DC Penalty

I understand needing a penalty. I completely get why the dev's want to penalize players that disconnect and ruin the game for everyone else by doing so.
However, DBD needs to fix other issues before putting out the DC Penalty system. They need to fix the bugs/errors that keep kicking people put of matches or glitches that have killers getting frozen and survivors getting hit from ten feet away.
I'm waiting on another penalty because a killer DC'd but all the survivors ended up getting penalties as well, myself being one of them.
The same issue happened yesterday and J had messaged the DBD Support. Only got back an email stating that they basically can't do anything and I have to deal with it. 😕
Friend got into a similar situation a couple of days ago and outright uninstalled DBD.
I'm not as eager to get rid of my game but at the same time, I literally can't even play because of these penalties.
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A few mins ban on once in a blood moon problems isnt an issue, that timer will soon be over and resets in 24hrs... i certainly dont get DC`d that many times per day (havent got one error or anything actually) as for hits well thats connection and you can see that to the server before the match even starts, and people still think freddy has a longer lunge so... its hard to tell whats fact and fiction from posts, often i see people complain about the DC bans yet they have like 6+ hours, thats a huge ban when they claim not to ever DC