should new players play dead by daylight in 2020

simple answer no

I have played this game on ps4 for 7 days now hunter rank 14 so why am i playing with survivors that are rank 2,4,8 from the start . I love playing huntress and want to better my skill as a killer ,and finding out about perks having to watching videos read forums and finding out about the game . truth be told i have to play killers i dont like to get teachable perks and having to grind them out or get lucky in the shrine. the game has made it harder for a new players to catch up and if they stick it out they still have to grind days worth for a perk dealing with the toxic behavior of survivors and learning game mechanics all at the same time as well of the ones the game does not teach the player.


  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    I say yes. I just started about 4 months ago? I have about 220 give or take hours on PC. My husband started a bit after me. We've been enjoying the game quite a bit. Even hit red ranks recently, and I've got about 7 survivors to finish leveling. However, I haven't gotten to level killers yet, so that does kind of suck. Imo the idea I see floating around about taking tiers from perks would help considerably. I'd like to play killer some time, with perks.

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    yes and no

    the game is unforgivable to new players

    but if they want to they can ignore all the grinding the game requires

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    Oh and as for the toxic community... It is pretty bad at times, yes, but I'm use to online games. People are often jerks. It's how you react that matters.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177

    I started only a few months ago and I'm having oodles of fun

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392
    edited May 2020

    Every person I have tried to get to play the game has said no, or has quit due to fixable reasons. When they say no to joining me the main reasons why are the balance and grind. They ask me about the balance and I tell them the truth. The game is not balanced well. The new killer experience is awful. You face red rank survivors a lot. I tell them that even good killers can struggle due to the maps, and gen repair speeds. I talk about the meta, and how stale it is. I get into the topic of meta killers, and how most of the killers are weak when facing decent survivors. Then I move on to what SWF is, and how it can cause a lot of balance issues. After that I talk about the solo survivor experience. I tell them that solo survivor can be really fun, but dealing with the skill level of random teammates can get frustrating. Especially once you get decent at survivor. I inform them about face camping, and mori etc.

    I talk them about the toxic nature of the community as well. Then the grind talk comes. This is by far the most off putting thing. Even with being able to get 2 perks per web at level 50, the grind is still huge. Currently I think DBD needs a lot of things done to make it more new player friendly. I have almost 900 hours and I don't even have all perks unlocked on one survivor or killer yet. I also never prestige. 900 hours is a lot of time to invest in a game. Most games you play by 900 hours you can have everything unlocked. No one wants to be at a disadvantage, especially for too long, and that is what the grind is like for new players. It is a huge disadvantage because you will be paired against people with perks. It makes people feel like they are being cheated.

    Now, we have the matchmaking. The matchmaking is very bad for new players. On the steam forums we have multiple posts almost daily about new players, specifically killers, going against red rank survivors while being rank 10+. This is another thing that makes people feel like they are being cheated, and are at a disadvantage. No new fresh killer player wants to face experienced survivors with a full kit of meta perks. Players want a fair experience. Overall, if person asks me if they should get into DBD, I tell them no and tell them why.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Rank is a useless system in DbD and only really represents play time. Anybody can practice and get better, but only those who are more focused on blaming something will complain about rank instead of just trying to play better.

    Also, it's never been easier to get bloodpoints. We didn't have tome challenges before, and even before my time of playing, in the oldest days of DbD, the grind was apparently absolutely horrendous. We have it easy now.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I started last Christmas, and I'm having a blast. Helps if you have friends to play with.

  • Feiten
    Feiten Member Posts: 204

    If they wanna play survivor sure, you get the chance to grasp things and its fairly easy. If they wanna play killer. Hell to the fk no..

  • Effrafax
    Effrafax Member Posts: 32

    In my opinion no; I won't currently recommend the game to friends/new players. 

    Primary reasons:

    ---Poor ranking/matchmaking systems

    ---Frequent/persistent bugs

    ---Perk unlocks being an RNG grind (particularly the RNG part)

  • undeadcookie
    undeadcookie Member Posts: 198

    I started about 4 months ago and went through the slog of a new player experience. I'm now a red rank Killer and am enjoying the game even less than I was 4 months ago

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    Best to start as a survivor especially with friends so they can teach you the ins and outs. Once you get the hang of the survivor, you'll have more fun as a killer as you'll have an idea of survivor behavior.

    I'm not surprised your friends have said no after your description. I'm quite well versed in the game and I don't want to play after reading your description. Probably would have been better to at least throw in some positives in there as well.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited May 2020

    I have stopped to talk people in dbd a long time ago. It would be against my conscience and I would knew that at least the people I know, would be mad add me then.

