Why is Freddy such a brain dead killer?



  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Haven't reached Rank 1 this season because I've been on and off with University assignments.

    But of course, you will say that Rank doesn't matter and I agree. Rank doesn't matter.

    But really, do you think people you disagree with are just Killer/Freddy Mains? Is it really impossible for you to think that someone out there who plays primarily Survivor disagrees that Pop is not devastating, and that Killers like Freddy and Spirit is fine as is?

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 742

    I'm not concerned about rank as your devotion reveals more about how long you've played. I'm more concerned that this picture doesn't tell me anything. The username is blacked out for privacy, but that could also indicate this is a stolen picture. Also with the way rank reset works and has for the last few months, you don't need to play much to get into red ranks if that's where you were before the reset. I'd much rather see your Freddy level.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I always black out my username in this forum, because I don't like people in the forum who I don't know knowing the name of my account.

    Also where would I look for the picture if it was stolen?

    I would show you my Freddy level but I'm honestly just not interested in continuing this discussion, believe me if you wish or not. Plus you probably wouldn't buy it anyways, or claim I just "stole the picture" from someone else or somehow photoshopped it based on how this conversation is going.

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    Playing against Freddy will only seem brain dead if you're used to being a brain dead survivor

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 742

    At least you're smarter than the last guy that tried to do this to me that I exposed. I'll respect your wish to bow out.

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    It almost like the killer who is in a numerical disadvantage, should have some way to compete agains 4 people who not only play the ez mode of the game, but who also put litteraly no effort doing gens. I don't even play Freddy and I just find it Ironic that survivor complain about ''brain dead'' gameplay when 50% of any survivor gameplay is holding M1 to win

  • Thatsmartguy
    Thatsmartguy Member Posts: 188

    They bash Freddy because he is a killer they cant really bully they bash any killer they can't bully like how it was with nurse and spirit and now doctor apparently. But aye there gonna be complaints no matter what the devs do

  • PayneMacLeod
    PayneMacLeod Member Posts: 81

    Yeah! How come every killer in the game isn’t super hard to learn and easy to beat? I wanna play my Generator Fixer Simulator game