Am I the only one having a hard time as killer?

calem Member Posts: 533

In short, most of the games I play as killer are exhausting/frustrating/depressing/etc. It seems like no matter what I do, survivors always have a pallet right there, a window right there, or a key here.

To elaborate:

I was a survivor main to begin with, got to red ranks, and quite frankly got so bored I decided to start playing killer. I was bored because every game is the same: hold M1 on a gen, do a few skill checks, finish gen, rinse and repeat. If the killer comes then just run to a pallet, loop it a few times, drop it, wait for the killer to break it and run to the next pallet (and repeat that). Most of the time, at least 2 survivors escape. Very few games ended in a 3/4k.

When I made the switch to killer, the first few games were easy (since I was rank 20, I basically didn't need any perks to 4k and rank up). I am currently sitting at rank 7. Every game feels like a coin toss: Will I get matched with green ranks who don't really know what they're doing, or 4 rank 1's who know exactly what to do and downing 1 of them means losing 2/3 gens?

To clarify, my main issue are the maps. The very few maps that killers do really well on and survivors hate (The Game, Lery's, Hawkins [any indoor map basically]) don't come up that often, but when they do, most of the time it feels like an instant loss for the survivors/instant win for the killer. The maps I get 75-85% of the time don't feel fun and automatically put me in a negative mindset for the remainder of the game. The maps I mean are Haddonfield, Coldwind, Ormond, and arguably Macmillan. The Dead Dawg Saloon also irritates me but I don't get it that much.

I do realise there's been the recent update changing a few god loops with windows and such, and while I am thankful for that, I still think a lot of the maps need more editing.

Haddonfield is in a league of it's own and 100% needs changing but I won't go into that because it doesn't actually have the things that bother me.

Every killer game 1 of either 2 things happen:

  1. The game is an easy 4k because I am matched with people who aren't at the same skill level
  2. The game is a struggle to even down someone without losing 2/3 gens because committing to a chase is too risky.

Chasing a survivor; they'll run to a pallet, loop it a few times and then drop it to avoid a hit. Then when you break it, they just run to the next pallet which 75% of the time is about 10-20m away. Why do most of the maps feel like they have way too many pallets? Or better, why do so many maps feel like they have way too many safe pallets?

Maybe I am the issue. Maybe I am 'bad' and should 'get good'. But I still feel like it's way too safe to play survivor on a majority of maps. I will admit I'm still in the process of getting teachables for my killers and unlocking them on each killer (which in itself is an extremely long grind), so maybe I just need better perks for the killers?

This is coming from someone who primarily plays Doctor, Leatherface, Demo, and Pig. I realise not the most OP choices to play (looking at you, Nurse and Spirit), but I don't think I should be forced to play the top tier killers in order to enjoy myself. Also in saying that, the killers who can for the most part ignore pallets and loops like Nurse and Spirit, I find not fulfilling to play because even when you down a survivor, can you really blame them? It's basically a guessing game on where to go, not based on skill (meaning from the survivors side; Nurse and Spirit obviously require skill to play well and can be extremely oppressive in good hands).

All in all, I find that so many maps have a lot of [safe] pallets, and can just be very unfun to play against even half-competent survivors. I am genuinely wondering if other killers have the same sort of issue with the maps (too many pallets?). Please feel free to tell me if I just need to get better which I am more than happy to hear. I also understand that my perk selection is limited and that may also be affecting my killer performance.

Thanks 😄


  • KingOfGhost
    KingOfGhost Member Posts: 236

    The game is survivors sid, devs make the little they can do to help the killer. No matter what killer you chose if the survivors want to win they will win and besides no matter what killer you chose to main or play they will always be bad on half the maps in the game. You can try to improve and surpass the survivors in terms of skill but they will always have perks and mechanics that will help them close the different in therm of skill. My advice if you like the killer and you really enjoy the 1 out of 5 games you will win continue to play killer if you want to go rank 1 continue to play killer but if the killer is too exhausting/frustrating/depressing/etc then just stop it at least you will be a little happier.

