Toxic Teammates (SWF)

TL:DR... While I was on the hook, my team facecamped, teabagged, and continuously abused the "Rescue" prompt/animation to make my experience awful and I think there should be a feature added into the game to stop this from happening depending on how common this is.

Okay so, my game was held hostage by my own team a few days ago and I think it should be heard.

I play solo because I don't have any friends, and ran into an SWF group when I found a match. It all started as them trolling the killer, my guess to why they were doing that is because they were jerks and the fact that the killer was a nurse on PS4, anyway... they were trying to be like those awful trolling youtubers, and in the process, were getting hit and even downed. I like helping out my team, so I heal them like a good survivor should, and they continue to not do gens and mess with the killer.

One of them gets hooked. Then another. I save both of them and heal both of them, they teabag me after I save them (Which I thought meant thank you) and they run back towards the killer even though we were near a gen. One gets downed again and the other gets injured. Downed guy is put on the hook and I save them (Am hit in the process) and heal try to heal them, but the killer comes after us and chases after the injured teammate.

So I was like "Might as well heal myself now" so I start doing just that. My entire team is messing with the killer again, and then they run exactly where I am. The killer teleports to me and downs me. I get hooked. Guess what happens next? My teammates save me? Nope.

My entire wonderful team teabags me while I'm on the hook. I put myself in the struggle state after this goes on for a while. I finally think they're helping me out, but they aren't. Instead they're spamming R1 (rescue) on me to make it where I cannot die. This goes on for god knows how long when I finally get a glimmer of hope.

The killer arrives but my team doesn't leave. "Okay, big deal, the killer will attack them" I thought to myself, but no... they didn't attack. They stand there, facecamping me. They start moving their head up and down like they're nodding. I cannot take hearing my claudette repeatedly scream and get stabbed, so I leave the game.

There should be a feature added into this game where this can't happen, like if a survivor repeatedly goes into the rescuing animation more than three times, they're forced to carry out the animation and save you. They could also make it so that if a survivor camps you while you're hooked, their position is given away to the killer. (Like how if someone AFKs, crows appear over their head.) Or some other punishment could be given.

Has this ever happened to you? If this happens often, they should fix it. There is nothing worse than having toxic teammates. This was probably the worst time I've ever had while playing a video game.


  • GamerCustard
    GamerCustard Member Posts: 59

    I have a ps4, I'll be your friend XD

    But seriously, that's a trash thing to do, and is a reason there's such an awful stigma surrounding SWF groups. I see it not a lot, but into occasionally get into games where the rest of the team is absolutely trash to the rest of the team and the killer.

    I remember one game I had, they weren't necessarily griefing the killer, or going out of their way to do so, but they were all just goofing off in the basement the entire game - jumping in and out the closets and thats it. I was the first hooked, and almost died. I was saved once and thats it, and the killer was fed up with them too.

    I really don't get why some people are like this, especially now with how matchmaking works, would be very harmful to new players, specifically killers.

    Unfortunately as it stands now, all you can do is report them, and I don't know how effective that would be. I think maybe, to combat it, they should add what is happening with the Mori animation, so that it's fixed once started, but only if out of terror radius (to prevent fair players getting pulled off or hit during.)

  • GamerCustard
    GamerCustard Member Posts: 59

    And I'm sorry that was so long -_-

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    From what I've seen in my experience, ps4 survivors tend to be the most toxic players, I slugged as oni, hatemail, I insta pick them up, hatemail, I ate their ds, hatemail, I didn't ate it, hatemail and a bunch of people sending party chat invites.

    Man, sorry that happened to you, that sounds like a real douchy thing to do, just remember that if you happen to play with them, do the same and be annoying to them like they were to you.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    What region? I've surprisingly only had a handful of hateful messages sent to me and I've been around since day 1 release. Curious if its players from an area.

    This has simply been my experience.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    That's a dbag thing to do but...

    If you stop thinking of survivors as a team then this kind of stuff will be slightly less irritating. Don't look at it like "save me I'm your teammate" look at it like "save me if you want to save yourself". Because by leaving you to die they just doom themselves to death as their chance of survivor drastically goes down once another survivor dies (of course this depends on how far along the game is.... at 5 gens it's pretty much guaranteed death, at 1 gen they still have a chance to escape).

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I start to wonder where the line is drawn. Like, I've had games where I have a team mate that just sits on a generator near where I'm hooked, like practically right next to me, and leaves me there and doesn't save me until I enter struggle phase, and then farms me off hook right in front of the killer.

    I have to assume BHVR are against intentionally killing your team mates, because something like bodyblocking your team mates into a corner and stuff is punishable as far as I know. The thing is, there's times my team mates just assume that I'm going to be saved by somebody else, and stuff like that can't really be helped and I don't blame them. So where is the line drawn?

