Game settings

WE NEED PROPER IN GAME SETTINGS thats what we need to complain about now . lets just forget about balance FOR NOW and just focus on the game itself . i get why the devs wanted to remove it because of in game advantages BUT you cant just do that without adding PROPER ingame settings . there was a reason why people edit (or at least used to edit ) their configs. the game runs like GARBAGE . i have an intel i7 and like 2 graphics cards but guess what the game runs at 50 ######### fps . thats why i changed my configs and managed to reach 120 fps . but guess what that doesnt happen anymore . its not just AA that im talking about im talking everything regarding the way the game runs : bad resoultion setting v sync and just bad optimisation in general like please fix it in the next chaper
The game is unplayable for me i'm very frustrated that i cannot play right now.
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yes i ve had friends come to me and message me saying i just cant play the gama anymore