Keys are unhealthy for the game

What's the point of setting up a 3 gen and patrolling it if after a single kill everyone else can escape via hatch. If hatch spawns on the other side of the map you have no way to guard it and keep the 3 gen. With the state of the game, 3 gen builds are the only way for some killers to be even remotely usable. Yet this item completely ######### them. Not to mention that it can come out of nowhere if survivors find one in a chest. Whats the counter play to that? Run frankilns every game in case they get a key from a chest? Keys are a stupid item that just aren't fun to go against and punish killers for doing what they are suppose to do. They should be removed or completely reworked
Keys are rare in matches. Get over it.
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Legit dog ######### contribution. Nothing ever needs to be changed or discussed people just need to get over it.
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Moris and keys both need to be deleted imo
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I think it'd be fun if there were locked chests containing rare items (maybe with addons?) scattered around the map that you could only unlock with a key, but i agree that as they are currently keys aren't great to play against. I'd love a rework.
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No, it's an honest contribution. Killer iridescents are much more common than keys in any match. This is one you truly need to get over.
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More healthy than a mori. Keys also require more work for multiple survivors to benefit from it. Get over it.
This idea that you have "worked hard" for a 3 gen is silly. There are only 2 options as far as I am concerned:
You've failed to protect the other 4 gens and you've got lucky that the survivors ######### up and gave you the last 3 near one another. Survivors who are paying attention won't get in to a 3 gen situation so you haven't really worked for it, you've been handed it.
You hovered around 3 gens all game desperate for a 3 gen then cry when it backfires on you. Again, very little work.
So which is it?
The second option is so boring to play against and I imagine tedious to "create" too. I prefer to just chase and kill. That might be because I'm OK with understanding I'm playing a game and not playing for my life though.
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Oh well you'll hate mobile. At least 1 key every game. I think that keys should have a rework so that they only apply to one person. You use the key on the hatch and it closes behind you. That will make it a little more balanced. OR you have to complete 1/2 gens for the key to be able to be used. So the survivor can't just chill out while everyone sweats on gens
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You clearly don't play killer. Also 1. If the survivors ######### up and 3 gen themselves, a key is another second chance mechanic for survivors. 2. Low tier killers don't have many options besides try to set up a 3 gen or bring NOED. The devs have said that as a killer expect generators to get done. Is the alternative just to chase brainlessy like a bot and have 5 minute games? 3 gens is a solid strategy and far from boring. Get over it.
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I think it would be neat if there were unique and exclusive items that you could only get from locked chests and not blood webs
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"B-b-but what about Irridesent add ons?!" we are talking about keys, try and focus.
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I just hate that 1 key = 3 escapes. Imagine if 4 keys = 12 escapes lol
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I would ideally want them to both be reworked. Mostly because i think Moris should have alternative animations that could be available to buy. It would be dumb just to have them tied to rancor and devour. But as of right now Ebony and even Ivory moris are pretty dumb
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So keys are unhealthy, what are your thoughts on, Mori, No Ones Even Dead yet, iri heads, etc..etc.
I'm with @toxicnancymain, get rid of them both.
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Ivory and Ebony mori are stupid and unbalanced. Cyprus mori should be built in to killers maybe. Rancor and Devour are fine.
NOED is more of a reflection on the current state of the game. Gens fly and NOED punishes that. Survivors could just do bones which would slow the game down. In the games current state there should be a totem tracker for survivors but some maps need way better totem spawns. Ideally game speed overall would be addressed and NOED wouldn't have to be looked at but as of right now it is a problem.
Iri head is stupid combined with Infantry belt. Without it i think it's fine. It should have a restriction that it sets hatchets to 1 and cannot be changed. If not that the add on should be reworked .
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NOED has nothing to do with generator activates if the survivors make a mistake or if the killer is able to apply good pressure using only 3 perks.
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the fact that games go so fast makes NOED a good option. If the game was slower and you had more time to deal with survivors you wouldn't need NOED. So yes it does
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Keys only applying to one person would not work. If this concept was applied the same as moris, I would agree. Green key (which currently opens nothing) allows 1 escape, purple key 2, irridescent 3, since who needs the hatch for all 4? That's silly, since at that rate all the gens are done anyway.
