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PC - Demogorgon Shred Hitbox Failures

Problem 1: Maximum range shreds almost never hit despite animations CLEARLY indicating that a survivor should have been hit.
Step 1: Play a match as the Demogorgon
Step 2: Shred a Survivor at the supposed maximum distance where they SHOULD get hit
Step 3: Watch as survivor does not get hit as your arms literally pass through the survivor's body.
Step 4: Cry.
Video of bug on twitter:
The shred on the Kate in the image below was counted by the game as a miss. Does this look like a miss?
Problem 2: Shredding off of a higher elevation and colliding with a survivor often results in a miss.
Step 1: Play a match as the Demogrogon
Step 2: Shed at a survivor from on top of an elevated surface (hills are a good place to try this)
Step 3: Collide with the survivor
Step 4: Watch as survivor doesn't get hit
Step 5: Cry some more.
Bug 3: Demo's addons that arent rat liver suck due to low stats
Step 1: Vermillion webcap, purple, 1 second of undetectable after emerging from a portal like what is that
Step 2: Unknown Egg, 2.5 seconds of Cooldown reeeeeee