    And for this exist 1 simple, but important reason:

    The devs have prove in the past that they are willing to drasticly change paid content and while that is maybe for the one or other guy no reason at all, so it is for me and the people I know, the worst thing a developer can do.

    It is ok, to nerf or buff certain characters, or abilities (what do I know? Being slower, or faster, making more or less damage and so on), or to drasticly change unpaid content. However the line is crossed in the moment where they make a once exisiting gameplay impossible with paid content.

    All the other problems, even if they greet me every time I put dbd on, are minor problems for players like me. That includes also the most things people complain about in this forum: aka. perks, soundproblems, matchmaking, certain game mechanics, maps and so on.

    The reason for this is, that by players like me a certain level of trust exists in the developers, that they will sooner or later try to make those things better.

    However, the one thing above, that is a no go. I play sometimes dbd because I hope to see sometimes a change but until I see the changes I will not to anyone say that he should start playing the game, because I know they will maybe turn his paid content into nothing more as a trash pile.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    Definitely yes! However, my friend who got the game says that it's hard to find a match as a survivor, thus he doesn't play it that frequently as he should. There should be beefed up tutorials on how to play the game as its very deep IMO.

  • Raulillo
    Raulillo Member Posts: 179

    I returned to this game this year. I have left the game in 2016 and 2018 both times because the experience was pretty bad and also I didn't get the looping thing right.

    From my perspective this game strength is based on the chases, but when you pick the game ... hiding simulator. I would add some kind of chasing tutorial, like basic pallet and window usage.

    Also the grind problem was solved. Now you have the tomes and a cheap blood web, It took me ages to max claudette first time, and now i have everyone max even I'm starting to prestige some characters and have some at P3. This was a massive improvement in the progression system, kudos for the dev team for solving that.

  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    i just started to play this last couple of months and im loving it. except for the toxicity from both sides but thats in every game also survivors suck

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    No way. This is the one game I've played where i would actively tell people to avoid for their own health.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    If I started now, here’s what I would find:

    An abysmally long grind to even level a single character.

    A masochistically long grind to unlock teachables of all characters.

    Another grind to level other characters.

    A cash shop for cosmetics.

    No rank reward system to work towards.

    A Battlepass.

    A matchmaking system that makes no sense.

    Queues that last long enough to cook lunch.

    A plethora of DLC with Many core perks being Soft Locked behind said DLC.

    And that’s before even getting into the gameplay and bugs.

    so no, I’d refund it lmao

  • Milord
    Milord Member Posts: 273

    The thing is, the only positive is really the concept itself: currently it's one of a kind, having no real competition except Identity V which is a mobile game. So if they don't find the concept very very appealing, the negatives would tire them out quickly.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    Unless you start at rank 1-2 the game can be perfectly played perkless. So you can try new builds, new killers and learn a lot of new things without caring. You will unlock everything by playing.

    tbh I liked the grinding process, also shrine work quite well so...

    If you like the game no matter if you are a new player you will be able to play without problems.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    My friend started yesterday, he says that it is a lot of fun but he is having really bad issues with the MM so, I'd say it's up to whoever is new if they want to suffer the currently MM

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    I agree,this game is way too grindy especially for new players.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    I play the game now for like 3 months and I don't think the grind is unbearable. With the archives, daily rituals and perks like BBQ and wglf I managed to get all the meta perks for killers and survivors I needed and I even had BP left for spending on killers and survivors I actually play. After the 1,5xBP period during the lockdown I had every perk I wanted except for the ones from characters I don't have yet (eg Surge from demo).

    I had a friend with whom I played survivor and he left the game after a short time cause it was too stressful for him. I think it's not a game for everyone, which is ok. It can be frustrating and some just don't want to deal with that if they have other options to spend their time.

    Getting into the game can also be hard without help. I was lucky to have a friend (who also left the game some weeks ago because of Valorant) who was survivor rank 6 by the time I started, he showed me everything and played with me for some time. Without help, you have to be willing to watch a lot of tutorials to get down the basic stuff

  • Milord
    Milord Member Posts: 273

    It's only necessary if the game struggles to gain new players, then the devs would have to provide incentives, which can be in the form of fast-tracking the grind. For new players, how the game was in the past is completely irrelevant; it's only what they have to face now that decide whether they'd stay or not.

    Again, if the game is attractive enough as it is to new players (that is, the game doesn't struggle to get new players), then they'd stay no matter the grind.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    That's interesting actually.

