Gen-Rushing isn't a problem, your playstyle is.

As a killer, you're the boss of the match (or meant to be), you have to figure out what type of survivors you're going to go up against, altruism freaks? blendettes? swf? the ghost survivors that you never find until end game? or the separate but together team?

Truth be told - Most SWF lobbies won't communicate for everyone to be on different gens just so you have 3 gens pop at the same time whilst you chase that one pesky survivor. You might run into it when playing against solo survivors, who have no idea of what every other survivor is doing - which in that case is unfortunate if you experience it. But monitoring generators and almost controlling which ones you'll allow to be done is part of the killer job.

If you're finding gens that are about to pop, kick the gen. If you're struggling with slugging gen progress then invest in a perk that will do it for you - or help you with it. Dedicating to a chase too much can also be an issue that you encounter, try to be mindful of how long you're chasing a survivor for - is this chase really worth it? or am i cucking myself in the long process?

If you really 'cant help' but to be gen-rushed, then push survivors onto certain gens, eliminate areas of the maps. Get the survivors to work on gens that are relatively close to each other and keep the pressure applied - you don't HAVE to down the survivor, even injuring them is a stagger.

This isn't all additional work that you don't have to do, this is literally part of what you should be doing as a killer in the game. You have the mechanical advantage, even baiting out a bad vault can entirely mess up a survivor.

You also need to understand - some killers are early game killers, others are late game, and some are all-round killers. If you're going to be playing killers that get their most value late-game, but you're angry because gens are getting done then.. what are you doing?

All these things matter - and blaming the game and survivors doing what they're supposed to - which is to do gens, then who is truly at fault? the universe or you? DBD isn't out to get you, you just have to learn to utilise what is given to you instead of crying about wanting to have your hand held and making killer even more of a brain-dead role than it already is.


  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    I would say that it's a problem. I've been playing survivor only for a few weeks now and I've always played both sides. But gen rushing is certainly a thing. And people that give ideas on how to counter it ... killers know. But sometimes things get out of your control. I've had games where all my chases are under 30 seconds each. I destroy survivors and still end up getting gen rushed down. That being said this new update needs to be out for more then 2 days before we jump to conclussion.

    But survivors win 90% of the time if there's no mori. It's just fact. I'd never go back to killer when this ######### is so free over here on the other side. I play with people that get downed instantly and we still win. Because when the killer chases me it's just GG over for him. Mori or lose.

  • RPGWolfGamer23
    RPGWolfGamer23 Member Posts: 126

    I feel the new update has really helped though, I've been playing killer quite a bit the other day and I was actually able to win most of my games as Ghostface. Granted some teams it only happened after all the gens popped, but it was still do-able. I really believe this new patch has added more balance to the game and even if survivors escape, I know that it was still a pretty close game.

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    Most games that i've played in, i play with no perks (Or one of the base killer perks - depending on the killer that i am playing that match), I've only had a handful of times where the survivor/s have escaped but most games I've played, I've gotten 4ks. None of this is a fact, as a matter of fact, when they dropped data on killer winrates 6 months ago, all maps had a 50%+ 4k winrate, again that's only 4k wins.

    I don't really know where you are getting your facts from. Gen-rushing isn't a problem, it's part of the player objective. As killer, it's your jobs to monitor generators. It's also important on what type of killers you play and whether you utilise their strengths correctly or not.

    My last game tonight was against an amazing Oni that kept the game pressure up the entire game, we only managed to get two generators done and he bodied us the entire game. On the other hand, I also had a spirit game which went terribly for the killer. She wasn't good at chases - nor was she good at monitoring generators. Me and my boyfriend decided that she definitely had NOED because there's no reason for a spirit to be this bad late-game. Unfortunately for the spirit, she hooked my boyfriend right next to a spare totem that lit up the moment that the last gen was popped - in conclusion, the moment that i cleansed her NOED, she dc'd.

