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Anyone notice any difference with the new Sloppy Butcher?

I'm doing an experiment and starting over with Billy. I have Sloppy Butcher level 1 and unless I'm horribly mistaken all the levels have the same degree of Mangled, correct? Because it seems like Survivors still heal up pretty quickly. It might add another 5-10 seconds to the clock but that to me isn't worth running Sloppy Butcher.


  • Kevvie
    Kevvie Member Posts: 175

    I used it on my Wraith/Pig and played against it as Survivor quite a bit and I don't find it to be as helpful as other perks could be in the grand scheme of a match. As killer I found it to be a little helpful when running nurses calling because of the extension of heal time but wasn't as viable as other perks I could use. As survivor I only stop to heal when I am relatively safe and usually around a teammate making the time increase nearly unnoticed.

  • Chrona
    Chrona Member Posts: 245

    I run sloppy butcher, but that's because I run it in combination with bloodhound on my wraith. Get close, get the first hit in, and those two together make the rest of the chase a lot easier.

  • MechDragon98
    MechDragon98 Member Posts: 5

    @Chrona said:
    I run sloppy butcher, but that's because I run it in combination with bloodhound on my wraith. Get close, get the first hit in, and those two together make the rest of the chase a lot easier.

    Why would you use Bloodhound on a killer that has it integrated in his power? When you become invisible you have the bloodhound effect.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    The new Sloopy Butcher is not bad to have, but if you have better perks available, you won't miss it.

  • Chrona
    Chrona Member Posts: 245

    @MechDragon98 Because I don't want to give them 5 more seconds every single time I need to check it. And I didn't know it, and it's not worth removing to change to that tactic, which will lead to more survivors winning chases for me :P

    I try to make my chases last 10-20 seconds. Many try to do various things to hide in that time. If I go invisible then revert, they pretty much will have won the chase, easy.

  • It's nice perk. The new predator is lovely as well. Great perks if you suck ass at tracking.

  • DrDannieburger
    DrDannieburger Member Posts: 57

    If you struggle with tracking, run Bloodhound alongside it. Otherwise, Sloppy Butcher nowadays feels like it does a lot to slow the healing down, and a lot of people underestimate how much more efficiently you can get to people healing before they complete it.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 924
    edited August 2018

    Well, it reduces healing speed by 25%. A Self-Care heal at 100% healing speed takes 24 seconds, so at 75% healing speed it takes about 32 seconds. Those 8 seconds can be significant: if you can keep hitting people, it adds up and can help you keep up pressure. ...Or it can help you tunnel, since the person pulled off hook might not be healed up in time. While it's only 4 seconds on a 12 second coop or med kit heal, those 4 seconds can still help you tunnel, giving you 4s * 4.6m/s = 18.4 meter more to cover to arrive back at the hook before the unhooked survivor is fully healed.

    Also: Sloppy Butcher is currently bugged, as the Mangled status effect de-applies after being healed up from the dying state. So withstanding a fix, it doesn't lend itself as well to slugging strategies as one might expect. A fix for this has fortunately been confirmed to be coming, though.

    I would say the perk is not regularly worth a slot over other, more impactful perks, but it is not bad. It can be used in builds in conjunction with Coulrophobia, or just as a flavour choice to slow the game down a little, and/or tunnel a little more effectively. It's certainly better than Thanatophobia (one of a plethora of perks direly in need of a buff). And, as mentioned, once Sloppy Butcher gets fixed it could also be a viable choice in slug builds.

    EDIT: It appears Sloppy Butcher has been fixed with the recent hotfix.

    Post edited by zarr on
  • Techn0
    Techn0 Member Posts: 405

    At first I hated the perk, I thought it did not do enough and the killers I play generally just want to get downs as soon as possible without smacking everybody.

    Now I play a lot of clown and consider him my main. Clown absolutely loves new STBFL to the point in which not running it puts you at a disadvantage. When testing I tried sloppy butcher because my gens were getting done a bit too fast for me. Sloppy + STBFL makes the action of scoring a single hit so rewarding and it allows clown to switch of off chases much more efficiently. Every m1 you get slows the game down and clown is the king of scoring a hit at loops. I believe the combination fixes the majority of his problems. I recommend everybody at least try that combo once.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 924

    @SaltyKiller said:
    So you're left with only one or two perk slots.

    Not if you're doing off-meta builds. If you're building to win as consistently as possible, yeah, Sloppy Butcher has no real right to a perk slot over other perks... and by quite a margin, at that.

  • JovialCub
    JovialCub Member Posts: 88
    Its ok. This sloppy butcher change was announced with the changes to self care. Together they had some pentalogy, but now they went back on the self care changes. 

    It gives them an extra 5 seconds is healing time. Not much of a change for highly optimized survivor squads. 
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Mangled increases healing by 25%. SC takes 24s, so now it takes 30s. Medkit takes 12s, now it takes 15s. I like using it on Huntress because it procs on her Hatchets and I can usually keep people injured with her. SB with both phobia perks is really good too. TP adds 6 seconds to SC and about 5s to gens, so just by hitting someone you buy yourself at least 11 seconds. CP makes healing impossible near the killer. I used it on Freddy and it basically makes lullaby the DW, and DW is just impossible to heal. CP and DW are both -50%. SC would take 48 seconds. Use all 3 and there just is no healing against Freddy.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 924
    edited August 2018

    @SaltyKiller said:
    5-10 seconds

    @JovialCub said:
    5 seconds is healing time

    @thesuicidefox said:

    Just to clarify, because this is information not really easily available out there and large parts of the community get it wrong regularly: An increase (or decrease) in healing speed % is not equal to a flat % decrease (or increase) in healing time. When affected by the Mangled status effect, a survivor heals at 75% the usual speed (-25%). This doesn't mean the heal will take 25% longer, it means the heal will be 25% slower. Subtle but important difference. The math behind that is:

    100% healing speed on a Self-Care heal takes 24 seconds. At 75% healing speed, the heal takes 100/75 = 1.3333333333333333333333333333333 times longer, or 24 * 1.333... = 31.999999999999999999999999999999, or 32 seconds.

    The same is true for most speed modifiers in the game. You can usually tell by the way it is worded: Brutal Strength for example lets you "destroy pallets faster", while Swift Hunt "reduces reappearance time" - Brutal Strength increases the speed of the pallet breaking action, so it's not a flat decrease in time it takes to break pallets; Swift Hunt simply reduces the time it takes to uncloak, so it is a flat decrease in time. If it were the other way around, Brutal Strength would say it "reduces pallet breaking time", and Swift Hunt would say it lets you "reappear faster" or that it "increases reappearance speed".

    Post edited by zarr on