    Maps and balance in general are currently being worked on; we've just has a massive patch as I'm sure you know where many problematic maps were fixed, or at least made a lot less problematic (cowshed). Matchmaking, as well, is currently being worked upon.

    Swf definitely is an issue but only at higher ranks; at lower ranks killers dominate the survivors, so for a newer player that shouldn't even be mentioned as an issue yet. Particularly if you're trying to get them to play with you- they're going to be part of the swf.

    And about you not having all the perks unlocked yet- that's definitely very odd. I had my first survivor P3 50 all perks by ~360 hours, and my first killer shortly after. I'm now at about 1k hours, and I've got 3 survivors P3 50 all perks, 2 killers P3 50 all perks, and I'm working on my third killer. The grind definitely exists but it's not as bad as you make it out to be; I wonder why you're suffering so badly?

    Overall, it sounds like you're intentionally trying to paint the game in a negative light, instead of trying to convince other people to get the game. Its less of a "Oh the game is flawed because of x y and z, but it's really fun and I enjoy h b and k" and more of a "here are all the flaws of the game with no positives to counteract it, you'd basically be wasting your money."

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,522

    Not as Killer, no. You'll be matched with swf players 10 or more ranks higher than you with thousands of hours of play time, they'll loop you, sabo, blind you, and ggez at the end of the game.

    As survivor you'll have long queues because of the above.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    I can't with good conscience recommend someone to spend money on this....thing. Especially now because holy ######### it just keeps getting worse. Maybe once all the big problems get ironed out, and something is done about the grind for new players I might be able to recommend it, because it's definitely a fun party game with friends from time to time.

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    My answer is yes, you don't know what this game was in 2016, even peanits, the community manager, say it was a hell.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    I'm about 90% sure that matchmaking literally just doesn't exist.

    Devs claim that 4-man groups are like 5% of games or something, but I have to call BS on that. When I keep track it's more like 8 out of every 10 in a night. Sometimes I get the same 4-man group repeatedly in the same evening. Often all 10+ ranks above me.

    Sometimes I seriously don't know if the population is really THAT low (I mean, what the hell are the chances?) or the game just doesn't care and throws you into literally the first available lobby.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I believe everyone should have a right to play but I for one think this is a bad time to get into dbd. With the MM and the new MMR, it really sucks for new killers right now. Being paired with red ranks when your still rank 16. It's just unfair.

  • animalmak
    animalmak Member Posts: 399

    I think yes! Does it have its issues? Of course. But I'd say I have fun more often than I don't have fun. Plus I really like the little details on certain things (was literally remarking about the snow coming in through some windows at Lery's to my friend today), and I actually don't mind the BP grind very much. It gives me goals, which is exactly what I need in a game. I struggle with some more open-world games because they're just too open, so having distinct tasks and challenges really helps me.

    Maybe I'm lucky because I really haven't had like... toxic players? At least not in the sense that they've been toxic to me post-match. (I'm on PS4, so it's definitely harder to type there...) So Idk, it's just fairly easy for me to move on to the next match and hope for a better one, and if I find I'm having a string of terrible matches that I just don't want to deal with? I stop and go do something else. Easy peasy.

    I do think there should be a little more tutorial-ing (for different killer powers, some extra mechanics, etc.), but also if I'm trying to get someone to play, it means I want them to play with me, in which case I'll play with them in a custom game so they can get used to stuff before going into a real game.

    Also there's the bonus of not needing to find save spots in a storyline. A+ for that.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    Not a chance in hell, and I have actually warned the friends & family, who didn't try the free weekend and walk away afterward, away from it.

    Sure, the Devs are working on things like a new MM system and such, but until they actually put them in the game, and they actually work well (not a given with BHVR), there are better ways my friends & family can spend their time and money.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    I want you to stop and think about the number of hours you're talking about here.

    Maybe 1000 hours is nothing to you, I don't know what your life is like, but that's not some tiny amount of time.

    Also, yes, low rank - completely new - killers will get matched against purple-red ranked people in groups of 4. It's not some unheard of thing, it's the norm, actually.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,291

    There are three reasons I would say no and I'll order them of importance

    Toxicity - Look I don't know what you do about this but both PC and Console has trash talking to the point where you have to sometimes turn your stuff on private or constantly block people. I don't know what BHVR does at this point with this issue but this doesn't give a good look for non-toxic people who just don't feel like dealing with that ######### and doesn't care and has better things to do. Worst part is if they add you off of DBD it's 100% out of BHVR's hands. I've had people add me on alt accounts with racial slurs just to try and flame me since they knew I wasn't going to accept it. Yeah it's sad but it's obnoxious. Bonus points for if you're on PC where you have to deal with the onslaught of entitled people who want to criticize every mistake everyone else made but themselves. Somehow this kind of behavior needs to be discouraged and good behavior needs to be encouraged

