Devs: Survivor is Still Too Easy



  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Bruh you just pointed out all the injustices in this game and how to fix them. You're the hero we needed.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Nurse, Huntress & Deathslinger, all killer that are known to be hard on console due to the controls, people really do always use the worst examples of killers being weak and survivors being strong.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    It's almost like examples are hard to come by and they are desperate to prove their point through any means necessary...interesting

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    If the survivor is good I don't think this update matters that much, if the killer is bad it helps them, if the killer is good and survivors are bad they feel overwhelmed, this is how I feel about this update

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    Wdym there are god like nurses on Xbox too you know. Btw this is post patch 3.7.0 so Nurse and Huntress feel 100x better.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I think it's more likely that those killers are adjusting to new sensitivity levels still.

  • Fitzo
    Fitzo Member Posts: 11

    smaller maps increase the games pace on both sides but on certain maps i feel like the update to their size made gens go quicker due to them being bundled up. The fast games can be quite unhealthy for the game because of the emblem system and its unforgivingness when A. The survivors tramp a killer really fast and get little interaction which causes safety or depiping or B. If a killer swiftly 4ks a team but get a safety pip

  • symptom101
    symptom101 Member Posts: 81

    So If I put pictures of 3 of my games where we all died, what is that gonna prove? STOP BEING STUPID

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    If that happened perhaps survivor queue times wouldn't take so long.

  • Slightly_Better
    Slightly_Better Member Posts: 8

    I’m new to playing Killer... and it’s pretty easy to do well... lol

    I pretty much always have 3 red ranks and have been pipping up nearly every match.

    The picture was my most recent match upon stumbling on this thread.

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    Post whatever you want my point stands. I posted this as the skill cap is higher for survivor than it is for killer, that is the point of the post. Stop being stupid.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    You decided to challenge yourself by bringing a Syringe? smh.

    Listen, if you wanna try to spin this whole “survivor is still easy because the changes didn’t really affect my gameplay” you’re gonna have to try a little better than that.

    You got a killer who dc’d. Two that did pretty decent considering the points they got. I’m not really sure what this proves.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Imagine people still thinking killer is hard. Let me show the way.

  • Ironclad86
    Ironclad86 Member Posts: 13

    i thought this might hold some helpful tips but was just salt =(

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    That is helpful! That's optimal ghostface. I have only ever lost, and by lost I mean 2k'd, playing like that against a full object SWF on comms where all the survivors had like 4k+ hours.

    Everything else has been rolling people in the first minute or two of the game.

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    IMO the best way to fix the survivors being easy is to remove DS and BT. let me explain why.

    First of the problem lie a bit deeper. it hard to do any change to objectives cause of a nasty loop

    Survivor control the game space with Generators, nothing relly stop them from doing them in a real efficient way, if there isin't a minimum of 1 survivor on gen, your team doing something wrong.

    Killer control the game space by hooking survivor, issue is that they can't tunnel and just, do the equivalent of gen rush, so survivor have a saying on how fast you do that, cause let be real, no survivor will let themself be catch gently without running.

    So here we got 2 options, keep anti tunnel gameplay a thing and nerf gen speed/Give killer stronger gen slowing perk


    Keep gen as they are but remove anti tunnel perk so killer have a similar thing to ''gen rushing'' and can control the space of the game too

    Now these 2 option are far from ideal, and let me explain why I prefer the second one.

    The reason gen rushing can't be nerfed to much or can't have big op perk to counter them is that it exist for a reason. it a way to counter Camping.

    If killer decide he facecamp at first hook, survivor have the option to just waste the killer time and be done with it.

    You can't just remove camping from the game either cause if the survivor swarm the hook, the killer have no reason not to camp.

    So were left with the other option, It let the killer control the game too and have a way to ''Kill rush'' and control the space of the game as well.

    The issue with that is that now, survivor A can be punished by the mistake of Survivor B, if let say, survivor B do a safe unhook/don't body block or take a hit to let survivor A go to safety.

    But is it relly an issue too? Survivor are a team. If one member does a good move, the whole team benefit from it, if one member does a bad move, the whole team is punished for it, that how team work.

    Right now with current DS we got stupid senario like

    Survivor A is injured and being chased, he does the very bad move by unhooking Survivor B, who has DS.

    Killer can catch up to Survivor B who did'nt have time to run far, but cant pick them up for 1 min, so killer can hook survivor A. He now have to protect a hooked person and a slugged on, while making sure to apply pressure to the 2 other survivor.

    Yes, the killer can play around that, but I don't think that healthy. No matter how you look at it, killer has two option.

