Changes on Hillbilly 3.7.0

KJay Member Posts: 31

I'm a Billy main but im a survivor main. I liked Billy where he was and I don't think he needed to be nerfed. Curving is about skill. The fact that the sensitivity was so high, it made the start of his sprint so fast is just how good you have to be to control it. Curving is painful now. Crack billy is not even the same now because of his nerf. The bumping penalty also did not need to be changed. That's what the addons were for.

It's the players fault if they can't control Billy's chainsaw that great. That's why practice makes perfect. The animation when Billy carries the survivor is stupid imo. It's like the carrying animation that Hag does. His chainsaw sprint animation is confusing and disgusting.

Please remove these changes as they were not needed. This is in my opinion. If anyone would like to share their opinion, that would be great. I kinda want a petition going for all Billy mains as this screws us over.