Honest opinions on these perk change Ideas

Avarice Member Posts: 65
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

For a while I've been thinking of how perks that aren't very strong could be made stronger, and I just wanted to know what people think of these changes.


Fire Up - Each time a generator is completed you gain 2 stacks. For each stack you have, all action speeds are increased by 3%. You loose stacks at a rate of 1 stack per 15/20/25 seconds. The stack decay timer is refreshed when a generator is completed.

Remember Me - You become obsessed with one survivor. Each time you hit the obsession, you gain a stack maxing out at 4 stacks.

  • For each stack you have, the opening times of exit gates is increased by 3 seconds maxing at 12 seconds.
  • After the last generator has been completed, if the obsession is still alive and either injured or healthy, you gain 1% haste for each stack as long as you are further than 24/20/16 meters from an exit gate or the obsession.
  • If the obsession is dead, you gain .5% haste when you are further than 32/28/24 meters from an exit gate.

Blood Warden - As soon an Exit Gate is opened, blood warden becomes Passive. While Passive, survivors within the zone of the exit gate become exposed. Hooking a survivor while Blood warden is passive causes it to become active. While active survivors are no longer exposed within the area of the exit gate, the Exit Gate is blocked for 40/50/60 seconds, and the auras of survivors within the exit gate are revealed. After this timer is over, the perk deactivates providing no further benefit.

Cruel Limits - When a generator is completed, One survivor working on it gains the Quarry status effect for 20/25/30 seconds.

The Quarry status affect does the following:

  • Windows within 4 meters of the Quarry have their aura shown and become blocked to all survivors for 8 seconds.
  • Lockers within 4 meters of the Quarry have their aura shown, and any survivor within these lockers is forced out.

Sole Survivor - you gain 30/40/50% more blood points in all categories. Your aura cannot be read by the killer, and you produce an 8 meter radius around you that hides auras. Each time a survivor is hooked you gain a stack. You receive the following negative effects:

  • For each stack this perk has, you gain the oblivious status effect for 5 seconds when a survivor is hooked
  • Unless you are the last survivor, you cannot receive any notification that would provide you information on the killer, see the killer's aura, or see any killer related aura.

(By provide you information on the killer I mean any notification that could be used to determine the identity of the killer or the actions they take. This includes the Oni's shout as he enters powered mode, Michael Myers Evil Within noises, The Deasthslinger's gunshot, and even the screams of survivors as the move through clown gas or get shocked by the doctor. My hope is that this perk could be used as a "hard mode perk" where you play the game as realistically as if it were an actual horror movie. Think of it as the speed limiter add-on equivalent for survivors

Distortion - You start the trial with 3 tokens. Whenever the killer reads you aura a token is used and for the next 6/8/10 seconds your aura and scratch marks will not be shown. You gain one token whenever you break a totem.

Inner Strength - Each time you cleanse a totem, inner strength gains a stack. While you are injured and have a stack, you may hide in a locker for 10 seconds to heal one health state. Inner strength may have a total of 1/1/2 stacks.

Hex: No One Escapes Death - NOED gains stacks depending on the number of bloodpoints earned before the exits are possible. The scheme for how these stacks are awarded are as follows: 6,000-5,000-4,000-3,000-2,000-2,000-2,000-2,000-2,000-2,000. The result of this is that stacks are earned at increasingly fast intervals with a total maximum of 10 stacks being earned at 30,000 total blood points. The killer may receive a total of 5/9/10 stacks. Once the exits are powered a random totem is activated with NOED. Once activated, NOED Provides the following benefits:

  • As long as there is one stack, all survivors are exposed.
  • For each stack, the killer receives 1% increase in movement speed.
  • Starting from 6 stacks and onward, the killer receives a 3% increase in all action speeds for each stack.
  • at 10 stacks, the auras of all survivors are shown indefinitely.

Vigil - You and your allies within 8 meters recover from negative status effects 10/15/20% faster. The auras of survivors suffering from negative status effects are revealed to you, and your aura is revealed to them as long as they are within 16 meters of you.

Babysitter - When you unhook a survivor, the unhooked survivor does not make any noise, leave scratch marks, or leave pools of blood for 4/8/12 seconds. For this duration, you and the killer see each other's auras.

Camaraderie -

  • Passive - when you are within 16 meters of a hooked survivor or are hooked, sacrifice progression progresses 10/15/20% slower
  • Active - Once every 60/50/40 seconds while a survivor suffering from a negative status effect is within 8 meters of you, you may use the active ability button to remove that status effect from them, but gain it for 60 seconds.

