Camping - 24 carat clear griefing

5 minutes and 33 second of wasting my time.
This should be punished as GRIEFING. What is the point of fun on this?
1) Killer abusing his ability to spam whole location around the hook with pools of blood. Just to block normal gameplay.
2) Never left the hook area, doesn't follow the other players for more kills, only tunnel the single player. How many opportunities he left and DIDN'T go after another injured for more kills?
3) Abusing the killer ability to avoid survivor perk borrowed time. This mechanic is broken, borrowed time have to be granted and it must not depend on the heartbeat sound. Because there is no counterplay.
4) Why do you punishing people who DC in these situations? Why do you forcing all survivors to stay in games like this? Watch the whole video. This is 5 minutes of bleeding, camping and following step by strep of crawling survivor. Nothing else.
5) What about hitboxes. Watch the unhooking moment. First time, killer smacked in Bill direction
And frame before hit?
I have cable connection, 9 ms to google.
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=54
And have 60 to your game servers in the mid EU. And this killer looks like 250ms.
Summary? Rework the BT perk to give protection independent of the heartbeat. Currently this is nothing with strategy, this is only .:.
Remove the ability to place 5 traps (traper, hag, nightmare...) around the single hook, totem, stairs... These things have to be in game to help the killer with eliminating loops. Not for abusing mechanics, exploiting GPU (engine power) or blocking normal gameplay.
Add the ability to end match from survivor side. You introduced end game collapse because sometimes killer have to push survivors into the gate, they cried about wasting time. OK we have endgame. And survivors have nothing. This guy abused Borrowed time perk with his ability. Same way like DS (yes, no DS but he was scared AF), letting me on the ground. And same way like Unbreakable if used because there are also no protection after recover and he is following me every step.
And start punishing this kind of gameplay. Stop saying that all of that is only strategy and other .:. as usual. Stop saying "git gud" or "use this perk to fix broken mechanics".
NGL I didnt read this entire thing but did you just post your IP with the ping thing? You should probably delete that for safety reasons by guy!
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This is google public IP, nothing secret.
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Ok I’m pretty much as anti camping as it gets, however, it is generally accepted by most people including myself when it comes to end I’d eliminate that part out right off the bat. I think a good chunk of your time on the ground, especially after being downed the second time, can be attributed to you possibly having DS. If he picks you up, you just DS him and run out the gate lol. He doesn’t know that you don’t have it. The first time on the ground was obviously longer than 60 sec, but I don’t see a problem....was probably just waiting for the others to leave. This isn’t greifing.
I do agree though that BT should be proximity based. It’s stupid.
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1) Hag also does this. Freddy is countered easier because you just have to be awake, while with Hag you have to crouch.
2) Because there is still risk involved. What if that player dead hards to a safer location?
3) Again, wake up. But still it being proximity wouldn't... hurt i guess?
4) Because it's a part of the game? If the killer was bodyblocking you while EGC wasn't activated then yes i could agree its stupid. However this match was all the time alive.
5) Latency
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But the point is, you have no chance to keep yourself awake. Survivor always get the hit (hit = falls asleep = no BT). There are 6 traps which slow you down and killer is still within 3m radius.
More survivors = they bodyblock themselfs
Only full SWF with voice can do this like 3 persons RAID to the hook, full cover protection
I've tried many times something like deadhard, but every killer with 50h+ knows that he can wait for easy grab during unhooking process. But this way, we are returning back to discussions like "you need full SWF, you need perk builds to avoid this .:. and read 3 millions of exceptions in the game mechanics and perk mechanics. No, stop. Lets make a solid protection and direct the game to chasing survivors and not trolling, camping and tunneling.
I am playing Billy as killer btw. I like simple mechanics and power in chasing. Not abusive gameplay like this.
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I've just about given up on asking the devs to nerf Freddy into requiring at least some skill, and not counter just about every survivor perk and ability in the game. As well as do something about camping. Falling on deaf ears.