Behavior with a broken patch and why the fixes need to happen...

Hello people of the fog, Both survivors and killers, we can all agree that This patch (and many patches before this patch) is Very broken as it stands, Now i'm gunna make a long rant here so i'll make a TL:DR version at the end of this Post, So let's begin with The Killers:
The Cannibal: Where to begin, the only bugs i've found with him with This current patch is the Rev bug when you pick up a survivor after you down them with the saw, Doesn't always happen but still messes with the hearing,
The Oni: Oh boy... where to start, Well for starters. whenever you decide to go attack a survivor with your basic M1, half the time your lunge will hardcore Auto aim towards the survivor and it will basically follow a survivor, even if said survivor does try to 360, and when he does go into Hulk Smash mode, things get worse.. Whenever you down a survivor with his smash, the Oni will either A: Instantly turn around and continue to hulk smash the ground after downing the survivor, OR B: whenever you don't charge a survivor with his power and basically lunge in general it will haul ass towards said survivor, making odd hits that shouldn't hit at all, Hit...
The Hillbilly: So much wrong with this killer.. For starters, His chainsaw, (My god what have they done to him) for instance, whenever you saw with Billy, his chainsaw will NOW Enter his body as it is, the only fix i've found to this is to run Shadowborn, which somewhat works but not much, His other issue is when you chainsaw a wall (or you get dedicated hits on a wall) you will either A: stop moving aswel with not being able to turn at all.. OR B: your chainsaw is invisible while billy is trying to recover.. There's acouple more bugs with him but this is the main issue i've come across with billy,
The Huntress: Well besides her broken hatchet hitboxes? You don't gain any Deviousness points into her category... the only time you get points for it is if your 4k, or when survivors heal.. other than that, still needs a fixing,
The Deathslinger: Only issue i've had with him is when his hook goes through survivors, other than that...not really much
The Clown: The one issue i've had with the Fat and the Furious was his bottles doesn't somehow slow even with flask of bleach and Ether 15%...feelsclownedman
The Spirit: No phasing sounds at all, completely deaf outside TR and Inside... other than the oofers to anyone versing spirit it's just bad in general...
The Ghostface: Randomly stalking people that you don't see, and randomly getting revealed outta nowhere and it won't even show you where you even got revealed,
Now i could go on with this list but you guys get the just of it.. I could've list a whole lotta more bugs and issues with killer aswel with survivor, but it's just too much especially for One post, TL:DR Killer is somewhat unplayable with these issues and it's annoying. Let me know what you guys find with playing killer or survivor, Love ye all <3