    The difference between these games was the usage of the killers and the perks between the two players (Putting natural skill aside). It's very easy as a survivor to tell the confidence and skill of a killer solely based on the pressure that they apply to survivors, that can entirely stagnate games that would've otherwise been wins.

    I don't want to tell you just to 'get better', but try to analyse what you do in games, and see where you go wrong so that you can work on those areas because those areas are your weaknesses and strengths to survivors. Trust me, a survivor is going to quickly notice something like a killer that is reluctant to break pallets or such, and they will use the smallest things against you.

  • DeathBeam
    DeathBeam Member Posts: 259

    Then don't complain when killers use "scummy tactics" to counter gen rushing like using crutch perks like NOED, tunnel survivors, slug every survivor from the beginning, or just facecamp until NOED activates.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    The devs said to not make any conclusions from the data. This is why they are hesitant to show data now.

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    I'm not complaining about these tactics, this is more or less a post to hopefully make some killer players take a step back and realise that maybe - just maybe, it isn't the survivor at fault for playing their side of the game, but the killer for not properly playing theirs.

    But gen-rushing isn't a bug, it's not an exploit, it's literally part of the objective and nowhere does the game punish you for pumping out gens. It's quite ironic that face-camping deducts points though, no? lol

  • Kyari
    Kyari Member Posts: 95

    Ah yes, the rng insta ruin find spawn

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    A lot of what I post, commentate on or talk about is from my personal experience.

    Sure, maybe kicking gens isn't the most 'viable' strategy, but it's a mechanic that's always available to the killer, and if they decide to ignore it and then cry wolf when the gen is popped, then whose fault is it truly? Again, I personally don't see kicking gens being an entire solution to everyone, but it works for me and secures me my 4k games.

    Killer requires a lot, and i've acknowledged that. But in my final statement, it sometimes seems as if players want to be entitled to 4k games, or want survivors to find the game unfun. I still see people complain about the issue of gen-rushing when it's the main strategy for a survivor to even escape, whereas there are plenty of killer strategies that can go as far as to deny the survivors the ability to even play in the game, but when people complain about those, they're bombarded with reasons as to why killers can and should play that way. As demonstrated by one of the posters in this thread already. I don't want killer to be any easier, or survivor to be any harder. I think that both are in a decent spot, with tweaks being needed on both sides - but nothing more and nothing less.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    "Survivors win 90% of the time if there is no mori. Its a fact." Nope, this is barely an opinion. On average killers 4k over half the time. So there is no way that survivors have any where near that win ratio when mori's occur in under 10% of matches.

    "I was actually able to win most of my matches...", "new patch has added more balance to the game." So what you are saying is "balance' for you is killers getting a 4k the majority of the time. Because that is not what balance infers, balance would be 50/50. And the game wasn't that long before the patch. I can appreciate that some of the core mechanics were adjusted for a mildly better experience but this is not balance.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    I guess it all depends on who you're facing. I do get nights where I face 10 mori's in a single night. But if you're not getting those killers on a certain night... You'll win almost all of your games. I wish it wasn't true. I'd love to see more 4k's. But I just played for hours tonight and not sure if I lost a game. But I guess it all depends on what you mean by winning. I've never considered kills to be winning. So we all have a different view of the game. If I score 20,000 points it's a win in my book.

    That's how I've always looked at it on both sides. I played a few killer games today. I had a 2k, a 1k, and a 0k and scored over 30,000 BP's in each of them. Every survivor was death hook. The games just a little bit too fast to the point where I can never actually get my kills. But I don't tunnel or camp. I play as fair as you can get. I'm certainly rusty on killer because I haven't touched it in forever. I've only been playing again a month and that's been all survivor. I don't think I've really played a ton of killer since 2018. So if I was more practiced I probably would get more kills. But I've also felt like I play really good on killer. That's why I never have to play scummy.

