Totem question for baby killer

Anara Member Posts: 1,297
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

Hi! I'm baby killer, I always play survivor since 2020, and I'm learning killer things.

How do totems works?

With my spirit how do I know which one is devour hope, which one is ruin?

On my clown, I only use haunting ground, but there are two totems?

It's not clear for me.


  • IceCreamPrincess
    IceCreamPrincess Member Posts: 226
    edited April 2020

    There are 5 totems in every match, and without any Hex perks, they're all dull and don't do anything for the killer. If you bring a Hex perk, one of these 5 dull totems will light up and become the host for the Hex perk.

    Whilst its lit, you can see the red aura through walls, and can physically see it lit if you look at it (and so can survivors, to know if its a hex totem) you can't differentiate different hexes from eachother, so you can't tell if one is devour hope and the other is ruin, just that both are hexes

    And as for haunted grounds, that one actually activates two totems to make it more likely it is found. Only hex perk that works differently is Hex: no one escapes death, that picks a random dull totem midway through the match to activate

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    Haha thanks I knew that hex totems are in fire, Im not new to this game, just to killer side.

    Then maybe I wasn't clear.

    OK so we can't know which one is which hex... bad.

    And, haunting ground hex two totems, but when I use ruin and hg for example, there are not 3 totems but 2. What's the point?

    And last question, if we only hex perks, all totems will be on fire? Or there are a limit of 2 skulls in fire?

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    The amount of lit totems is based on your perks. So 3 Hex perks measn 3 lit totems. Survivors won't know what the Hex was till it's destroyed and are hit with either the effect (Haunted), or Ruin's status disapears. So running both Ruin and Haunted gives survivors a chance to cleanse the wrong totem and be hit with Exposed. It's a gamble for both Killer and Survivor

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297
    edited April 2020

    If I ran noed and haunting ground, how many totems? 2? 3? Or4 ?

    I don't understand how it works.

    Alone haunting ground is two hex totems, but with ruin its just one.

  • Frelok01
    Frelok01 Member Posts: 6

    Haunted grounds always spawn 2 trapped totems. If you have both HG and ruin you would have 3 lit totems.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    I love this post. Because for one, you're learning the other side, which is great. Bevause we need more players that do both. As well as you are now able to learn from and understand the killers perspective.

    And two, and I mean no offense, it shows that people who play one side dont necessarily understand the killer as much as people say they do. And that's not a dig at you. It's actually great. Because you're taking the time to actually learn it, AND because it shows so many people that play one side really dont fully understand the other.

    It's a very insightful post. And for you a very good learning experience. All I can say is dont get frustrated about not knowing certain things or it seeming like its wrong. Learn from it, and even if your killer game doesnt improve, your survivor will, because you know what wrecks you as a killer, and what works against survivors (so you can avoid that as one).

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297
    edited April 2020

    I totally agree that since I play killer I'm a much better survivor.

    I'm not frustrated as killer, I'm a red rank survivor and yellow rank killer. Now it's very easy for me as killer.

    I don't play often as I play survivor so I don't rank up, but one time, I know that I will face red rank survivors then I will have just my eyes to cry....

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297
    edited April 2020

    Are you sure???? It's like noed, sometimes I feel like there are two skulls in fire connected to it, and sometimes just one, I don't understand how it works skulls for the hex perks that imply two totems.

    I now they are gone if one is done, but when there are two hexs in one game I don't understand the number of fire skulls.

    PS : sry for double post

    PS 2 : and sorry for my approximative English, but you know.. French people can't learn any other language 🤷‍♂️

  • Facture
    Facture Member Posts: 284

    With Ruin and Haunted Ground you should see 3 lit totems if both Hex are still up. Once Haunted Ground is cleansed you will only see 1 totem for ruin. If they cleanse your ruin first there should still be 2 lit totems for Haunted Ground.

    For Noed and Haunted Ground: At the start of the match you will only see two lit totems, if the gens are completed with Haunted Ground Still up you will then see 3 lit totems. If they break your haunted ground before the gens are completed you will see no lit totems until the final gen is done. If there are any dull totems left at that time Noed will light up one of the dull totems that is left. You will not know before that last gen is done which totem Noed will spawn on.