    Besides, you said it yourself when you were play survivor you do 2 things and you cloud to get an escape.

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    Do you find that matchmaking is always inconsistent? For me, even in purple ranks, 75% of my games I am put up against 4 red rank survivors. Very rarely do I get people my actual rank. Maybe my issue is bad matchmaking, which I'm sure we can all agree needs fixing.

    I've done plenty of research on why survivors have it easier, trust me. Whether it's the fact that well over half of the maps are survivor-sided if they know how to play, or that a lot of killers just aren't worth it to actually play, I'm not sure. Even when I feel like I am doing well and outplaying the survivors, most of the time they have the DS/Unbreakable combo and I am left with 2 choices that both end badly for me. I do not tunnel and I actively try not to, but when the survivors through themselves in front of me, obviously I'm going to hit them. When I do play killer and start to feel too stressed, frustrated or depressed, that's when I switch to survivor for a bit because I know it's going to be a much easier game. Thanks for the response though

  • evilwithinIII
    evilwithinIII Member Posts: 154

    Matchmaking is very weird for me. Or i get my own rank with maybe 2 purples.

    Or i get full red ranks and 1 rank 16 survivor to "compensate"

    But yeah it is very inconsistent

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    Ah, it's relieving to know that there are other people who feel similar to me. Personally, I don't have too much of an issue with what the killer has to do (juggling between maintaing gens and chases is fine enough for me), but I agree that survivors should have more to do other than hold M1 on the gens or run to a pallet. A common suggestion I've seen that sounds interesting to me is finding 'gen parts' and then having to take them to a gen for it to be repaired. But at this point I'll take anything since I'm primarily playing killer now since I find survivor mostly boring.

    And yeah I do agree, SWF is extremely unfun to play against but I'm not sure there's much BHVR can do about that.

    I love playing Pig, she's very fun and the main reason I play her a lot is because she stalls the game and slows it down the point I don't have to worry that chasing 1 survivor is going to cost me the remaining 2 gens.

  • Martin99CZ
    Martin99CZ Member Posts: 77

    Amen brother, i got it absolutely same. When i play vs same rank, game is ok and fun. On other side, when i get SWF with red-purple ranks it is nighmare or sweatrun.

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    Well I think the killer role is definitly the one that needs you to focus and concentrate more. If you get one bad match after another it can get frustrating very quickly.

    Not much I can say but keep playing and learning. I play killer for a long time now and just yesterday I had a really frustrating game xD. Went in with legion and the survivors dropped pallets early. They managed to find every single pallet on the map. I literally couldnt do anything. The match right after that was a nice 3K due to hatch :)

    There are up and downs, so dont worry too much and try to have fun.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    You're not alone @calem , trust me. But there're def less players knowing the game from both sides at high ranks. So you already took the right step for a better overall game understanding. Which is always a good thing if you want to debate balance in DbD.

    I personaly came to the point where it doesn't really bothers me anymore if i "lose" or "draw" against a good team. I say to myself, it's just the way unsymmetrical PvP games works. If you play against 3 or 4 good survivors, you can only hope they'll make a mistake. For me there's at least one point of time in every match, were i have the chance of snowballing and try to end it very quick. Doesn't work everytime ofc. But let me just say, you won't have enough time to get them potential 12 hooks...

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    I am fully aware that BHVR is trying strive for 2k/2 escapes for an average game and that is their view of balance. I agree. Bear in mind I said 'at least', the average rate I would say for me is 3 escapes. 3-4 survivors escaping probably happens around 3 games out of 5. 1 of those games would be a 2k/2 escapes. The remaining game would be a 3k/4k. Just seems slightly off.

    I also never set my expectations high especially when I am playing killer. Like I stated earlier, I don't have access to every single perk for the killers. It is hard to have fun when I have a build that isn't off-meta/memey, or actually good. I have like 2-3 good perk builds for the killers I mainly play but that's it. Maybe I need to play more to unlock more and then I'll have fun. Until then, it's extremely stressful to either joke around and have fun or actually try to kill the survivors.