    New player experience - To keep this one short this game needs a proper set of resources for new players so they don't have to use YouTube to answer questions. For example what are totems? Pretty sure this isn't explained at all in the tutorial. You could argue that not knowing is half the fun in this game but what about us vets? Does that mean our fun is gone? I feel like the tutorial system and hint / tooltip system needs a massive overhaul. Being a new player sucks honestly. If anything I feel as though the community should band together and vote on what tooltips we need updated. Yeah I get this is something that takes a lot of resources but I genuinely feel as though it's needed.

    Examples Short videos in client that showcase a characters power and perks

    Map overviews

    Proper tutorial explaining all current game mechanics - Maybe like how Hag traps work for example.

    Not saying the player needs their hand held but please just explain basic stuff.

    Graphical Settings - This ones relatively straight forward but I feel as though this game lacks graphic settings that should be mandatory. Accessibility options should be one of them for colorblind people.

  • bubba_is_bubba
    bubba_is_bubba Member Posts: 171

    It's not. Don't think everyone playing this game is toxic.

    • Just finished a match VS Surv. I didnt see insults or whatsoever. Sometimes it happens, people can be silly 100% but it's not happening after every match.
    • Today i had only a match vs some Toxic Surv (SWF). I started without a MORI knowing one in lobby had a key. Match with 2 Kills, the other 2 surv were with 2 hooks everyone and they escaped (hatch). At the end of the match they said EZ ^..^ (o my god those nutella boys). But i dont call it a toxic attitude, just a kid attitude in my opinion (if i had brought a beautiful red mori match was 10 times faster, was ez 4 kills but it's not my goal when i play this game, i like chases and to hunt when i play Killer)

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    That sounds bad, but I think they just put you in random lobbies, I don't think they put you based on their "rank mm", that is what I think, but worries not, they will add an mmr system, so it will be based on how good you are etc

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    Yep. There are nice folks around! I count my husband and myself as two, at the very least, and I have a couple of friends who play PS4. I highly doubt they're toxic. Although, then you have to get into what people consider to be toxic. Definitions vary from narrow to broad scope.

  • Viceus
    Viceus Member Posts: 145

    Yes.. We need need more player... ( fake but realistic answer )


    My real answer for this question is no..... this game need a lot of grind to pass teachable perk to other killer/ survivor ... really waste time...

    killer toxic with trash add ons + offering [ myers mirror or Oni glove + small map ]...

    survivor toxic with SWF... "ez killer , baby killer."

    If not bullying other people when they are not in team.... use bond to lure killer to teammates... opening locker when you are inside.... anything inside this game is toxic !! ( So Don't play )

  • bubba_is_bubba
    bubba_is_bubba Member Posts: 171


    I call a toxic attitude when

    • someone, after match, start to insult hard. It doesnt happend often but when it happens, that's what i call a toxic attitude.
    • some survivors un-hook people close to you (example, i was in a chase close to the man on hook) without borrow time just for farming (it doesnt happend a lot in red rank, purple, it's rare but it happens)
    • you are vs 4 random and one of them let himself die on first hook (it's disrespectful for the other 3 players in game)
    • you are playing as surv with 3 random and 2 of them run to the killer to get rekt and to finish their match instantly (it's rare, very rare but it happens)

    let's say my definition of toxic is very close to griefing sometimes

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    At the moment I don't believe anyone new should pick up Dead by Daylight right now. The matchmaking issues, poor optimization, lack of solo survivor support, the community, and bugs left a sour taste on all of my friends who wanted to join in and even I can't play it without feeling annoyed. Every time I'm asked if I recommend DBD I say no or say "Go ahead but there are a lot of problems with it so keep that in mind."

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    Believe me, I'm aware of the matchmaking issues. I said that it was currently being worked on, which is not a lie. Look at the January Dev update if you don't believe me.

    1k hour sis a lot. 1k hours over 1 and a ahkf years is a lot. I brought this up because the person I was referencing said that after 900 hours, they didn't have a single character with all perks after NOT prestigeing them, which I marked (and I quote) as "interesting". Then I finished off by saying that they're probably just listing every negative thing to their friends without having ANYTHING positive to off-set that negativity. And if that's the case, and they can only think of negative things to say, then why still play the game at all?

  • zkelvln
    zkelvln Member Posts: 54

    You must get good at being a survivor if you want to become a better killer