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Automatic Disconnection (PC)

Platform: PC

Goodnight. The reason for this report is to indicate that the game sometimes automatically disconnects me from the game and penalizes me with waiting times, it accumulated so much that now I have to wait 5 hrs to ply again, it is my knowledge that it performs that sanction for those who disconnect on purpose, but it seems unfair to me that the sanctions come when this would be a game cconnection error.

Frequency of error: The error usually happens between 1 to 2 times a day, and I understand that it has happened whit many other users.

I will be waiting for yours answer, thanks!

4 votes

Pending · Last Updated


  • Carlos_Hugo22
    Carlos_Hugo22 Member Posts: 4

    developers know about this problem? and if so, did they say something to fix it?

    Because it really is very annoying waiting too long to play again

  • liv071981
    liv071981 Member Posts: 27

    I have been having this same issue on XBox, about once a night. My internet speed is excellent, NAT type is always Open, I use a hardwired connection. I've done a hard reset. Still, at least once a day I get disconnected from a match. Sometimes it shows the disconnection symbol for both me and the killer, other times I get the escape symbol. Either way, I still get a disconnection penalty even though I did not intentionally DC. It is very frustrating. Clearly it is a cross platform issue.

  • Carlos_Hugo22
    Carlos_Hugo22 Member Posts: 4

    Yes friend, it is incomprehensible why this error makes us pay that we did not disconnect with waiting penalties, seriously the devs should do something.

  • Carlos_Hugo22
    Carlos_Hugo22 Member Posts: 4


    To inform you, my friend, that despite this last update, I thought that this problem was solved, however, today I had two disconnections that have already accumulated 15 minutes of waiting, it is very boring and annoying that the devs still do not do something about it with this problem, if you know of something, I would appreciate it if you could inform us. Thank you!

  • TrialByFire476
    TrialByFire476 Member Posts: 100

    I have been having this same problem on PS4. It popped up with this last patch, but it was just extreme lag, then I started getting disconnected at least once a day. Now, it's almost every game. It always says I don't have an internet connection, when I do. I don't even get to see the end game screen, the game immediately takes me back to the start up screen (right after the intro). I'm also losing my bloodpoints, depipping, and getting a 5 minute ban. I've decided to uninstall and then reinstall to see if that will help.

  • Brunno
    Brunno Member Posts: 52

    now i have 48h Punish, nice servers...

  • Brunno
    Brunno Member Posts: 52

    I avoided playing yesterday for the punishments to be 3 minutes again, the game server disconnected me only once today and I have 48 hours