base power
frenzy ms 130% -> 140%
mend time 12s - > 10s
cooldown 4s (1 succesfull hit in frenzy -0,50s 4 hits -2s)
cold dirt -0,6s cd -> +15% ms
joey's mixtape -0,4s cd -> +10% ms
julie's mixtape -0,2s cd -> +5% ms
filthy blade (purple -> green) +2,5s -> +1,5s
nasty blade (green -> yellow) +1,5 -> +0,5
the legion pin (green -> purple) hitting survivor in frenzy lowers their repair speed by 10% and applies the mangled status effect for 120s
stab wounds study old -> for each successful hit made during frenzy increases mend time by 1s up to max of 10s
fuming mix tape - make it so the legion won't lose sight on gens aura after hitting someone in frenzy
0 -
seems decent
Recently purchased Legion myself and i have to say she’s very fun to play. (i play as julie). 🔪
I main Spirit and the difference is night and day as legion is far from top tier but damn she’s fun.
Wouldn’t be opposed to buffs could be nice to see a potential change in meta but they’d have to do A LOT to push legion anywhere close to actually competitive.