noed is fine your just to lazy to do bones

GHOSTfaceP3 Member Posts: 1,364

This perk is so easy to counter all you need to do is go look for totems...there’s even perks to help you find them DONT BE LAZY just do totems lol also for those saying “it rewards camping” well it’s a legit strategy.. since you wanna talk about second chance perks what about all the survivors? The synergy between them all is insane but you don’t care about that you only care about noed because “it’s so hard to counter” don’t be a hypocrite if your calling for the nerf for noed then all call for the nerf of stacking second chance perks and ds locker tech or ds at the exit gate you can’t do anything as killer in that situation no counter ..unlike noed that has a counter


  • Thatsmartguy
    Thatsmartguy Member Posts: 188

    U my friend is gonna get all the survivor mains heated lol. I'm not a survior main I'm on the same boat as you but you Finna hear "don't tunnel is the counter to ds" "y should ds not activate at the exit gate just don't tunnel" "your the killer u don't need second chance perks if the the doors are activated u should have applied more pressure to gens" so on and so forth. I'm also positive somebody gonna bring up ozt/otz (######### it is) stream of him camping with leatherface with noed and say how OP it is so good bud lol

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    survivors dont care if something is fine or not,they'll complain no matter what ignoring logic

  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    otz kills rank 1s with no perks or add ons that dudes kills it no matter whats happening

  • Thatsmartguy
    Thatsmartguy Member Posts: 188

    Honestly tho my question is y prove a point about camping when u pick LEATHERFACE the best camping killer I didn't watch all of it so I don't know if he did it with other killers but I don't think him picking leatherface was a good point about camping with noed.

  • Rin_is_my_waifu
    Rin_is_my_waifu Member Posts: 963
    edited May 2020

    But but I need to genrush, ignoring my secondary objective...

    ...and then face the consequences

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    You're* lazy as well.

  • Maievh
    Maievh Member Posts: 62

    Noed is one of the best designed 'exposed' effects in the game imo. I can see why some hate it tho, it gets old pretty quick when noed pops game after game and you average 3-4 totems by yourself.

    Maybe people would be more willing to take the extra points for cleansing if it was under the survival category instead of bold. Most survivors get their bold from one of the funnier parts of a match, running/stunning/blinding the killer or saboing hooks. You know, the engaging pvp stuff.

    But probably not.

  • GHOSTfaceP3
    GHOSTfaceP3 Member Posts: 1,364
  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014
    edited May 2020

    "Camping is a legit strategy! BUT IF YOU DARE JUMP IN A LOCKER TO FORCE DS THEN YOU ARE A DIRTY ROTTEN CHEATER! NO FAIR!" said the Camper.

  • Maievh
    Maievh Member Posts: 62

    Thats a weird way to give a compliment. Meg is best girl, it is known.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669

    People like you complain endlessly about DS....”I wasn’t tunneling!!!” This isn’t fair!!” Well guess what, it’s also not fair for a survivor to be hit with NOED when they are forced to rush gens because of camping. Same damn thing. So if this is your stance quit crying about DS, it’s totally fair...take your stun or play smarter.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    And again we just ignore everything said thousand times before. Pretty good job so far, dude.

  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    Well personally I don't think NOED is a bad perk in of itself, but the "do bones" argument I disagree with, especially coming from a solo survivor standpoint. I SHOULD NOT have to run perks to do a secondary objective like small game or detective's hunch. Just like how I don't think I should have to run Iron Will just to even have the hope of countering spirit, perks shouldn't be a PRIORITY to be able to do something.

    Then there's people constantly asking for totems to be hidden much better, do you expect us to run around for 3 minutes trying to find a really well hidden totem? I don't believe that the "do bones" argument and the "hide totems better" statement go together. It's one or the other, not both.

    The only thing that would help with this is a totem number counter, or perhaps a sound queue to survivors whenever a totem is cleansed to help solo survivors.

    I already know someone's going to reply that killers always have to use perks to slowdown gens or they genrushed to hell, and I don't believe that should be a thing either.

