box. It was then that she heard sounds of shoveling and something hitting top of her prison. She realized the was being buried alive and tried breaking out in panic and screaming, but all it accomplished was laughter of people outside. Soon all sounds became quieter till there was complete silence.

Getting increasingly worried at home and aware of past cases of harassment, Tanya’s father called the police right when it became obvious his daughter is not coming home. Police’s investigation was swift but still took a day till they apprehended the culprits and discovered Tanya’s location. However, after opening the box they dug up, there was no one and no thing inside.




Press and hold the Active Ability button for 4 seconds while standing beside a Breakable Wall to break the lower part of it or repair the upper part of it if the Breakable Wall has already been destroyed by the Killer.

Woodcraft has a cool-down of 110/100/90 seconds.

It is possible to move through partially destroyed Breakable Walls while crouching.


Safe Landing

After falling from a great height, You leave no Scratch Marks or trails of blood for 3 seconds.

Safe Landing has a cool-down of 60/50/40 seconds.


Alarm Trap

While standing within the Killer’s Terror Radius, You gain a Token up to a maximum of 1/2/3 Tokens each time Killer breaks a Pallet or a Breakable Wall.

When Alarm Trap has at least 1 Token, press and hold Active Ability button while crouched and motionless to create a Trap at Your location and consume 1 Token. When Killer comes within range of 8 meters of the Trap, it gets destroyed triggering a Loud Noise indicator for You and the Killer at its location.

Trap lasts for 60 seconds and You can only deploy 1 Trap at a time.