What happens if the survivors or the killers don't participate in the trials?

What does happen to survivors and killers if they don't do trials
Killers would be tortured and forced to do so.
Survivors would most likely be thrown into the void.
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The Fog is essentially the essence of The Entity's realm, so yes, it presumably constructs everything we see in-game like the areas. (hence why Trial grounds are randomised, or why there are several different versions of Badham Preschool) Characters like the Observer know how to form it into
boozewhatever they want. It's unclear if The Entity's realm is actually a place aside from The Entity itself, or if it's a part of the Entity itself, though.I would imagine The Fog isn't actually what "takes" Survivors, it's more that opening a passageway to The Entity's Realm equals the Fog seeping out.
"Lifting" the Fog is probably impossible, unless destroying the Entity would mean that. (of course, that's probably impossible too) It's best to think of it like a natural resource that looks like fog.
EDIT: Wait, you seem to have totally changed the thread's contents? That or something weird's going on with the forums.
Anyway, mostly what's said above, but I'll add that it appears like Survivors aren't 100% on how they end up in the Trial Grounds. It seems as if the Fog just comes for them, then they find themselves thrown in the middle of the environment they have to survive in. Killers might have the luxury of a more coherent experience.
Killers will be tortured as seen with LF and Trapper. If a Survivor tries to go on strike and refuse to do Generators, it doesn't matter to The Entity as long as they still have some degree of hope. If a Survivor gives up entirely and no longer has any will to live left, they go to the Void. But, if a Survivor starts parading through the Trial Grounds announcing they aren't going to do anything, simply because it's a possible escape strategy they haven't tried yet, they'll just be hooked with extra prejudice.
Post edited by Lexilogo on0 -
I changed it because I thought we already knw that so I established a question
But there might be a point were the killers bloodlust is satisfied even though time here is different and they could do this forever
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Yeah something also worth knowing is that The Observer mentions that some survivors (I don't know about killers) have managed to know how to stop getting called for the trials, avoiding them effectively
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Wait, if there were survivors that were able to avoid being in the trials then why haven’t they shared this knowledge with other survivors, this knowledge could be very fruitful to others who want to rebel against the entity.
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The killers are forced into the service of the entity. If they try to fight against being put into the service of the entity they will be excruciatingly tortured until their will breaks and they submit to become a servant of the entity. Since time doesn't exactly exist in this accursed place, I assume the entity could keep that kind of torment up for what seems like "eternity" so even the strongest willed people will succumb to the whims of the entity and become its killers.
Some killers however, don't need to be tortured, some only need a light amount of persuasion, a slight push in the right direction to do what the entity wants. They are more than willingly to kill for their own personal reasons, the best example of this is Ghostface who is arguably the most evil killer of them all, simply because he needed hardly any encouragement from the entity. He is in full control of his actions and is completely aware mentally, yet he becomes a serial killer anyway. He quite literally kills for fun, and when he was caught by the entity "A shiver ran through him. A chilling breeze transformed the bedroom's humidity into an opaque, freezing Fog. A woman shrieked. Dead leaves crunched under his feet. He smiled in anticipation." he was actually all the happier for it, it was explained by the devs that he's probably the killer who is most happy to actually be there.
The survivors have no choice. It's not like the survivors are gladiators who step into an arena and fight for their lives, the survivors rest by the campfire between trials but then they appear in their next trial. If they refuse to participate at that point, they are just going to get slaughtered (imagine a killer stumbling upon an idle survivor who doesn't show up the whole match. They're going to be downed for the easy hook and sacrificed) and since pain is absolutely real in the realm of the entity, they have no choice. Run, hide, survive, or don't, simple as that.
Eventually if they refuse to participate because they've lost all hope they are useless to the entity, and are tossed into the void. A place where survivors go after they've lost their minds, their hope, and basically cease functioning as a normal person mentally and emotionally. They become husks of their former selves and wander as lost souls, searching for release but never finding it.
Long story short, there is no escape that we know of, and there is no choice.
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Killers are usually tortured by the entity until they agree to serve it
if survivors dont have hope and feed the entity then it has no use for them anymore and they are dispersed to ‘the void’
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The animatic at the end of the Withered Blight event is what happens to Survivors and Killers that refuse to participate.
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So killers like Trapper normally wouldn't have. They don't have a reason to. The Entity does a couple things. One of them is torture, evident by the trapper. Evan was sensible; he wouldn't have done that to himself. Constant pain for a constant reminder. Or, the Entity changed their perception (as is the case with Wraith and Spirit's white eyes, they've been touched to only see who ruined their life. Even some merciful killers like Adiris normally wouldn't, but she believes these are her gods lining the way for her. But killers who still don't do their job are in the Void, theoretically. Nobody ruined their life, wouldn't have an incentive to kill. Maybe thats what happened to the woman who fed her husbands to the pigs and stole their wealth. No reason to do it, so tossed away if she was taken.
Then there are survivors. Hope is the biggest factor. As long as they have hope, they're used for the entity. The survivors would probably be scornful and might try to get rid of them themselves. (other survivors murdering each other for silence because one survivor believed he was in a nightmare he just left) or they might roll with the punches. Really depends on who else is in the trial. Like if people are losing hope because one specific survivor is on the team, maybe the entity would take the worthless one and replace him/her
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Killers get tortured and lose their side of the deal (if they made one) for intentionally throwing a trial.
Survivors are trickier though. The Entity could call their bluff if they are sane and wait until the pain gets them to move, or he would throw them into the void if they are so mad they can no longer participate in the trial.