To all sweaty players. Why?



  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    Only the question was addressed to killers, not survivors. 😂

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    We can't use certain killers, we can't use certain perks, and certain add ons, or certain tactics. We can't do anything without being "toxic" or "sweaty", granted I understand certain nuances and could empathize how certain things would annoy survivors.((The OP was a statement made toward killers)) But I understand why wanting to win and playing with the best of your ability is consider sweaty, especially for a role that pushes you to be aggressive and competitive.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    Thumbs down all of you.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    I think many times either side is “sweating” without necessarily consciously thinking about it.

    Obviously you are playing the game to win. The pace is determined ALOT by the opposing side‘s effort to win... so if I see a slugging killer @ 5 gens with slow down perks, I’m going to try to counter that and out-pace them. Same if I was playing killer and they are doing things to make me believe they are playing efficiently and completing gens at a faster pace.

  • Malon_OoT
    Malon_OoT Member Posts: 34

    When i play killer, i almost always give the last survivor mercy or if they open the doors i let them go. The only thing that hurts is when i give the last survivor hatch, they crawl in then its followed by "gg ez noob". And then some are surprised when i just dont care about simpathy as killer. I get it if its a "joke", its still a bit annoying. And i know not every survivor is the same, but they should think ahead, "hmm if i tilt the killer and tbag then "ggez" maybe next time that killer wont be so nice and will ruin the fun for others". And this is not a question of skill, its a question of overall empathy.