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Love for this game instead of hate

I enjoy this game yes there are those moments when I really don't feel like playing it but let's just be honest if you hated this game why do you play it we all do love it but people are acting really hostile to players and even the devs. They created this original fun game for us to play with a variety of choices. All games are not going to be perfect as there are always people that ruin it. There are bugs in every game, lag in every game. So why do you choose to dislike this game over games maybe like Left 4 dead. I feel like people are too competitive and just want to win instead of have fun what's the point in that? Yes people might say Killer is op or survivors are too toxic which is true but you could change that. I feel like a fun way to change the negativity this game has got by introducing a new gamemode obviously it'll still involve death and violence. Maybe an 8 v 2 would be fun and it is still fair. However I don't want to seem like a cliche. The game was way better when it first came out when everyone was new to the game. To keep everyone a bit weaker maybe there should be no perks or offerings. I think the killer should be able to die but obviously he would come back however the killer would be super strong so you'll still have to run away instead of getting an op 4man squad. I also feel like survivors should be slightly stronger in this game mode. I do feel like I'm taking a last year approach so I want to step away from that. Hooks would still be in the game but maybe a bit more spread out I play this game and even when Im killer the hooks are waaaay too close. But enough of the gamemode I still think everyone should love this game.


  • Member Posts: 182

    THe reason is simple, The game got a fun concept but has so many flaw it disgusting to play sometime, I wont go over all but that the big of it.

    First the issue with roles balance.

    Survivor are in a bit weird position, it seem 2 differant team work on them. On one side, they are designed to be 4 randoms who can't communicate together but need to use Jooly cooperation to beat the killer, there are hight chance not all will make it, but it better than all of them getting kill. On the other side, SWF exist so communication isin't an issue anymore, so facing a 4 man swf change the game no matter what. Compared to a non asymetrycal game, information isin't mean to be shared. If you play League of legend for exemple. your team share the same HUD and game information, if your teamate make you notice he saw a foe heading to you, you could have knowed it sicne the minimap would have telled you. DBD don't get that cause information Survivor A have Will be differant from what Survivor B know. Even if you aren't tryhard SWF who want to win at all cost. just saying ''the killer camping me'' reduce the need of anyone in your team to have a perk like kindred.

    So what about solo survivor? well they complain they got potatoes teamate so they get second chances perk that negate bad play, and SWF get to use it to.

    So we got one side that over all benefit from cooperation but can ignore it downside + they have the option to ignore important gameplay mechanic.

    Then you got killer who honestly are balanced like a AI in a party game. it hard to explain, but let me take Plague for exemple.

    Your power is to puke on people, they get sick, they need to clense, you profit of that and unlock a rellu op side of your power that compared to a death ray puke. Fun on paper. it an interactive mechanique that both side use.

    But what if survivor decide to they don't want to play that game? what if they don't cleanse?

    You don't get to use your power, you become a walking M1 stick that punish mistake.

    This sum up the killer issue tbh. it feel like their mechanique are balanced like a party game, but if one of the 2 side ignore them or don't use them as intended, one of the two side get a bad experience and it impossible to balance the game around that,

    Another exemple is hook.

    They are designed to be used in a single way. Hook someone, leave. that it.

    Killer can abuse it by camping, so survivor get to control the game with easy generator to do, so if a killer camp and use hook in a boring and disgusting way, they get punished by the many perk, the ranking system or just survivor being smart.

    But what if were in a situation were camping the solution? Well survivor can exploit that by swarming the hook and using their perk to do save rescue whitout the killer being able to punish the team for doing what you should'nt be doing agains campers.

    Then you get tunnelig. What if the killer don't go for another person like intended by the hook system? Well, we give survivor tools to go around that.


    these tools are incredible and help survivor do potatoe play thay reward them and punish the killer, creating a lose/defavorable situation for the killer who sometime don't tunnel and just play in a logical way.

    Tunelling isin't viable to the killer cause it unfun for the other side. but isin't it like gen rushing? it just the best logical way for the killer to win after all.


    So then here come the issue.

    Survivors got a way to end the game fast

    Killer are punished for trying to do the same

    You can't simply nerf generator since it will make camping Viable.

    You can remove anti tunnel tools, but it will make the game less fun for the other side.

    at the same time, nothing stop survivors from doing their objectif fast.

    But if we get something that does that, camping become viable

    and you can't simply remove camping cause in some rare situation, it the thing to do.

    The survivor team can simply go around theire intended game mechanic with SWF

    SWF no matter what get info even if they are casual so it alway a small boost.

    And then you have the tryhard swf who are basicly Survivor Nuke

    Killer on the other hand can't have any similar advantage since they would have no reason not to bring it during a game, and solo still exist, so you can't just buff killer to much

    But at the same time killer got Ebony Mori and some digusting powerfull addon combo that act as a nuke too

    So we got the balance in a toxic loop that can't relly be fixed while both team got Nuke and no limitation on when to use these nuke.

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