    I don't mind playing Legion, he's fun to play as, annoying to play against, but overall I would say not the best killer. I always do try and move past the bad games, but it's quite hard when a majority of my games are against sweaty survivors with flashlights and DS/Unbreakable combo. Thanks though!

  • GamerCustard
    GamerCustard Member Posts: 59

    I think maybe the problem for you is a combination of matchmaking, and "unbalanced" maps - quotation because I feel that yes, indoor 2 level maps do lean toward killer, but only in the sense that the map almost disables certain perks (spine chill, premonition, etc) of survivors and better enable others of killers perks and powers (infectious fright, Docs shock therapy, etc).

    But the main issue seems to be matchmaking. I think if MM was solid and consistent in giving similar skill levels, your games would be a lot more unpredictable and fun, as both killer and survivor.. Probably.. sorry -_-

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    Well I think it highly depends on what you are aiming at in dbd. I have the most fun with huntress and hitting those sweet cross map hatchets xD. So my personal goal is not to going for the 4k or pipping. I just want to have fun and im enjoying long chases with survivors even if all lf them escape.

    If you find enjoyment in getting 4k and pipping I would recommend the current meta.

    Besides that you can still counter the meta survivor perks.

    If you want to make sure the game is in full favor for you, drop yourself a map with a fitting build and killer.

    Back then I started playing as killer main, then changed to survivor. Nowadays I keep alternating. 3 bad killer games in a row means playing survivor and vice aversa. Maybe that helps too against the salt. (and yes, those toxic survs are horrible ^^)

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    I agree,in the future they really need to adress maps like haddonfield as well that are completely bonkers.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    The best thing is to try and relieve the pressure on yourself to do well every game. If you get 1 or 0 kills it's a shame but it also doesn't really matter, instead of letting frustration take over when a round is going down the toilet think where it went wrong and if there's anything you can learn from it for future games.

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    Yes, I would really love a Haddonfield rework. I'm all for it being a unique/niche map where BL is a really good perk, but in it's current state the house loops feel like infinites even without BL (and I'm definitely not gonna start running bamboozle in most of my games on the off-chance we go to Haddonfield).

    Don't worry, I always take breaks/switch what side I'm playing to relieve pressure on myself. I know that some games are better than others, but my main issue is with a lot of the maps and the pallets they have, and that most of my killer games end in 3-4 survivors escaping. Thanks for responding though 😀

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited May 2020

    It would be nice if there was actual way to lose the killer once you are found. Yeah there's lockers but if the tracks are gone and there's a locker nearby, it's pretty obvious your inside it. There's perks like dance with me+lithe to help with that. Fast vault, break Los and try to crouch to lose the killer but that rarely works against good killers. There's q&q and head on but again, your not going to lose the killer so much as stall for time. Iron will and urban can help but once your bleeding the killer isn't going to lose you. Against killers like billy or bubba I don't even attempt to hide from them once I am being chased. If I'm crouched behind a barrel and he happens to see me that's a free chainsaw. When it comes to chases I feel stealth has a very low chance of succeeding but looping absolutely will succeed to a degree.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    Mmm ya games going up and down a lot is pretty rough to go through. The whole survivors spread out on 4 gens and popping three for first chase can feel hopeless. Honestly I think they nerfed the wrong aspect of doing gens. Having multiple survivors in one spot is a HUGE advantage for killer but they disincentivised survivors grouping up this patch.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I think your problem is matchmaking. It seems like you do just fine with survivors of your rank but struggle, especially in chase, against higher ranked survivors.

  • Flatskull
    Flatskull Member Posts: 332

    I agree.