    If 0 people die and I have them all on death hook. I'm happy with that. That's 100% why I preferred the old scoring system for killer. Sometimes I play great and don't get a pip. Don't know why they ever made that change to be honest.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 890

    They made the pip change because too many killers were boosted from bp count. Honestly the x bp to pip games were most fun for me. Seemed like the killer vs survivor mentality was in its early year and everyone could have some fun now I hesitate to bring streamers because when i do the survivors go into overdrive to try and deprive me of bp more often than not.

  • PokemonGOPlayer
    PokemonGOPlayer Member Posts: 179

    Killer have never been the boss in this game.

    Most SWF chill on Discord while playing and you know that, that's an impossible advantage to circumvent.

    Kicking Gens is litterally a waste of time unless you have Pop because they can just tap it, if you find a Gen that is about to be completed you just interrupted someone and finding them quicker is better than kicking it, go around looking for him and seeing it getting completed still by another Survivor.

    Late games does not exist unless you have NOED or a very nasty door setup. When the last gen is completed if more than two people are alive they will likely escape unless they're straight up stupid.

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    ''As a killer, you're the boss of the match'' I don't need to read the rest. No, your not the boss of the match. The game lenght is mostly in the hands of survivors. You can easily work on gen and slowing them down while chasing and keeping survivor on hook is hard. Kicking a gen can be denied by a survivor holding m1 for a second. the only good way to regress gens is Pop that let you regress 20 second out of gen after a hook. Other perk either slow down gen by a way to low ammount (4% slowdown aint worth when it take 80 sec doing a gen and 4 can be work at the same time) or require buildup to slowdown gens, and the requirement on these buildup mean that if you achieved a point where it usefull, you probably don't need it or did'nt need it in the first place. Add to this that the survivors got many perks that buy them more time and that they can apply pressure all around the map at once while the killer can only do it at a single place.

    That being said, let me prove my point using your post.

    ''Truth be told - Most SWF lobbies won't communicate for everyone to be on different gens just so you have 3 gens pop at the same time''

    Sometime they do, sometime they don't that not the issue here. The issue is that you clearly show it up to the SWF in this case to play bad or good. I can be the top 1 NA killer in the world It wont change the fact that if survivor want to put pressure on 4 differant gen when the game start, they will, and as killer you won't have any say on what happend to the 3 gen b4 your first hook. Clearly your put a lot of pressure at game start and wont feel like a boss since survivor are at their peak.

    ''But monitoring generators and almost controlling which ones you'll allow to be done is part of the killer job.''

    Except you can't do that in a efficient way. there 4 survivor and unless they hardcore camping a gen you defend youre wasting time. You can't both chase and protect gens at once. Chase someone and there 3 people that can finish the gens or simply do another one. Defend the gens and survivor will hope on another gens and simply come back later. Try and protect a possible 3 gens? survivor will probably do the closest gen to the one your defending and ruin your 3 gen anyway. You need people to go down fast. trying to apply to much pressure when there still 4 people mean you let them know where to apply pressure since you can only be at one place at once.

    ''You also need to understand - some killers are early game killers, others are late game, and some are all-round killers. If you're going to be playing killers that get their most value late-game, but you're angry because gens are getting done then.. what are you doing?''

    No, there is no ''early game'' killer. Killer has 2 thing going for them during early game,

    1. unless of specific case like pig or plauge, survivor wont know what killer they face till first chase, Survivor also can't build agains a specific killer because of that.
    2. Stealth killer will have a relly easy time landing first hit cause survivor still don't know they face one.

    Add to this the fact that if you face decent medium skilled survivor, first gens should be done around the same time as your hook and in the worst situation, another gen should be at the minimal 35% done. if this aint the case, it not killer being good at gen defending early game, it just survivors wasting time and not working on gens.