And I dont play DBD mobile, you're correct. I play PC, which key escapes are extremely rare in comparison to moris or other irridescent killer addons.
I have never seen a survivor "chill out" and wait for everyone else to do gens to use a key. This mentality would be extremely stupid and risky, since the more people alive, the more gens have to be done and you would get absolutely no points for this. I dont believe this is remotely a thing.
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Game speed doesn't affect NOED. If survivors had more hook states and more gens to do, NOED wouldn't be weaker.
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Yeah, it's super convenient to argue how unfair something is without taking into account the numerous comparable advantages you already have. 🙄
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That is fair enough, I agree with most of what you said.
I'll just never be a fan of nor view NOED as anymore then a crutch perk.
Had a game today against a really good Doc. He was winning chases, constantly hooking, shocking perfectly, so someone always seemed to be on a hook, in a chase, snapping out of it, going for saves and still trying to get gens done.
Realistically, there was now time to do totems. After rando dies on third hook, all of them in basement, like I wouldn't believe that was possible, learn to run from basement. We get final genny done.
I go for save, other person goes to get door, and bam I get hit with noed.Just thought, there was no time to get it.
At least he deserved the kills, he kept massive pressure on us all game.
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1 - if you only have 1 kill after 4 gens have been done then they are probably all going to escape anyway.
2 - keys are rarely used
3 - I get more mori’s in my bloodwebs than keys. I’ve been getting an ebony or ivory in every second bloodweb. Also you don’t find keys in chests that often unless you have plunderers.
4 - it’s unfair after working hard for a 3 gen scenario? Well it’s unfair when killers camp and tunnel for the mori after Just 1 Hook.
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1 - All of the generators are supposed to be completed most of the time, how else will 2 survivors escape?
2 - Keys can be found in chests and can be saved if you survive
3 - Moris also need a nerf, and are a separate topic entirely
4 - See point 3
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As much as I don't like keys they are fine just like moris are fine. Run Franklins and a Mori.
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Yeah it is unfair when you get tunneled for a mori, whats your point? And you can find keys in chests, you know when the killer has a mori not always when the survivors have a key
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I run plunderers instinct and find plenty of rainbow maps and keys :)
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Both mori's and keys need a rework. I think mori's should just be given to killer's when only one survivor is left instead of a blood web item. Keys....I honestly have no idea's.
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You’re so wrong 😂 It’s an easy out just like ebony Mori’s are. Keys aren’t even as common as Mori’s though. How many people have to bring in a key to even use them? Just one, but even then it depends if all 4 are communicating. Tunnel the guy with the key and hope nobody else knows about it. Mori’s are unfair too man. You’re being one sided here with the issues here. Complete bs You won’t acknowledge this 😡😡😡😡 I find my experience playing killer I have about 20 something ebony Mori’s. WHY DO I HAVE THAT MANY? How is that even “ultra rare” 😡😡😡😡😡😡
i actually see Mori’s more than keys
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This! 100%.
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my point is that it’s 2 sided. All these killers complaining about keys being what you call an “unfair” advantage When they also have what you could call an “unfair” advantage. Mori’s which are way more common.
finding a key in a chest isn’t that common anyway unless you have plunderers. If there is a key in the game it’s usually because someone brought it in. Don’t want to play with a key then lobby dodge. Don’t keep playing with keys then keep on complaining about it.
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1 - yes so what’s your point? I’m not even sure what your comment is in response to. The OP was complaining that 3 people escape out hatch when there’s 1 gen left and I was merely pointing out that if you’ve only killed one person with 1 gen left then even if they didn’t have a key they would likely escape anyway so what’s the problem?
2 - again, I know this so what’s your point? It’s not common to find a key unless you have plunderers. So why is this an issue.
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Well I am a rank 1 killer actually.... I didn't bother with the rest of your post as the start was bollocks.
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So you think setting up a 3 gen on one side of the map, never committing to chases, and holding the game hostage is healthy for the game? You just gave a good reason for keys to forever exists.
