Gens are still OP, here's how to fix them defenetively @Bhvr

Wesker Member Posts: 339
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

The issue is that.. current gen speed is balanced to allow survivors to handle high tier killers. Those killers we all know have tools to shift through the map quickly by using their power but.. This means weak killers are gonna have a bad time, you have still situations where you are a slow ms killer, after a chase you get to that gen which is at 95% with someone working on it, he don't care about you and will pop it right in your face, at the cost of being downed. This is the major source of frustration. How to fix? Simple:

. When the killer is looking towards a generator outside of his power in a range of 36 meters, that generator get a 20% repair penalty for each survivor working on it. The mechanic doesn't work if the killer is approaching with his power (this to prevent strong killers like Hillbilly, Spirit or Nurse to become a never ending nightmare)

. The thanatophobia rework: the above change suggested could stack with Tanatophobia making repair too stressful, so a small change to the perk -> . For each survivor injured, your Terror Radius gains the ability to slow-down actions by a 4/6/9/12s reduction

What do you think?


  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    The game is in a better place right now with the new map changes. Maps are shorter, infinites are gone and 2+ man gens have had a slight nerf.

    At the minute baby survivors are getting beaten pretty easily so anymore killers buffs and we'll lose some of our player base.

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    As someone who plays both Survivor and Killer I do not agree with this at all. Looking at a generator should not cause it to be debuffed further. That would be so incredibly unfair. There are already Killer perks that make passing skill checks more difficult and apply pressure with just your vicinity to the generator.

    Tool boxes were nerfed to being nearly useless. Gen repair speed was slowed a noticeable amount. Maps were made smaller. Dead zones were added in abundance. Loops were edited. God loops were closed.

    I am not a very good Killer and I am now my highest rank ever and get 4k almost every single game. Since the patch I have not gotten less than a 3k. I was formerly someone who was lucky to get a 2k. Applying pressure to the maps is actually very easy now. In my opinion any further tilt in the favor of the Killers and it would have some pretty negative impacts on the player base. Already Survivors (who were averaging an escape ration of low-mid 40% even at red tiers) are escaping even less... But that's just my two cents!

  • ThePetDetective
    ThePetDetective Member Posts: 28

    You're missing a key problem. This would be tremendously useful for Clown, Deathslinger, Cannibal, *Maybe* Pig or Wraith, as these are what i consider to be the 5 worst killers at base kit. The problem then is, Every other killer gains a massive buff, as well as Shadowborn gaining an indirect, slight buff. Then you get to the problem of Small maps or 3-Gen clusters and realize this solution to a relatively complex problem is Kneejerk at best and survivor sided nonsense at worst.

    -Legion and Oni 'In Power' are their respective berserker Modes.

    -There's an argument that Shape 'In Power' could be Tier 3, but Scratched Mirror would be immune then? That would be such a *massive* buff to an already OP Build.

    -There's *I guess* an argument for Corrupt Purge Plague and Phase Walking Spirit. Could go either way.

    -There wouldn't be a point for it counting only if Billy, Cannibal, and Nurse were 'In Power', as they're powers are such short bursts that it would effectively have no bearing.

    -But, all that said, what would you define as "In Power" For The Deathslinger? The Huntress? Trapper? Hag? Freddy? Doctor? Demogorgon? Clown? Nightmare? Cannibal? All these killers, ranging from Clown to Nightmare, encompass, pretty much, the E-A tier. And they all get a constant, permanent gen regression perk for free? How on earth is that fair?

    Again, dude, you literally said "Make me looking at gens make it go slower." And all you could say was the same old tired squawk repeat the funny thing other people say, instead of any real defense. 

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    when all the map are fixed, being shorter, bloodlust being removed, the game will come to a major balance. All these debuffs and built in penalties are just band-aids, we need to avoid band-aids.

  • Jordan_131201
    Jordan_131201 Member Posts: 91

    It's not a bad idea, it just wouldn't work. Not all killers have a "in power" mode. Yes, hillbilly running towards you, and oni and so on. But there are tons of killers that don't have that. Huntress for example. Would it only not work if she's winding up he hatchet. There's trapper, would it only work for him if he's not placing a trap. There's a lot of holes in the idea and not to sound rude, there's no way it would work. Thank you for your ideas though :)

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I don’t mean to be rude, but if gens are consistently still popping too quickly for you after the multiple recent nerfs and changes, then I would suggest re-evaluating your gameplay. It might be that you just got unlucky with bad map RNG if it happens now and then, but if you’re losing games to fast gens a lot it suggests to me that you’re making some easily correctable mistakes.

  • ProBlendetteBtw
    ProBlendetteBtw Member Posts: 7

    You are not paying close attention to that, there are 4 sirvivors for 5 gens, every survivor has 3 chances, a maximum of 12 hooks, you're saying that 1/12 can compensate 1/5? And also, u can't chase multiple survivors at the same time, remember that at least ONE survivor is working on another gen, most likely, 70-90%.

    I'm not saying that the idea is great because most of the killers don't have a "in power" mode, but 1 hook doesn't compensate 1 gen.

  • Wesker
    Wesker Member Posts: 339

    My gameplay has no issue exept when I'm one of those guys with an "early game deficit". I can turn easily a bad situation in a 2-3k as Oni cuz he become a better Hillbilly in the middle-game and Infectious Fright let me down 2 survivor at once. But Trapper? Hag? Myers? Yes, I do well with them, but i get max 7-8 hooks by "playing fair" before gates are opened and I find myself forced to camp the last guy in the trial as a result

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    Asking to slow down gens simply by looking at them is pretty much the definition of lazy game play.

  • Wesker
    Wesker Member Posts: 339

    If my idea make it worse we could look directly for buffs to weak killers then. I don't like being forced to Corrupt Intervention when I'm the trapper or michael myers

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Imagine the potential for hostage situations. Gen speed is fine. Some killers are stronger than others. That goes with the territory. Map rng is a bigger issue.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    never used it so i can't attest to its power but i'd say pretty much the same if it's truly that lame. I'm actually not adverse to making changes even gen speed changes so this isn't a killer perk v's survivor perk issue for me. But the whole idea of looking at a gen to slow it down is silly.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Applying map pressure is not a myth, people can actually do it.