    Unless the survivor are extremly trash and suicide on you, you ususualy wont 3-4k any survivors before 3 gens are left, and most game where the killer can 3-4k there only 1 gen left or the door has opend. There no magic formula involving this in killer or survivor skill, the game simply designed in a way where survivor power depend on how many are alive, while the killer overall power depend on how many survivor are left. And I know it hard to folow me on this one, but usualy at the start of the game, survivor are alive and due to the simple fact it take 80 second doing a gen and it take 120 second for someone to die on a hook, survivors need to relly try if they want one of them to die before a single gen in done. There no early game killer cause the dev know the early game wont last long and your killer would not have any impact after first hook and second chase, provided survivor are not trowing the game by doing stupid stuff.

    That being said there 3 type of killer, Late game killer, usually set up killer like hag and trapper. Late mid game killer, Usually killer that has a power that require build up, think Myer,plague and arguably doctor. finally there early mid game killer. any killer that don't require set up or build up go there doctor could also go here, These killer can also jump into other category with certain builds, but wont ever be strong as late game killer using the same build.

    ''All these things matter - and blaming the game and survivors doing what they're supposed to - which is to do gens, then who is truly at fault?''

    This is a decent straw man argument that work in both way. If you accept this as an excuse for gen rushing then you also need to accept the fact that:

    Killer are suposed to do their objectif, killing, therefore, tunelling should'nt have that many direct counter and should be considered the to-go tactic. Camping should also be a good thing since survivor will die fast if they are ultra altruistic

    But what happend if you pull out these tactics and survivor don't have protection/second chance perk? They complain that it aint fun.

    Guess what, it aint fun either to get gen rush. the differance is killer don't have as much powerfull tool as survivor does. and there no arguing on that. DS is stronger than Pop, the go to meta gen regress perk for any non set-up killer. let me show you how DS would look like if it was balanced like killer perk

    ''once per game, if the killer pick you 60 second after you have been unhooked, you can hit a skill check to fill up to 70%''

    See what I mean by this example, Killer perk rarely garantee something while survivor perk like ds is simply a 1 minute immunity tool that also work as an anti tunnel, so it an full minute of you being allowed to do bad play and force the killer to play around this. Same goes for Bt, but that last way less time and safer. If you are under effect of BT and have DS, you could do the stupid play of body blocking for the unhooker when the killer was going for them, if the killer play his card right, yea he can slug the DS user, but it still will be a whole minute wasted at minimum for the killer, unless he take the risk to slug you and try to find another survivor. and even then, you can be pick up or pick up yourself, so, at worst, you will traded 1 hook for a whole minute doing a garbadge tier kind of play.

    Now imagine if Killer had a perk that did the same thing as DS, aka stopping survivor for doing their objective in a efficient way

    ''If a survivors bring a gens to 100% whitout stoping midway and completing another gen, the entitiy block this generator for 5 second and regress it to 50%, this only work once per survivor.''

    Now you see every killer running this op perk so you come to the forum and then killer main say

    ''There nothing wrong with this perks, why do you try to complete generators fast? just work on other gen lmao there way to play around it, just don't gen rush !''

    And they would'nt be wrong, there way around it, you can avoid gen rushing, but would it relly feel fun to know you can't do your objective in the fastest and most logical way whitout getting hard countered by the killer virtualy doing nothing? I don't think so....

    That being said, I don't want to convinct you on the ''killer vs survivor balance-ish part'' I don't say everything I wrote are an issue, All I want to prove to you is that No, killer aren't the ''boss'' of the game. Survivor are the one who control the timer. the game lenght is all tied to the Survivor objectif so there no saying on that. Killer only become the ''boss/power role'' once 2 or more survivor are dead. and by that point survivor aren't enought to control the timer. on the other hand, if you are at 2km you don't need any kind of power since well, either survivor are escaping and you got your second kill on a late endgame hook OR your in a point where survivor got no chances of winning and you basicly got a garanteed 3k, possibly 4k depending on play around hatch.