    I'm not trying to say what your team mates did was right to do, because just killing you blatantly is obviously wrong, but it's just a topic that's been on my mind recently. To me, the person on a generator right next to me and the person who unhooked me right in front of an uncloaking Wraith did some completely moronic things, that were easy to avoid and way too obvious, but to them it might not have been. I don't know how it wouldn't have been, but BHVR say it's not against the rules to leave somebody behind. So I find myself asking: where is the line drawn?

  • mydogmax19
    mydogmax19 Member Posts: 266

    I was in your same position last month. Been there done that, I hate and will always hate swf teams. They are like parasites.

  • EarthToGravity
    EarthToGravity Member Posts: 96

    I don't really use a mic often, but if you're playing and I happen to also be playing, we could team up to make sure we don't run into toxic teammates.

    I don't think I reported them, which is my biggest regret in the past two weeks.

    I absolutely hate it when people mess around in the basement like that. It's so annoying.

    I feel like people play like this because they lose one too many games and just decide to ruin the fun for some random person they don't know because there are no consequences.

  • EarthToGravity
    EarthToGravity Member Posts: 96

    About 80% of the time when I play killer, Survivors are toxic.

    If you do anything that a survivor doesn't like, they'll send you hate and claim you weren't playing fair, when I have NEVER seen a survivor play fair towards a killer.

    I actually have started to be annoying to teammates who troll the killer or myself, like, if me and my teammate are in a chase and I happen to be in the front, I will drop pallets to slow them down so the killer can hit them.

    I ONLY do this if the survivor does what I posted about, or if the survivor exploits the game, like when survivors crouch near a hook and stop the killer from hooking the downed survivor or steal items through the back of someone's chest they just opened. (That's probably just being a jerk, but oh well)

  • Revzi100
    Revzi100 Member Posts: 529
    edited May 2020

    it happened to me once were i was hooked and a suvivour that could of unhooked me crept up but then started t-bagging and ran away once i was in stage 3 of entity luckly another survivor unhooked me, but sweet sweet revenge was at hand. the exit gates were open and same dumbass suvivour was t-bagging at the killer unfortunatly he was in the injured state and when the killer lunged forward i blocked his path so he got downed i escaped then sat back and smiled as i watched him die on the very hook he t-bagged me 😘he tried to deny it in end game chat by calling me a bad team player (he used stronger words) but there were 2 meg players on the match and i was the other one and im sure it wasnt me t-bagging myself on the hook

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    SwF iS bALAnCed ThEY jUst waNa hAVe fuN filTHy kIlLer mAiN

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    Don't regret that you didn't report them. Without a video proof the Devs won't do anything so as much as that sucks you would have wasted time. It's super sad that you need to have a recording option always available, but at the moment is doesn't seen like this is going to change soon.

    I don't get your point. Yes, in OP's case it was an SWF and they are naturally more effective with sandbagging because they can work against one person with three others, but it's not an SWF exclusive behaviour, I've been (intentionally) sandbagged by a lot of Solos too.

  • GamerCustard
    GamerCustard Member Posts: 59

    Ayy, sure thing! I haven't been playing too often as of late, so I'm probably not a very appealing rank anymore, but feel free to hmu anytime ye wanna squad up!

    I think its become a lot easier for toxic people to appear, with MM problems and all too, cause survivors might spot a new player and decide to make their lives hell.. I see it all too often with "baby" killers and it's really sad, cause thats no way to learn the game for them.

  • senki527
    senki527 Member Posts: 275

    positive thing is, 4 other players had their fun. maybe let them have some fun

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    My personal experiences show that swf have a much higher chance of being toxic against solos and killers. My explanation for that is, that they got a huge advantage over the solo/killer, so they can bully without consequences (especially with the report system of dbd).

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    I do play more SWF than solo (mostly duo, so I can still be matched with other SWF, but I have fewer chances of getting matched with a toxic SWF) but I don't think I've ever been sandbagged by an SWF, insults in the chat, yes, but no ingame sandbag.

    Yes, being in a group makes it easier to team up on one player, especially in chat imo, but I don't think fear of reports plays a role in sandbagging or not sandbagging, because it won't matter if just one person or more people report you, without a video nothing will happen.

    My point is: The problem isn't SWF, it's that the report system is so dependant on videos from the player base that often people will get away with something because nobody records the match (had survivors in a match recently who were exploiting/hacking, but I don't have a program to record, so they will get away and will continue to do that and that sucks). I know that other games have a way to save matches, it would be great if dbd also had such a system.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159