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Imagine thinking just because an add on is pink that it is good. You should run Iri family crest in a match and let's see your tune then.
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No it's pretty unhealthy but on people like clown that's your best bet
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Keys and moris need a rework, they won't just delete them from the game as they're to popular (not like moon offerings back in the day).
Meanwhile just don't bring in a key (or do stupid "ready up/quick switch mindgames") in the first place if you're in high rank. This will most likely put the killer under pressure to react with a mori. You might be suprised how few killers even bring in a mori by themselves if everybody just hit ready without a key or 4 toolboxes. Because used moris actually hurting the killer pip-wise. And unlike survivors with keys, they can't pick up a mori from a chest.
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Mori & Key should not be removed. Its fun to have surprise sometimes. But those are not fun at current stat. I wish to nerf Mori & Key so it will not put a big impact in a game.
As for me:
- Keys take 7sec to open the hatch (so you dont just sit on hatch, wait until Killer come close then just instantly escape)
- Hatch close right after a Survivor escape, trigger EGC (you can image other Survivors will piss off so hard when see another Survivor bring in a key)
- Buff Yellow Mori, allows you to kill 1 Survivor in EGC (no hook required)
- Green Mori allows you to kill 1 Survivor after the Gate is powered (no hook required)
- Pink Mori change to Purple, allows you to kill 1 Survivor if 4 Gen are done. (no hook required)
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Honestly I find that keys are much less OP than a mori. If I see a survivor with a key I can just tunnel them until they die. If theres a mori theres no way to play around it. Yeah it's a cheap way to win but it is what it is. Lol
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I like green keys ☺
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This is the exact same defense killers give about mori. Yet Mori will usually wipe ALL survivors, a key will usually only save one MAYBE two survivors.
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They are meant to be OP. That’s why they are considered “Ultra Rare”.
If anything I wouldn’t mind if the purple one got changed.
I can’t say that anytime a key has been brought the survivors have won.
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So you want to buff Moris, nerf keys whilst also making survivors feel pitted against eachother if one DARES to bring a key?
because there’s no clear bias in that - not at all
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Keys only the key user can escape, reduce the chance of a key in a chest except for EGC, where it’s raised as it’s more dramatic and fits the situation. Mori requires all 4 survivors being hooked before anyone can be moried. Easy.
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- Buff Yellow Mori, allows you to kill 1 Survivor in EGC (no hook required)
- Green Mori allows you to kill 1 Survivor after the Gate is powered (no hook required)
- Pink Mori change to Purple, allows you to kill 1 Survivor if 4 Gen are done. (no hook required)
All you see in Mori section the BUFF word isnt it? Yellow Mori is pointless, only being used for daily rituals.
Green Mori from killing a survivor that hooked once -> kill 1 after the Gate is powered. Mean all 4 Survivors can able to play the whole game. Is it a buff?
Same with Pink. allows you to kill 1 Survivor if 4 Gen are done. Did you read it?
One key helps One Survivor to escape. One mori kill One Survivor.
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Moris are also a problem. With Ebony and Ivory inpaticualr needing nerfs. But this thread is about keys
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I agree, same with moris. What’s the point of waiting for a match when a killer will mori you off your first hook?
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I quite like keys tbh. Idk, when survivors all escape with it it's a nice feeling cause earlier I had a 2 man SWF head on stun me, into the hatch and I was in awe about how coordinated it was, and gave them both the congrats. It needs a tiny rework, but these little plays shouldn't be removed as they're quite fun from both sides.
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I just got 4 matches in a row where they found a key in a chest. This isn't valid
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Wait wait hol' up. Please explain why keys only applying to one person wouldn't work?? That would totally work. It already exists in some way. If you bring a key and more than two survivors are left alive, if you escape, the hatch will close within a certain amount of time. So to close the hatch as soon as they jump in, why wouldn't that work??
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I don't mind keys, they are part of the game. I won't dodge a lobby if i notice survivors with keys.
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Green keys are broken. 😕
Jokes aside, I wish keys can have their aura reading buffed and have opening the hatch have more counterplay. 😅