Iri heads every other game

Are you ready? Because when the "kill all survivors by any means as the Huntress" tome challenge rolls around you better be. We already had to deal with Doctors and Spirits killing everyone off their first hook for a good few days when their 4k challenges came out, no one wants to deal with Iri heads being in every other trial. Devs, if you're reading this please temporarily disable, rework, or nerf the Iridescent Head addon before the challenge rolls around.
i didnt see many docs or spirits doing that, huntress you might see more of but thats because shes harder to play due to being slower and needed a good aim, not to mention the damn frame issues (on console) it can be hard to turn and walk let alone aim over loops or at long distances. but even if they change iri they will still use a mori and they cant nerf mori`s without nerfing keys or all hell will break lose haha
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There is no problem with this it is the problem with the mindset of the person or they just don't/haven't played the killer much. Let them have their easy challenge no need to ask for massive changes to game mechanics just because of the treat of 4k challenges.
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So you think Iri heads are ok.
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Yea I played a game against iri heads and escaped easily part of the problem going against it is when survivor just accept an easy loss. Of course they are really,really, strong but not unbeatable
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They are an addon in the game. So yes.
An iri head is only as good as the person throwing the hatchet. Once you know they have iri heads, you can play around it cause you know that addon means they are terrible at huntress in 99% of cases. Learn to dodge hatchets. Don't let them bait a pallet drop out of you.
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Already yesterday I had 5 Huntress' with iri head, not even kidding. First game was against one, then next game was a Doctor, then 2 games with iri Huntress, then 1 exhaustion Huntress and then one last iri heads. With how horrible her hatchets hitboxes are atm, I decided to just quit.
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Lol killer mains “its fine”.
Sure it is. Killers are having a blast. Nobody cares how the second-class players (survivors) feel about this. Its all about killer fun
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What kind of argument is "it's an add-on in the game so it's fine" ? Does it mean that Prayer Beads before its change was ok ? Omega Blink Nurse was fine too, I guess ? I have to laugh.
Also, I know how to play against Huntress, thank you very much. Even if the bullshit hitboxes make it quite hard sometimes.
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Just faced one. Once the first person went down all 3 survivors just ran at the killer and teabagged him. He hooked all 4 of us. Got 10k bp's and a 4k. Spent over 20k BP's on the heads, another purple add-on, and ebony mori. So he lost points. Just give him the win when you see it. It's the best strategy.