Need confirmation of how Plague's power works
This morning I was playing Plague. A survivor became infected by trying to help up a slugged survivor. I was waiting several minutes for this newly infected survivor to become broken, but he never did nor cleansed (according to the UI). I was under the impression it was a time-based thing, that can be sped up by further vomiting on the survivor. Can someone please clarify to me how this power works, and if there is any bug involved in what I described?
Best Answer
You won't become broken as long as you walk, stand or crouch.
I usually do that if I get infected, I start walking to extend the infection time. He could've probably helped his teammate and afterwards he started walking.
Only running or doing actions such repairing, healing, vaulting etc. will increase your infection.
You learn something new everyday. Thanks.
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No problem. Helping where I can.