    1. he let survivor B run away and don't get to profit that much of survivor A being a potatoes
    2. He enter a senario where he got 1 hook and 1 slug, but he has to waste 1 minutes cause of DS and clearly he has to sacrifice pressure or the slug or the hooked people. other wise he don't get that much from the lost minutes and he clearly can't be at 3 place at once.

    So with current DS and this situation even if survivor A did a real bad mistake, the team win 1 minutes out of that mistake. yea he got someone down but they still gained 1 minutes from it.

    you don't get to be in a team, but only get the good side of it by profiting that you all have the same objectifm but If survivor A do bad and involve Survivor B, survivor B can avoid consequence Or give his team an extra minute by just existing. At the same time, the killer is alone and can't be penalised by a teamate cause he got none, But he don't get the benefit of, let say, Having a second killer body blocking a survivor when first killer miss a M1.

    Yea I understand it suck that Survivor B is penalised by Survivor A, but that what playing in a team is. Look at sport, let say soccer. if you try to kick the soccer ball to your teamate since your cornered, but then your teamate suck and don't catch the ball, well guess, what the other team will try and get the ball and profit of your teamate mistake. The game won't just go on pause to let you get the ball back because your good but your teamate bad.

    That being said I don't think it the best way to make the game more balanced, but at this point the whole game need a rework and any bigger change than that would be a hudge shift to the game balance.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    "IMO the only way to fix survivor is to let me tunnel off hook without consequence".

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    So tell me a single reason killer should be punished for tunelling. they just doing their objectif of killing survivor are quickly as possible.

    Meanwhile survivors don't get punished for gen rushing, but I guess it fine since it survivor right?

    and before your bring out the NoED excuse.

    DS can be used by all 4 survivor and that mean if the killer try to tunnel he have to waste one minute for each, so 4 minute at all, there no way to go around it, you waste a min per ds or the survivor get a free escape for free. If the killer decide to slug, he will have to lose any kind of pressure he have in chasing and protecting gens for a whole minute

    Not only noed can be ignored you are 4 who need to spend a total of 14 sec per totems trought the game. that mean it take, at worst 1 min and 10 second provided you got no speed boost. a survivor need to spend 14 second on a totem so the team lose 1/4 of their pressure for that time.

    So let me ask this, Why is it okay for killer to be punished for slugging,but survivor being punished for gen rushing is out of the question?

    Not only DS waste a whole minute for the killer, where he lose any kind of gen and chase pressure, you also get 4 of them. and it activate automaticly when you get off hook.

    But I guess NoeD is op cause the killer get a weaker DS that only activate when survivor decide so (your the one doing the gens) and it only take 1/4 of your map pressure for 15 seconds.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I'm barely reading your comments because it's incoherent rambling, but the survivors give up slots in their inventory for one time use perks (besides BT), and if you're there and having an issue with BT you know what else is there? A second survivor for you to chase, they're perks that are supposed to change the way people play the game, it's your choice to tunnel so suffer the effects of a perk that may or may not be in play.

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    Your thinking about the wrong person too, that thread was not mine.

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    If you don't read then don't reply cause you just sound dumb and prove my point even more...

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    It doesn't matter because the people on the forums are all the same, if someone doesn't agree with the killers, and shows them playing well too, it's that the survivors were bad and that's the reason you did well, not that you could possibly be a good killer.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Your whole comment was rambling on about DS, why should I need to read it all, every comment is the same "ds too strong me not good enough 5 second wasted oh no me can't win now i get ds". I rarely get hit by DS because It's so easy to counter, the only time I'll consider ds annoying is end game, but it rarely gets to that stage because I tend to kill survivors during the initial match and not the end game.

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    Then you did'nt read my comment k thx bye, I don't talk to echo chamber.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Echo chamber? You literally started rambling on about NOED which I didn't even mention, you're just looking for reasons to argue when none were present, you made up an issue that I don't care about and tried using that and some talking point that.... i didn't even talk about.

    You're the echo chamber.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    Killer is easier to play now. I've only been playing with Legion for the past few days and have gotten mostly 4Ks. Some of those games were perkless against Red Ranks. You need to learn how to apply better pressure. I swear most killers won't be satisfied until the Devs make it so the survivors can't run... 😂

  • crixus006
    crixus006 Member Posts: 383

    Legión, Is a perfect killer, play with hunter, Demogorgon, tramper, hag, nurse. And you tell me how do u fell... Good luck man.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Wow 3 games with all rank 1 Survivors and you're not SWF. Can I have your matchmaking please? Thanks.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Survivor isn't "easy" by any means. That said, a well-played SWF group is the closest thing to unbeatable that there is.

    Of course, we can't do anything about that because a well-played killer against a group of pugs is also extremely overwhelming.

    So, eh. We've got what we've got.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932