Survivor Bloodpoint Gain needs a Buff

Any Ideas on how to make BP Gain for Survivor equal to Killer?


  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    In total you can gain the same amount as Killers do. Its just a little bit harder to fill the categories.

    Also playing Killer is way stressfuller so i would say its fine it is easier to gain Bloodpoints as Killer.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    The only category to get up is survival, you have just as many chances as killer. on average you may not get as much but thats because killer is much harder to actually play, some killers also gain BP faster than others. if you really want BP use we`re gonna live forever to get up to 100% bonus. (David perk, he was also free so youll have him unlocked)

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,180

    Really the only issue is that most of it is out of your control (where killer is opposite and is completely in their control).

    If no one is getting hit or hooked, your altruism is dead. If you aren't getting chased, your boldness takes a hit (not dead since you can at least do bones for some points). Not much you can do with Survival or Objectives if the killer is laser focused on you for some reason.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    Give up a perk slot for were gonna live forever just as most killers give up their sanity to go against survivors

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,734

    fix survival. There have been more events added to help (like obsession survived/killed) but its still a very inconsistent category with very minimal interaction to adjust it. Part of the reason why there is a discrepency between the two is because the killer's relative category (sacrifice) has many more events contribute to it, which allows for more points when the category isn't even complete. The other issue is, ironically, how fast the games go: Generally you have to to get a lot of points from chases, or get a lot of points from gens, but not really both. When survivors rush the game as fast as possible, they hurt their ability to cap both categories.

    Most of the point discrepancies are due to the design and objective philosophy being so different. Killer needs to do all 4 things at all times, while survivors only need to do 1-3 of them at any given time. This will always lead to a discrepency in gains unless either the survivors need to start working as hard as the killer, or the killer needs to multitask less.

  • TheEdster
    TheEdster Member Posts: 41

    When you are the last Survivor left in the Trial you get 1500 bloodpoints in the Survival catagory. 'Last Man Standing'

    Something like this would be nice I think.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    As you increase in the rift you gain a bloodpoint bonus up to 100%. Problem solved lol

  • Jakojo
    Jakojo Member Posts: 214

    Getting people off the ground from dying to injured should give you bonus points and points toward Benevolence.

  • Izo_Quartz
    Izo_Quartz Member Posts: 250

    the problem with survivors is that almost half your points is dependant on weather you survive or not. instead of basing your survival points on weather you surviive or not, it should be based on how long you've survived in the trial. not only that but i think, successfully stealthing/hiding from the killer for a long period of time should award survival points instead of punishing the survivor for not interacting with the killer. (and escaping a chase awards survival points instead of boldness)

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,978

    I'd really love to see survivors getting more bloodpoints in general - I am sure that would help with things like BP events which lobbies tend to get a lot worse because so many people want to play killer at that time due to the increased bp gain.

    I think a lot of the issue is that survivor gameplay is so dependent on the other players, so therefore their point gain is dependant also - for example, if the killer fails to catch anyone all match, survivors are penalised with points quite greatly then as there's no altruism points to be won, so it's just a matter of doing the gens and getting out which never leads to great BP. The highest BP matches I've been in (for all concerned) is where there've been plenty of chases, unhooks etc and then usually all five players have very good BP scores at the end of the match - those are the most fun matches imo, I don't like playing hide n seek so much as cat n mouse, I prefer chases whether I am playing survivor or killer, so I would personally like to see those play styles rewarded accordingly. I wouldn't personally want to give points for not interacting with the killer as I feel that's a big segment of the game that's being stripped away and that isn't encouraging of an exciting playstyle (to my mind), urbanly evading around the map trying to actively avoid chases and make the game slow and somewhat dull for all concerned shouldn't be rewarded imo.