    Im not saying that it wrong if survivor are the boss role, even too I think this is what create the problem in this game balance. What im saying is that you probably did'nt play both role enought to see who control the game and when they does.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    That's the longest git gud speech I've ever heard. Anyone that's played killer knows everything you said and it still doesn't help. What happens when you kick the gens and have slowdown perks yet still get rushed? What happens when you have 4 godlike loopers? What happens when you have a 3 gen and the survivors take off at the first sound of your terror radius? And what happens when you get survivors like this 75% of the time?

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    this is so stupid,yeah kick the gen every is already left to another gen and you probably will struggle to find a chase and know where everyone else is,if you think genrushing is not a problem you clearly dont play killer enough

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    Killers maybe weren’t the boss in the beginning - when a lot of things were broken and exploitable by survivors - for the biggest part, these exploits are now gone. The game is currently in it’s healthiest state in terms of balance between killer and survivor.

    A killer is the boss in the match, mechanical advantage, killer priority, permanent speed boost, etc. These are just the simple things that killers get over survivors.

    SWF is counter-able, and I hate this argument. Solo Queue should’ve ALWAYS had a communication option because this is a team game, and most times solos can’t work as a team because they literally have no idea what everyone else is doing. SWF is not an “advantage” but a standard and people queuing solo set themselves up to be at a big disadvantage. You can’t play a team game when you can’t communicate with the team.

    If you find kicking gens a waste, put on ruin. Find that ruin gets destroyed? Play spirit with TOTH, HG and Ruin. There are ways to make gen rushing a hard time. I play both sides, and I often run into killers that effectively apply pressure or monitor gens enough to make progress near impossible. If you enter the game with an attitude of, “everything I can do is a waste of time because X, Z, Y.” Then yeah, you’re gonna get gen rushed because instead of taking control, you’re allowing yourself to get cucked over by survivors and by that point, that is no one’s fault but yours.

    late game does not exist? Are you joking? Lol you sure you know what you’re talking about?

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    I play Killer and against killers to understand and differentiate from good killers to bad killers. If you’re gonna play the game with the attitude that your options are a waste of time then don’t expect to get kills, simple. Killer controls gen progression, killer controls how long a game lasts.

    ive had games last 20 to even 30 minutes because of good killers that stagnate gen progress enough to make it last that long. If you’re not willing to actually stop people working on generators then stop crying that survivors are doing their objective?

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    you definetly play the game wrong if your match lasts 20-30 minutes lol

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    If the survivors outplay everything you have in terms of perk and mechanical skill then you’ve simply been outplayed by better skilled players? You’re not entitled to winning every match, like what else do you want me to say? If you’ve done everything that you possibly can, end up with a 30k game but they escaped, then you’ve truly tried everything, and were matched up with survivors that were just better than you were. Accept the loss and move on?

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    'Tunneling isn't a problem, your lack of loop knowledge is.'

  • PokemonGOPlayer
    PokemonGOPlayer Member Posts: 179

    Killer is still not the boss, the numerical advantage is way more important than anything you said and for that reason Killer will never be bosses untill they truly cripple Survivors which would be a terrible change, I agree the game is in the healthiest spot it has ever been but I think even still it is Survivor sided, as a Solo Survivor your only true obstacle is your own team unless the Killer is running a Mori or is playing well on one of the four viable Killers.

    I like how you say SWF is counter-able but don't say how because of how bullshit this argument is. The "Killer is the boss" thing made me think you were baiting and now I'm near sure you are. If SWF on voice chat w/ meta builds should be the normal and expected state of the game (meaning they should balance around that) I guess I should reinstall Civ. You are saying to me that I should always play sweaty and that playing average is not enough againt people that clicked four times on perks and bought a microphone.

    Ruin is a trash perk as it's not consistent, just because many people stopped respecting totems it doesn't mean Ruin is not very good, in my opinion the only Gen regressing perk that is worth considering is Pop and any build w/o it is bad unless it's a very specific gimmick that somehow works.

