Welcome to gallery of my suffering + one interesting fact

I just notice most of these games where killer is facing rank in red-purple ranks as green-yellow killer have one thing similar. These red-purple players are in 90% of the time (ye i checked steam names) in SWF with one guy with close rank to my. So maybe is solution to dont let people join togehter with so wide rank difference? I really understand people wanna play with friends, but not on cost of other player (killer). Can we reduce number of SWF in group to two players? This change can be fair for both sides. Killer will have little more balance of games and survivors will be still able to play with friends, even if they have more friends then one, there is stil posibilites to always change friend by one game played so nobody be let alone. What you guys just think about it?


  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    This isn't just SWF. Matchmaking itself has been trash for a few months, especially with the Ruin change, which caused killer players to either leave the game, or switch sides. Matchmaking can't make heads or tails, so until the devs get their new matchmaking system in play, we're stuck with this.

    Though, from what I've read on the new system, I don't think it'll be much of an improvement.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656

    Those are two two man SWFs. The Rank 1 and myself are an SWF and the other two as well. Still, this Matchmaking happens.

    It is not SWF, it is weird Matchmaking. I would assume it is the SWF-Change (using the highest Member of a Party for Matchmaking) combined with the changed Rank Reset which is resulting in this.

    But to be honest - I highly doubt that no Rank 1 Killer was playing (I know for sure since Streamers I know are playing at the same time as I am online) and I also doubt that no Survivors closer to the Rank of the Killer were playing.