    Also know that I'm not a survivor main in any way, hell I probably play killer more than survivor. Never use NOED, never camp (unless endgame), hardly tunnel unless I really need to eliminate someone for pressure. I just like to play fair and I still consistently 4k, and I don't believe I'm suler good by any means. Just your average 50/50 surivor/killer.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    I've legitimately never found all five totems on Hawkins without a map and I'm a Survivor that runs Inner Strength in pretty much every build

  • Rin_is_my_waifu
    Rin_is_my_waifu Member Posts: 963
    edited May 2020

    How do your remember that if you joined the forums today?

    Not only did you create a new account, you also attack people who disagree with you. And you're talking about double standards 😂

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,502

    And if the killers camping and you have to genrush you get punished for punishing the killer.

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    I'm a killer main that despises noed and think it rewards bad play. But rather than discuss that for the 23849723894792834th you really think they don't do totems because they are lazy? like they just don't have the energy to hold a button for a couple of seconds? That is alarming if that is the case lol.

  • shane32
    shane32 Member Posts: 383

    Noed is the easiest thing to counter. every time i run it its gone after one down. So i stopped using it cause its kinda useless most of the time.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Camping has a counter: go do gens instead of staring at the hook like wannabe Myers

    Locker DS has literally no counter, you can't even slug them. (And no, eating the DS is NOT a counter. That's like telling somebody to let GF down them since it clears the exposed timer)

    If you actually think Pig is OP, you're an idiot. the stats have shown that the VAST majority of survivors get their trap off on the first or second box, and Pig is functionally an M1 Killer since her dash is nearly useless. And hardly any Pig mains use PGTW because she doesn't have the mobility to capitalize on it. Any gen that would be worth using Pop on would be finished by the time she crosses the map to reach it

  • qquestion
    qquestion Member Posts: 86

    I don’t play killer but it really is easy to avoid. I know I avoid it the majority of my games. Bones is my thing to do.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    If "Just do gens!" is a counter to camping, then "Just go find another survivor' is a counter to the locker tech. Boom. Solved it for you. You can thank me later.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669

    But I wasn’t tunneling! Why should I get hit with an anti tunneling perk?! That’s not fair at all. So what if you are hit with an “anti-genrush” perk even though you were forced to genrush because the killer is camping a survivor to death....its completely fair. Only I, the killer, should be allowed to complain about such things.

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    Did you ever played survivor?

    Think not. because if you did you should know that you and your survivor team isn't always able to do all dull totems in order to prevent noed. Not every team is strong enough to do an additional objectives and gens. Some teams doesn't even have enough time to do even one dull because otherwise the killer just had enough time to kill all.

    I agree that if the team is strong and/or the killer isn't performing very well that cleansing dull is like a must. Sometimes it's enough cleansing only 2 or 4 because if you do just one more dull you won't be able to power the last gen.

    And that's the reason why your argument doesn't make any sense. Saying "just cleanse" isn't a viable option in any case. In some yea but not in any. Also I don't know how I feel about equipping a perk just to never have it at all. Especially if I run into a very good team. They do gens, totems and when I think "I still can do some kills with noed" it doesn't even activate. That sucks.

    And cleansing an active noed isn't always a viable option too. For examble: Killer hooks someone right next to it and patrols, You're not a full team anymore and the killer builds an heavy amount of pressure up where you're forced to safe or leave but doing the hex would result in a death for your and/or your hooked teammate.

    And I think that isn't the point why people want noed to get changed. It's because the kilelr gets rewarded for getting dicked on. I get that you as the killer take any option you can in situations like this. I am pretty aware why killer pick this perk. They think if they get dicked on by a team they still have noed and hopefully they can get some downs or kills.

    but what I dont get is: Why can't we change noed into a fair and fun perk for both sides without decreasing its strenght at all? Could it be an option to make the strenght of noed based on how many totems are left? Or make it a non hex?

    I never see some effort from the community or sidens the devs/mods to bring up some cool change ideas.

    I would like to see noed speeding up any actions. Movementspeed, cooldown on hits, fast vaults, grabs, drops, pallet breaks. Maybe aura reading. Make the strenght of noed based on hooks. Every first hook equals one tier. Idk just make it fair and strong at the same time. And I would like to see that survivors can't deny you a whole killer perk before you were able to use it at all. I dont like that at all.

  • Kakateve
    Kakateve Member Posts: 287

    Facts. But wait for the butthurt survivor main wagon thying to convince how wrong you are.