    Survivors have at their core the same problem as killers. A killer can't do anything if a survivor decides to stick to a loop or camp a pallet. A survivor can't do anything to actively get away without using what little they have to make mad mind japes. They know that their best options are to pallet tour or to do that thing where they never ever...make any move. Just run around the same thing with no intent to chain or hide. Knowing you got to break pallet and tour. One because it's their best option...but also becuase it's their only realistic option without certain perk builds.

    The fact also survivors have control of time-gens- it's always in the best interest in the survivor to try and bait a killer and a killer who loses a survivor will return to gen patrol. So I can't fault them for doing what they do. I said this a few patches back and I say it again. While killers need love and these two patches hold vital updates both sides needed. The survivors need a MASSIVE quality of life update that bring in new map hiding spots/interactables and even types of items to use that spice up their potential tactics-and encourage chest looting and exploration-

    Because while the killer needs to be lethal...survivors need to be versatile and as a killer who played when killers had the lethality of a nervous snail I know how frustrating, boring and detrimental to the game it can be to be lacking that key aspect. Survivors are given 360 camera to plot, plan and react. Right now it's basically used as an early warning alarm and to maximize looping. It's a shame. Because both sides at their core mechanics have good set ups...they're just so....unfinished.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Sounds like you need Corrupt Intervention to keep gens from popping early game. And probably to play Killers with more map pressure.

    Also, yeah the matchmaking is totally f'd, but honestly, if you think you deserve red ranks on Killer you shouldn't complain about red rank Survivors because they're giving you practice for what it really means to be a red rank if you can't beat them now how will you do it later?

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    Not once did I ever say I deserved to be a red rank killer. But I'm not that far off, and I know exactly what red rank killers are like (I am a red rank survivor by trade who has gone against countless rank 1 killers). And yes, I'm aware that Corrupt is very good especially in place of the old Ruin. I just don't have it unlocked as a teachable yet. Although I'd argue Corrupt isn't the best since the survivors either hide and wait it out (I've had this happen a lot as Plague) or split up and do different gens and then the same issue arises.

    Like I said before, I am fully aware that the killers I play for most of my games aren't exactly 'top tier', it's just very hard to have any sort of gen pressure in the early game without old Ruin on a vast majority of the killers. Outside of Nurse, Spirit, and Billy, who exactly can pressure gens before 2 of them are popped? Playing any sort of 'set-up' killer means losing 1-2 gens at the start of the game (Trapper, Hag, Demo) and the survivors can easily escape from there by juggling hook stages and having most pallets left with only 3 gens to do. Plus, I shouldn't be forced to play the select few killers who are top tier in order for the game to be balanced and fun.

    Overall I think a lot of the killers could do with some at least minor buffs (Clown comes to mind first).

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Dude the devs aren't going to start buffing killers because matchmaking is giving you a hard time.

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    Okay? Just because I outright said Clown needs some sort of buff doesn't mean I am asking for them fix every personal issue I have with the game. Yeah matchmaking is bad, yeah some killers could use some help, yeah lots of maps are survivor-sided. I'm sure we can all agree on that. I am not asking anyone to do anything about my issues, I never mentioned that 'ThE DeVs NeEd To bUfF tHe KiLlErS i pLaY', I am simply stating MY opinions and wanted some genuine and honest responses from people.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Excuse me if we've gone through this a million times and you already pointed out every fix killers need atm. Weak killers need to become Billy or at least Doc levels in terms of power. Maps need to be more consistent. If everyone agrees on everything maybe we should get into the specifics instead of lolling about.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Sounds like you're creating the problem for yourself. You have to have the gen management perks like Pop and Corrupt to play mid-tier Killers and not get gen-rushed. Otherwise you need the meta Killers to win. Variety in Killers means paying for perks.

    Corrupt is the best if you're confident on the spawns of Survivors or have tracking perks like Whispers and Discordance. As a rank 1 Legion main, I can always get a couple Frenzy hits and at least my first hook before Corrupt ends. It is a good perk and with good gamesense (or crutch perks), no Survivors will be able to hide for the full 2 minutes.

