Types of survivors

I've seen a lot of different types of survivors when I've been playing dbd and I bet all of you have to but I want to talk about some of them. I dislike how most survivors play when I'm survivor or killer.
I see a lot of wannabe No0b3's like I'll be surrounded by Toxic Nea's with purple flashlights I know No0b3 isn't toxic but people act like his Toxic series but its not how they act that annoys me its more of how they fail, and then when you kill them or leave them behind they send you millions of salty text messages.
What I hate more then the wannabe survivors is the teabagging survivors they drop a pallet and then start to teabag normally these people are toxic I am ashamed to say that I used to be one of them but I wasn't a toxic one who sent messages. The best part of these survivors is when you kill them. There's nothing more satisfying then killing.. Someone.? Did that sound weird
The next survivor is the 'left behind lover' either this person just loves not rescuing you or they just want their left behind perk to activate although its technically useless now. Finally you get into a game the killer puts you on a hook and you see three survivors working on a generator. Also this is the first game were the killer doesn't camp or tunnel you so that's cool. However once they complete one generator they start heading towards the opposite direction... Like #########!!! And before you know it 'Match results: Sacrificed...'
I know you're getting bored so I'll make this quick like how survivors do gens. This survivor is probably the best survivor in the world 'The I gotchu fam' oh god I did not text that, anyway this survivor will kill themselves to save even the worst of survivors. I will be honest I will leave you if I die instead of you but there has been some heroic times which end up in me dying for someone else it brings salt to my eye. I just act that I wanted to sacrifice myself so you'll like me nah idc but if you're this person you can take my Ranger med-kit my love... What is this idk