Pantalla congelada

Jatxu Member Posts: 4

Mi problema, es que se congela la pantalla apenas abro el juego, si lo minimizo y lo vuelvo a maximizar actualiza a la pantalla actual, pero congelada también. El audio funciona pero es como si fuera a 0 frames.


  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850
    edited April 2020

    "My problem is that the screen freezes as soon as I open the game, if I minimize it and maximize it again, it updates the current screen, but it also freezes. The audio works but it is as if it were at 0 frames."

    This is what I got from Google translate. For future reference, please use the international discussions subforum or stick to using English in the main discussions subforum.

    As for your issue, I recommend trying to use task manager (or the equivalent of) to shut down any outstanding programs so only dead by daylight and itself are running. Try and go into settings and change graphics to "low" and resolution to a lower level too. These should help if the issue is with framerate.

    Head over to the bug reports section and put this here in their requested format to have this officially acknowledged and logged.