    Yeah. Some of the weaker killers need buffs, but the reason they're weak is the lack of map pressure... so making their powers more oppressive just makes them more awful to play against and still doesn't address their gen rushing weakness. You'd need to do a Freddy rework to a Killer like clown and magically let him teleport to generators to make him good... no change to his current power would fix him

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    Just do what I do, when you see what looks like a 4 player SWF of tryhard red ranks in the lobby just load in first-hook-facecamping-leatherface.

    Trust me.

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    This is also a problem I have though. Being forced to run 1 of 2 perks to not get gen-rushed is an issue in itself (old Ruin flashbacks). Being forced to play top-tier meta killers to not get gen-rushed is an issue.

    For Clown I do feel like he'd need a lot of changes to be a viable killer. I'd even argue Freddy needs another rework, but not for the same reasons as his prior one.

    Haha, as I do play a lot of Leatherface, this is something I quite enjoy. BBQ, NoED, Insidious, Infectious Fright (because I am scared of flashlight saves). I usually end up being abused in the post-game lobby because I facecamped, but 3 of them chose to not do gens while I was facecamping so 😶

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    This is funny because it's true.

    Some SWF groups are SO DETERMINED for the 4-man escape that they will simply refuse to leave no matter what.

    One time I was doing a tome that required me to get a sacrifice during the EGC. So I figured...what the hell, I'll just let them do gens, let them open the gate, get one hook with Bubba and let the rest leave.

    Spoiler alert: They friggin' refused to leave. Even with me just standing at the hook with chainsaw revving, they refused. Ultimately the hooked one ended up dying, one died to time running out, and the other two just barely scraped by. Of course, they were all kicking and screaming about how unfair it all was in the postgame chat, even after I explained why.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    If you're having problems after the last patch then I'm really not sure what to tell you. Its free 4ks for killers now with deadzones galore, loss of safe pallets, and no time to do totems due to gens taking longer and teammates going down faster.

    I'd suggest using perks that balance what you're bad at or just use NoED like every killer does now.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,933

    I play a lot of killer and I won't touch NOED. It just feels too cheap (especially since the last patch).

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    I love Freddy how he is! I think he's one of the few killers that inspires genuine fear in most survivors, and that's a good thing. but to each their own.

    I set my profile to private so I don't hear the salt lol

    For me when I LF camp it's always a group where almost all 3 other players are literally running around the downed player the whole time so it's kind of like ... what else is there to do anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I literally had that happen one match in the basement and all 3 just rushed the hook at the same time ... while I had the chainsaw revved and ready to go. Shortest match I've ever played.

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    Exactly! It's the kryptonite of SWF, they're way too altruistic to their detriment. If I play the usual way with them one will just loop me with no end in sight so I'll break chase and move on to pressure gens and then the next one I chase does the same thing. It's not as bad now with some of the infinite loops removed but for a while it was like just move on from one infinite loop to the next. They can make nonstop perfect plays but the second you camp someone or slug someone and camp them while they're down on the ground they can't function at all.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    4 man escape vs a Freddy with Noed. Map was badham Preschool.

    4 man escape vs a endless tier three Myers, which is basically noed without a speed boost. Map was Lery's memorial institute.

    Both of these games took place during the current patch aka the one you claim gives killers free 4ks. So x to doubt, killers just get free 4ks.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    If youre agaisnt a tryhard swf you will hardly win, its just the way the game is im afraid. people can tell you that youre just so bad etc. but when you have 4 people on a team all on coms and know how to play you cant win unless you slug them all. survivor is and have always been the easier role, people that dont understand that are probably viewing they need to escape every game, and honestly if i had 4 people the same skill as me on a team i dont think id ever lose. id say accept some losses as you cant win them all but there are alot of games you shouldnt have too much issue, but map,killer,perks and survivors all determine how well you do