    Late game does not exist unless you have NOED or you are very good at Trapper I guess, the game is over when the 5th Gen is completed, you can't force 3Gens and any non-3Gen setup is near impossible to defend against smart Survivors. Most matches are won or lost before "late game" starts, there a no comeback mechanisms in this game beside NOED.

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    The game length is NEVER in the hands of the survivors. Survivors cannot sit on a gen unbothered by the presence of the killer - or being untouched by an incoming killer. The killer fully decides the duration of a match, and that falls entirely on the pressure that they apply on the survivors. For the killer, the game isn’t over until the last survivor dies or escapes - the survivor has one life. If you’re a terrible killer - or one that is being matched up with survivors that are miles better than you are, then yeah, you will be outplayed and that’s to be expected. But if you are being paired with people on the same skill level, then a killer can make finishing one gen living hell.

    I’m not really going to read the rest of your post, I feel like most of it is the same repeated garbage but re-iterated in an attempt to change my mind. But you literally can’t change facts. You want to take the argument of a top killer.. go watch some killer mains on twitch or YouTube, how they can go on a killer streak of 20, 50, 100, with ease. But achieving 10 consecutive escapes as survivor is deemed as an accomplishment.

    im going to only repeat this once more, SWF is not an advantage - it is the standard. The game should’ve ALWAYS come with the feature to communicate because it is a TEAM game. In this game, you can EASILY screw over your team through having that lack of communication.

    for example, I was playing with two friends earlier, and obviously 1 random in the lobby. Right in the beginning, the random ran into the killer and then proceeded to lead the killer to where I was - working on a gen - and this proceeded to get me hooked after a chase where I was forced onto struggle by a lack of willingness from my team to come and rescue me. Keeping in mind that one friend was being chased, one was working on a gen across the map and the random was crouching around refusing to come unhook me - despite me having kindred so the player could see that no one was coming to get the unhook and that my friend was being chased whilst I was hanging.

    when you’re playing against a communicative team, you’re actually playing against a team - because they can try to outplay and if you happened to get outplayed - then oh well, you’re not entitled to 4k matches, sorry to break it to you.

    ive played against amazing killers that easily kept the pressure up and prevented gens from being done. I’ve mentioned to another poster of an Oni game that I had. We only managed to get two gens done before the Oni hooked everyone and it was GG. These players aren’t top 1% of the player base either, so your pisspoor comparison is a waste of your time and my time.

    In conclusion, you’re not entitled to 4k games, and if you’re going to refuse to adapt and learn from you games then don’t expect survivors to go easy on you when they spot your weaknesses and exploit them.

  • Feiten
    Feiten Member Posts: 204

    Kick a Gen?? Really?? You mean I have to dedicate a whole animation which I'm forced to face the ground and l forgo any chase that was currently their... when the survivor can just run by and fist bump itback to working condition. Seems legit.

    I only kick if I have a perk for it and even then I have to manage it. Survivors cry about NOED but then complain when I slug on killers I shouldnt have obsession on but now its a guessing game of DS.

    No its not the survivors fault. Its the devs fault for giving survivors far too many great tools to accomplish an easy task. Gen rush is a thing. If you ignore that then I don't think you play killer often.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    Tunneling isn’t a real problem, the survivors playstyle is.

    Going down a path like this and blaming the other side for things they hardly have any control over is dangerous.

    As a killer you don’t get to choose whether or not survivors sit on gens. If it’s all they do, then there’s nothing you can do especially since it’s a 4v1. You chase one guy and 3 others will be free to do anything they like. Completing a gen is only 80 seconds of holding m1 and that time is reduced with perks, multiple people on gens and toolboxes. Even if you break the chase at like 30 seconds, or end a chase in 30 seconds which is pretty average for survivor, by the time you get to the gens that are being worked on they’re most likely halfway done. That’s if those people sit on separate gens tho, but that’s what the term “gen rushing” pretty much refers to.

