PS4 - No Tome Challenge Progress

Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

I'm on PS4 of course and working on old Tome challenges. I was doing them and completing until this afternoon, gaining Rift progress at the end of every game. The Tome still shows it as Active.

The map was Lerys Memorial and the killer was Demogorgon, though I don't believe this makes much difference. The challenge I'm working on is the final Survivor challenge of Tome 1, wherein you must drop a total of 4 pallets and stun the killer all in a single match. This is extremely difficult as I've been facing a fair share of Huntresses and Spirits the past couple of days. Finally, I completed this challenge today, dropping a total of 5 pallets and getting 4 Stun score events.

At the end of the match, the Rift progress didn't show up at all. Not for the challenge, or the score progress, or anything. Fearing some glitch, I exit to the Main Menu and enter the Tome section, only to find that there's no progress at all. This is so frustrating! I can't prove this is some sure-fire bug but it would have at least shown me getting Rift credit for completing a match, right? And the killer was so mad at me... I ended up getting slashed repeatedly on the hook, though I did get a rescue.

I've been trying for two days straight (skipping sleep) and the steps to try and repeat this are rare enough. The lack of display after several games of seeing it tells me there's some bug here, but it doesn't give me my duly-earned Challenge.

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  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,149

    Tome 1 you don't receive any rift progress for since the Tome 1 rift is closed. Rift progress is only for the current tome challenges.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    Okay, but it would still count the challenge, wouldn't it? The Archive bar wasn't present at the end of the match like it should have been.