Change The Pig's Ambush Sound

JaPonii Member Posts: 91
edited August 2018 in General Discussions

It's pretty simple what I have to say.

When you Ambush as The Pig, you sound like a Boar ramming into a target, it's okay I guess but not really what I imagined. It doesn't give me The Pig nostalgia I know and love in SAW movies.

When the Pig Heads attack in the movie, it sounds more like a pig squealing at the top of their lungs while there is s slight echo afterwards right before they sadate their victims.

That is what I expected to hear when I ambush people. I am a tad bit disappointed that it sounds like a Boar Snort than a Pig Squeal. Is it just me?

C'mon it can't be just me, that Pig Squeal gave me nightmares as a kid, so why can't I have a Pig Squeal when I ambush people, it's scarier!
