Come on, buff Plague's BP gains already

MTK Member Posts: 77

For those of you who aren't aware, plague is notoriously bad for earning bloodpoints because she barely gets points in deviousness from utilizing her ability. I've almost never gotten a "merciless" victory over a 4k, and a 2k with plague is almost always a depip and few times I've even had a 3k with a depip. I dont care alot about ranks, but when a specific killer is almost certain to give me less bloodpoints and rank for the same effort(sometimes more given that she's mostly a 115% & M1 killer), it's really demotivating to pick her. Frankly, I can 3~4k with her and end up with more or less the same amount of points as a legion that got 1~2k and just applied a bunch of deep wound the entire game. Or just play billy and sprint burst across the entire map 4~5 times and end up with more deviousness points than plague ever would with her 150 deviousness point gain on FULL infection of a survivor. It's really sad.


  • Joao_Bandicoot
    Joao_Bandicoot Member Posts: 286

    What I do to gain more points on ranking is M2 a bit to infect and then M1 (I know completely negating the free injure state from broken) and always puke on objects, that 25~50 points accumulate quickly if you are puking on 6~10 lockers/gens/windows/pallets whenever you are traveling from gen to gen.

    It makes your games hard as hell because you basically play a M1 killer with downsides but the kill ratio doesn't matter that much as you explained with Legion.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Plague seems to be a difficult killer to balance point-wise given the two VERY separate playstyles against her. That being said... Just give lots of deviousness and extra chaser for m1ing a broken survivor. It's not that big a deal. Same with Myers.

  • Kaiju
    Kaiju Member Posts: 530

    I mean Oni as well since you can only get deviousness points via blood orbs and Blood Fury so yeah , suffers the same problem as him since u get the ''hit'' event on Brutality instead of Deviousness

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,005

    I share with you. . . perfection!!!

    But no, first actual perfect game I've ever done with Plague. Wasn't easy, but it can be done.

    I agree, though, the emblem system needs to either change or adapt to her.