    That said, all the things you pointed out could be potential factors of why people get gen rushed (except for kicking gens, like you waste so many time running around and kicking gens but you don’t have any pressure at that time). But just because there are factors that could lead to being gens rushed, it doesn’t rule out the fact there actually could be a problem.

    Tbf it really is just doing your objective efficiently... but couldn’t you say tunneling is doing the killers objective efficiently? Killing the survivors is their objective in the end.

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    An animation that doesn’t last long enough for scratch marks to disappear. Please don’t tell me you’re this incompetent?

    if you feel like you are being gen rushed, play end game killers that benefit having gens done and pressure survivors into a 3 gen situation. Like what else do you want from the game? Do whatever you want to try to secure your game. But stop trying to make it seem like you’re a helpless victim of the universe trying to hurt you in any way possible? What the hell, talk of cry babies lol

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    Killer is still the boss, the killer decides how the game is ran. If they want to slug, they will, if they want to face camp, they will, if they want to tunnel then they will.

    the killer can decide how the match runs - yes, survivors can work against the intentions of the killer but that’s the point? To try to escape?

    i can’t TELL you how to counter something because it depends on what you are best at, what the survivors are good at and a lot more situational factors. Best way to counter is to apply pressure by making sure to have a hooked survivor and as many injured survivors as possible - notice which gens the survivors are going to and etc.

    im a rank 1 survivor, and a rank 5 killer - though I play killer less as i find the game to be too repetitive as killer - because I dictate the match.

    also, if you want to use numbers and stats, then actually, yes, the killers are the boss in their match because all maps (based on statistics) had over 50% of a 4k kill rate, meaning that in every 2 matches, one is a 4k whilst the other one can range from a 3k to 0k.

    I don’t understand why you’re acting entitled and trying to fish an answer from me on how to sort all the problems you face as a killer against survivors? There is no answer, you do trial and error until you find the best play style for yourself? Lol

  • PokemonGOPlayer
    PokemonGOPlayer Member Posts: 179

    I can't believe you brought up that statistics, they treat this game like a soccer match.

    Honestly, you're right. After that "the game is balanced but I can't explain why because it depends :)" tells me I should not try to talk with you as I won't learn anything new.

    Your explaination for your Killer rank is hilarious though, I have to give you that, thanks for the brief conversation and the laughs.

  • MeeSush
    MeeSush Member Posts: 37

    what is gen rushing ? i killed 99 team out of 100 (1 escaped yeah but we all deranked), i played doctor for 100 games for a week. the averaeg gens that were done was i think 2-3 gens. oh yeah i have 3k hours rank 1. so that matters as well. so i can't talk for average killer. my escape rate as rank 1 sur is 25% as a team its 80%.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Accept the loss and move on sounds like a great plan, but again, if 75% of the people you play are strong, what can you do? Deranking gets you nowhere because the matchmaking, can't select your region, so you're screwed. Both sides play perfect without keys or moris and survivor wins 100% of the time. Play style means nothing.

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    '' Survivors cannot sit on a gen unbothered by the presence of the killer'' yea, you can. killer can't be at 4 differant gens at once, if the killer is in a chase your free to sit and hold m1. as long as all four survivor are alive,unless they make a bad play, they will alway have 1 person siting on a gen. if someone aint on a gen at any point of the game were 4 people are alive, someone did something wrong, it not the killer having amazing pressure. you need to realise for having NO ONE siting on gens, you need to have, as bare minimum, 2 people on hook, 1 being chased and on person going for the save. in a realistic senario, the worst that should happen in term of pressure while 4 man are still alive is 1 person on hook, 1 being chased and one healing/going for a save. Killer can't put more pressure than that on a 4 man unless you let them does. If you decide it take 2 people so sadely rescue someone it not the killer putting pressure, it 1 survivor being where he should"nt.

