Two maps

So after the update are there only two maps now? Lol I only get farm and Auto Haven. Kinda getting sick of them.
Sometimes you just get unlucky, and it feels like you're playing on the same maps over and over, but nothing has changed.
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To me depends on what killer I am playing as, with I play hillbilly, I have 90% of chance to get Hawkins and 10% of getting The Game map
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I know nothing has changed. Its just annoying getting these two maps over and over again.
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Autohaven has different layouts such as Azarov's Resting Place with the I----I shape, and there's more traditional maps like the one with the gas station at the back.
Same goes for Coldwind Farm with maps like the Thompson House and Fractured Cowshed.
Even if you only get variations of those two realms it's still more than 2 maps.
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Could use map offerings. That's what me and my buddy do after getting similar maps in a row.
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Obviously but there still very very similar.
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It's just bad luck. I had a day where I got Hawkins 5 times in a row. :/