  • FixDBDPls
    FixDBDPls Member Posts: 87

    Rank 1 killer (had yesterday 15 games in which i remained at rank1 as well): Shortly, no, you are not the only one, this game is unbalanced and currently very survivor sided (until they bring more killers with mobility to the game and they rework the maps they still have to rework). When you get 4 good survivors you are gonna lose, that's all unless you use a mori ofc

  • VicThor
    VicThor Member Posts: 347

    i’m rank 2 killer on ps4. Most of my games are sweaty as #########. I just bought Ghostface and Demogorgon and I can barely practice without being abused and bullied

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765
  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Well to give more context for the Freddy match. Their noed totem was found rather quickly, shortly after it when off. It was the totem in bottom half of the school house. I found it and destroy it, someone else save the person off the hook, who was the unlucky victim of noed and than it turned into a 4man escape.

    Which yes i was also surprise myself when it happen. Since normally it's the other way around when it comes to a Freddy. Normally it's a slaughter house. Not a 4 man escape.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Wow. But I dont think 1 match is indicative of anything. He must have been REALLY bad to get a 0k as Freddy.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    Unless you're going up against the 5% of the people in this game that are actually good (unlucky solo queue teams/SWF), I can't fathom how you're having a hard time in an average game. It's never been easier for killers, imo.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    I will agree with you on one match not meaning much in the grand scheme of things. Since the game does have over 30k players in game on steam right now, as i am writing this. It is rather possible the majority might of have different experiences. When it comes to escapes vs killers. So more data would be needed to really know how easy or hard it is for survivors currently.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594
    edited May 2020

    If you read the back and forth between my and Orion, you would of already notice. I agree with him more data is needed, to see just how easy or hard it is for survivors right now.

    For as i stated before, the game has over 30k people on steam playing it, currently. So yes one or two matches might not mean much in the grand sum of things. Since we will need to see how games are going for other players. Since i could offer up 100 games and yet that would still be a very small sample size, when talking about a 30k player base. Yet if someone can have a 4k escape vs a Freddy with noed. It does make it seem like, maybe killers don't get free 4ks. Since as you have brought up in this post.

    Well you say the Freddy is boosted. Which does make it seem like, at least a little bit of skill is needed for a killer to get their 4k and not handed to them on a silver plate. Since well the dead zone issue Orion brought up, which is legit and has been proven by others. In different threads, only effects certain maps. Which is why i listed the maps the games took place on. Going back to the dead zones. Swamp being one of the maps, that can suffer from bad rng leading to the dead zone issue. With the Devs currently looking into this as well, so depending on when they roll out the next hot fix or patch. The number of dead zones might be lessen to a fair degree. Which would be a good thing. Since well, survivors do need something to keep themselves alive. That and maps should be ideally balance. For both sides or in reality, as close as possible.

    With the screen shots i show off, everyone was with in 6 ranks of each other. That is funny enough, match marking working as it should for once.

  • Windfell
    Windfell Member Posts: 45

    The game is sided towards the Survivors, gens are too easy to get done and the game becomes a joke against a 4-man SWF group.

    That being said, the recent changes they have made to loops, putting extra doors in where windows are, and soon to be breakable walls are good changes. Most updates I will say is to the benefit of Survivors more than benefit of the game, but the recent one, definitely is to the game with even a lean towards Killers.

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    For me, going against a competent Freddy is one the most boring things in this game. I wouldn't say he's the strongest killer but he's so god damn good for his lack of skill ceiling. You barely need to learn his mechanics to start getting constant 3/4ks.

    The passive Dream World timer is extremely short. If you want to wake up you either run to the opposite side of the map and waste so much time going to the alarm clock, or you fail a skill check and he knows exactly where you are. Even when you're awake, you see him for 2 seconds, then he goes invisible for 2 seconds. You can't see him far away so you don't know always know when to leave the gen you're on.

    Looping him is boring, there's almost no point except to throw the pallet down early (which is just wasteful) or risk it being a fake one, or him putting down snares to stop you looping and getting a hit.

    I get they can't rework him without discussing it with the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise owners, but damn it's so boring to verse a Freddy.