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Gen nerfs have done nothing too stop gen rushing.



  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Gens can stay the same IF

    They give killers that don't have mobility powers... powers of mobility


    They make maps smaller

    Smaller changes could including blocking most gens access like... forcing a wall or structure to spawn so only 2 can work at a time

    Making the gens harder to find or naturally regress.

    Buffing killer gen kick to pgtw level so they would choose to pressure gens over chases sometimes

    because kicking gens without it is a severe punishment to the killer and a full on waste of time

    Lots of things could be done instead of flat out increase gen time.

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    It wasn't meant to anyway and tbh it's better than nothing. This was one of best updates for me as a PS4 player though. Never thought I'd see the day that Nurse is playable on console...

  • PodgeNotRodge
    PodgeNotRodge Member Posts: 478

    What I'm saying is that the title given 'Gen Rush' is a made up title to substitute the reason why gens are done too quickly. As a survivor right, it is their job to do gens as quickly as possible. It's their JOB. Cant have a go at them for doing their job if they did it well. The argument is that gen times go too fast. 80 seconds for 1 survivor to do a gen is a considerable amount of time if you are chasing others.

    If it takes you 80 seconds to end one chase. There is something wrong. And if you know this is what's happening, then attack gens. Pressure to get them to waste time. Gen control perks are there to be used. Again, gen time nerfs were never said to be a thing.

    Literally had rank 1-4s today as a Deathslinger. Managed to get 4k with about 3 gens lost. I'm 12 getting reds and purples in most games and I manage. Sure I sometimes get 2 or 3 but that's life. Just because you cant get 4k in some games doesn't mean it's not possible.

    Again I play mostly killer but I know that if gen times get any longer, itll be a stand still. Consider forever Freddy. Oni, Nurse, Spirit, Billy, Doctor. Killers already able to snowball games (Which shouldnt be a thing). Get slower gen times, survivors just wont play. Then what. Itll be flipped. Killers have already gotten the loops cut, fine enough. Take any more away and the game will grind to a halt.

  • Blindninja
    Blindninja Member Posts: 462

    Yeah so why don't we just tell 90% of The Killers they don't belong playing this game

  • aknitus
    aknitus Member Posts: 124

    I fail to understand how this conversation is still going any further. "Nerf gen rush" - like seriously? You could have just started a conversation saying survs should just stand still in the game. That would be great for you killers, wouldn't it?

    Understand this that as survs our goal is to maintain the hook-gen economy. 1 hook = 1 gen. That is our aim. If you want, go ahead and nerf our gen speed by 50%, but then take away the sprinting speed from killers like Billy, Oni, etc. Cant have killers running from gen to gen popping them, while we struggle with -50% gen speed.

    P.S. Either ways, I will switch over to killer if that ever happens. I can already foresee longer matchmaking times in future for killer, since all survs would migrate to killer side (if this happens).

  • Zarr0ch
    Zarr0ch Member Posts: 589

    Gen rush is fare to often the excuse for a killer that does not now how to play properly. I'm sick of hearing it. It is rare for me as a killer to have major issue with this. I happens on occasion with really good SWF groups, but stop pretending it's the games fault for your lack of pressure.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    Or we could not blame gen speeds for the fact that the majority of killers aren't where they belong.

  • Blindninja
    Blindninja Member Posts: 462

    They literally nerved hex ruin because of new were survivors. That's the majority of their base they aren't gonna make a decision and think about only 10%. Just stop dude you're being asinine

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932
    edited April 2020

    I'd say I'm a decent survivor. I'm normally at rank 1, but I haven't been playing much because of the AA. It hurts my eyes.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    If you're basing your playstyle and loadouts around defending gens you've already lost your games before they started (unless you go against potatoes). The best way to apply pressure is to injure and hook survivors - make sure that survivors who are not in a chase and not on a hook have no choice but to get off their gen and go help their teammates... that's how you win games.. unless you play hag or trapper - they use their own form of pressure

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited April 2020

    That's only one part of the nerf. They also nerfed it because of how frequently it was used by killers in general (I wonder why.) Ruin is still a good perk. There's a reason it was used so heavily. People don't know how to correctly pressure the map.

  • Blindninja
    Blindninja Member Posts: 462

    Even if you do know how to pressure the map good luck doing that with some of The Killers

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2020

    except 1)maps got reworked- they’re smaller (more killer favored)

    2) gen speed nerf isnt void because they still have to use that perk 😂 not everyone has room for that in their build. It’s 4 slots and the more they take from survivors and keep dangling it over their heads inside a perk that I’m pretty sure nobody was using before then I don’t see why you think that. Besides it doesn’t always see much use when you can’t always do a gen together. It’s always been more effective to get multiple gens going at once. Most ppl know this.

    3) get discordance /thanataphobia/ maybe some dying light

    4)if they keep slowing gen speed nobody is going to want to stare at a progress bar waiting to die for you. That’s just not fun. Besides, are they gonna slow down hook timers in return to make up for that?

    5) okay so what about those same 4 killers you’re talking about why should their job be easier? 😂 gens would never get done. Nahhhh. I think you’re wrong. Some killers have too much mobility.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288
    edited April 2020

    yeah, this is a huge problem honestly. I had a game where after a couple of minutes, 3 gens popped basically at the same time exactly when I was hooking my first survivor.

    One could say that by doing this survivors risk to 3 gen themselves, which is true in principle, but having only one survivor on hook and only two gen left means that survivors will have plenty of opportunity to just sacrifice themselves for one or even two hook states in exchange for another critical gen to pop (may it be by working on it all together while I'm right there or by constantly splitting up the gen repair between a couple of gens, especially if they are on comm). After that the game is simply over, since 4 survivors alive and only 1 gen to go is beyond repair.

    This is still a borderline situation of course, but it really takes out the fun from the game at times.

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636