    ''SWF is not an advantage - it is the standard. The game should’ve ALWAYS come with the feature to communicate because it is a TEAM game.''

    ok so first, saying SWF is not an advantage and that it standard is like saying ''3 iridecent Hatchet huntress that use a cross air and bring a pink mori is standard.'' you will sound dumb and no one gonna ever believe it.

    I agree that it a team game, you know what I don't agree with? second chance perk that negate your team mistake. Let me give you a fast senario.

    survivor A has DS, Survivor B has BT. Killer hook survivor A. Killer see/hear survivor B nearby and chase them. Killer get a hit on survivor B. Due to the speedboost you have when you get hit, survivor B decide he use that to commit into a stupid unsafe un-hook and killer hit him right after survivor a is unhooked.

    Now what happend is a situation where Survivor B wilingly made Survivor A in danger, Survivor A aint far enought from killer an will probably get hit and put down. BUT now even to survivor B did the worst play he could and put himself and survivor a in danger. Survivor A get 16 second BT immunity on top of DS 1 minute immunity.

    In the end, if the killer want to commit on that mistake, he will lose 1 minute minimum. You find that fair and how a team should work?

    A team strenght and weakness should be their teamwork. One survivor do a good play, the whole team benefit for it, do a bad play and the whole team suffer from it.

    Survivor currently have best of both world, they profit of their team good play, but have perk to negate teamate mistake or to slow down the momentum killer gain from said mistake. In the exemple I did, Survivor B did a bad play, he made Survivor A extremly vulnerable and he himself got down. Survivor A don't deserver any kind of immunit from BT or DS, Your teamate did a mistake that happend to be bad for the team and for survivor A specificaly. It suck for Survivor A but that how team work.

    Survivor base kit are weaker then killer, but they are a team of four, they work on that advantage, their team. if they use that badly, to bad.

    Killer is alone but got a power and he can walk faster. if he dosen't use his power and speed advantage correctly, he will suffer from it, there no one to help him there.

    If you want survivor to have a team, but not suffer from eachother mistake, you should also be in favor of the killer being strong, but being able to waste a perk slot to bring a friend cause ''it suck to be alone''. But we both can agree that stupid am I right?

  • Feiten
    Feiten Member Posts: 204

    Incompetent lol coming from someone who thinks SWF is not an advantage at all.. Let alone a majority of this forum disagrees with you. Hell even the que times prove you wrong....

    You wanna sit here with your big boy undies and tell everyone to "git gud" in your own terms but deny that survivors are broken. That's just being blind.

    You're pretty much also telling people to use certain killers and in a game where you cannot see perks or builds before the match you are pretty much saying " half the killers suck,pick one thats s tier " so right off the bat if a killer has a set i like and I wanna get good with is gimped I'm #########, so we shouldn't complain.

    Meanwhile you have survivors complaining about our scummy tactics daily but devs still choose to attempt to balance out survivors.

    Yes OP. No matter what you say killers are at a disadvantage. You can sit and preach all day about skilled killers but it doesn't change the fact that we are at a handicap.

  • Feiten
    Feiten Member Posts: 204

    Incompetent lol coming from someone who thinks SWF is not an advantage at all.. Let alone a majority of this forum disagrees with you. Hell even the que times prove you wrong....

    You wanna sit here with your big boy undies and tell everyone to "git gud" in your own terms but deny that survivors are broken. That's just being blind.

    You're pretty much also telling people to use certain killers and in a game where you cannot see perks or builds before the match you are pretty much saying " half the killers suck,pick one thats s tier " so right off the bat if a killer has a set i like and I wanna get good with is gimped I'm #########, so we shouldn't complain.

    Meanwhile you have survivors complaining about our scummy tactics daily but devs still choose to attempt to balance out survivors.

    Yes OP. No matter what you say killers are at a disadvantage. You can sit and preach all day about skilled killers but it doesn't change the fact that we are at a handicap.