Feeling pretty good about the patch so far

MTK Member Posts: 77

I'm a fairly consistent rank 1 killer main as well as a pretty bad rank 3~4 survivor player. I've been playing some killer games after patch(since the purpose was to improve killer experience) and it turned out pretty nice. I've even had the chance to play new ironworks of misery and it was good to see the center structure was no longer a pokemon center for injured survivors. Patrolling gens for pressure felt like I could immediately enter a chase with a survivor rather than crossing my fingers and praying the gen doesn't pop while I press W for 30 seconds to get there. Overall pretty nice experience so far and hopefully this will balance out queue times on both sides


  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    Honestly, i don't feel the difference at all.

    For map change, aside from god loop removal, i can't really tell what has changed if i don't read the patch notes. Some maps are still to large, and i haven't seen any deadzone people complained about.

    For gen speed change, yes i can probably reach the survivor before 1 gen done. However, it's still almost done if you play the 115% killer. Also, 9/10 1 gen is done when i get 1 hook, no matter how fast i end chase (i have hooked someone in under 30 secs but 1 gen is still done)

    The only thing i'm happy with is the breakable animation. Ghostface breaking animation feels pretty powerful, unlike how he breaks the pallet LOL

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I'm glad you're enjoying the patch so far! I'm enjoying it as well, played a game against a Mikey for the first time in far too long, and everyone (including the Mikey) was GGing and saying that they had fun (2 escaped, 2 died). I even saw a Trapper, however he took a mori because I got queued with a TTV gamer but he ended up mori-ing me instead.... I guess trying to block the killer from tunnelling a recently unhooked survivor is a sin! And then he proceeded to let the TTV and the other teammates farm points.... other than that, I've been seeing different killers (which is nice, it was annoying to see Huntress/Freddy nearly every game in the high ranks) and playing Nurse on the newly updated maps feels great! And her new breakable wall animation is fantastic! :-)

    However, my heart goes out to Hillbilly.... may his bugfixes be swift.