Dark Devotion - Your deep devotion to the entity manifests in unique ways. You become obsessed with one survivor. While Dark devotion is not active, looking in the direction of your obsession will trigger a notification once every 60 seconds. After hitting the obsession, your terror radius is reduced to 0 and the obsession will emit a 32 meter terror radius for 20/25/30 seconds.

Infectious Fright - Survivors who are within the killer's terror radius while another survivor is put into the dying state scream revealing their location to the killer for 4/5/6 seconds. This may only occur once every 20/20/15 seconds.

Play With Your Food - You do not begin the game with an obsession, Instead the first survivor that you chase will become your obsession. Every time you loose your obsession, you gain a token. Each token increases your move speed by 3/4/5%.

CLOSING NOTES: There are plenty of other perks that need to be looked at, but these are just a couple of the ones that come to mind when I think what needs the most changes. Like I said above, I'd love to hear people's thoughts on these. Constructive feedback would be much appreciated as I hope to at some point publish a complete list of perk changes on the feedback sub forum, and I want it to be as useful as possible for the devs.


  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    Most of these changes seem like unnecessary nerfs to already mediocre perks; I do like the Distortion idea though. Also I think a better change for Babysitter would be a damage transfer kind of thing, as long as you are within X meters of one another any damage the unhooked person would take you take instead.

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    here are my opinions

    fire up: seems really inconsistent and banks on the idea that the survivors will do a gen within every 50 seconds which may happen at the beginning of a match but towards the end game this perk will likely be less effective than the current version if you made it that when the last gen pops all remaining stacks become permanent then it may be more usable and i can see myself using this perk on pig because survivors tend to 99% gens against her and pop them all at once.

    remember me: considering how close exit gates usually spawn together the whole haste thing seems redundant i would instead make it so if anyone who is not the obsession tries to open a gate there aura will be revealed so long as they are touching it and for 4/6/8 seconds after letting it go this information would be much more useful as most survivors will go incognito the moment they think you are approaching but because of the aura reveal it would be very difficult and will apply more pressure to the obsession if they are still alive.

    blood warden: when a survivor is exposed they get a visual and audio warning so if the whole exposed effect happens before the gates are blocked by hooking a survivor the ones waiting in the exit zones will likely be notified about it and will just leave before you hook anyone so if you just make it when bloodwarden activates all survivors in the exit zones become exposed and just make it permanent like the aura reading effect this perk provides it will likely be more effective and have a bigger impact.

    cruel limits: although i like the idea behind the quarry effect this sounds like a completely different perk and will only affect one survivor rather than multiple as most survivors will scatter after doing a gen together the only thing that is holding curel limits back is the small range in the stranger things ptb it had a much larger range but they nerfed it and now it's near useless so really all it needs is to be reverted back to its post nerfed state or have its duration increased to make the area around the gen a dead zone

    sole survivor: other than the bonus bp all this perk dose is makes your aura permanently invisible at the cost of basically being affected by the blindness effect all match and occasionally oblivious which by itself is ok but what if all 4 survivors ran this perk? would that not just make all killers aura reading perks useless, what would stop SwF from abusing this? i think you need to rethink this perk a bit. but it has a good premise.

    distortion: i like the idea of getting tokens from breaking totems it would make the perk allot more effective especially against certain aura reading perks. i would be more likely to run this than the sole survivor idea.

    inner strength: this perk is fine as is and is run by allot of high rank players over self-care no real reason to change it now.

    NoED: i like the idea that its strength is based on killers blood point performance but there are a few problems with that. starting with how some killers are better at getting blood points over others like legion, demo, nurse and billy also if you as a killer have that much bp you will most likely already be stomping on the survivors anyway and would be overkill.

    vigil: currently there are quite a lot of status effects in the game but there duration is super inconsistent some have durations some are permanent i would first try to fix status effects before looking at vigil.

    Babysitter: it is a step in the right direction but it still suffers from the same problem. why use babysitter when borrowed time exists it lasts longer and helps against camping killers babysitter does nothing against campers but if the positive effects of babysitter lasted 30 seconds then maybe it would be worth running but right now it's not.

    camaraderie: i like the idea of slowing sacrifice progress for others more than the current effect but just like with vigil the whole taking a status effect from someone seems confusing due to how inconsistent status effects are i would just make it that if you unhook someone you cleanse them of all negative effects (except infection from plague as that would be broken) and grant them 30 seconds immunity to them.

    dark devotion: i like the idea of dark devotion having a reverse premonition effect as finding them asap is important however i would define a range for this effect like 32 meters as the way you worded it makes it sound like you could ping them across the map and that would be a bit too strong.

    infectious fright: adding a short cooldown seems fair as some killers can abuse this perk to well (i'm looking at you oni)

    PwYF: seems fine but nemesis basically dose this and more.