Stale Survivor Gameplay


Will the devs ever add any new features for survivors? Survivor gameplay hasn't changed much since the start and it's becoming boring. There haven't been any meta changing perks other than Inner Strength and maybe Deliverance, but other than those most survivors have stuck to the same perks that were released 2016-2017. I think some simple changes could make survivor gameplay less stale.

  1. A chat wheel like Left 4 Dead 2 and Identity V or a text chat. It could be customizable with things like "I have BLANK perk" or "Killer has "BLANK" perk" along with things like "Killer is on me/camping, do Gens" and "Exit gates open". It would add another layer of strategy to the game to decide what is worth including in your chat wheel and using it effectively while being chased, as well as improving solo experience.
  2. New items. There are a ton of great ideas all over the forum. Things like bombs you can attach to generators the blow up when the killer kicks them. A flare gun that can stun a camping killer or show survivors where the doors are. Chalk you can draw protective enchantments to slow down killers. A smoke ball that allows you to escape a chase. Most items we have are extremely boring and don't really add much gameplay other than Flashlights. If survivors have more gameplay options other than doing Gens or getting chased, it would encourage more survivor killer interaction and less Gen rush interaction.
  3. Survivor passive abilities. Most people argue that this would make everyone play the meta character but I think it would have the opposite effect. Identity V has passive survivor abilities and while there definitely is a meta, character selection is very diverse. I think if survivor had simple abilities or passive powers, and maybe these can be gained by accomplishing objectives, people would have more of a reason to level up characters other than their Claudette they mained since 2016. For example if you harvest 3 bushes as Claudette you can gain access to a syringe. Or if you take multiple protection hits as David you can tackle the killer to stun them. If it's too much perhaps survivors can gain access to this ability by only running the character's 3 teachables. Since no Survivor has 3 meta perks, you can essentially run a less powerful build to gain access to a fun ability and you are encourage to "role-play" more as your character instead of playing Claudette like a hardened Vietnam war veteran with Decisive, Unbreakable, and Borrowed Time.