My first killer concept

jiguiri Member Posts: 124

So ever since i startes to play the game ive always loved the idea of making my own characters. I know this is most likely never going to get into the gamr but i just did this for fun and i like it.

The soulkeeper

Difficulty: intermidiate

Lore: isaiah was just a normal teen that just mover into a new town. In there he made some friends and started to hang out with them. Slowly but surely they started to influence him into things that he never thought he would do like vandalizing and robbing. When his friends tried to rob a store they killed the store owner but he watched from outside to make sure no one would catch them nut he witnessed the act and became influenced. After this incident his friends dissapeared and were never heard from again. He decided to replicate this and eventually became his every day life. He became more interested and did some research and after trial and error he managed to make a lantern where he could keep the souls of the people he killed. Several days later some people caught him in the act and the police were called. When they checked his place they found the blue prints for the lantern and some old pictures of him and his old friends, he fled the town and eventually stepped foot into a dark thick fog and was never heard from again. But once in the fog he found a pleseant suprise. He could do whatever he wanted he wanted as long as he served the entity, but that wasnt the only suprise the entity had in store for isaiah. He also saw his old group of friends, only known as the legion

Power: ruler of souls

Your years and years of killing have tought you that you can do much more with the dead. You have mastered and are able to control the spirit realm to your advantage with the lantern you keep at all times. This will allow the spirits to do your every command. You can command these spirits to increase your weapon size, disable windows or pallets and slow down survivors. However only one of these actions may be done at a time.

Movement speed: 110 ( to balance out his power )

Terror radious: 24m ( can hear souls from his lantern starting at 40m )

I added the last part to his lore cause i am indeed a legion main and i thought it would be cool to add another member but i wanted to make him unique. Hope you like it