Being able to see survivors' names in lobby

Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

Killers really shouldn't be able to see survivors' names in pre-game lobby. Some killers love to get their sick kicks by tunnelling/mori-ing survivors whom they've played against before.... and it's really disgusting and unfair. I played a game yesterday where a Spirit recognized one of my teammates and took a mori.... my teammate asked them why they used it and they responded very nastily. I guess they hated me as well because I agreed with my teammate, because I played against them again today and they took an ebony mori and proceeded to trash-talk me in end-game chat.

I see no reason for killers to see survivors names in the lobby, since all it does is allow killers to hold grudges and target people whom they don't like.... be it for crouch-spamming/flashlight clicking, or simply outplaying them, or having a certain NAME (TTV comes to mind). It's especially injurious in the red ranks, since I find myself being matched with and against the same people often. And I know, you wouldn't be able to find out if you were playing against a SWF by looking at their friend list, but many people already have private profiles and it really doesn't matter if you know or not.... and besides that, I think that being targeted by the killer for any of the reasons I stated above is far worse than playing against a SWF (since SWFs aren't personally targeting the killer with their antics, they're just doing it in general.... AND you can still win against SWFs), since mine and my teammates games are ending in less than 10k points across the board, and definite de-ranks.

I think it would be great if the portraits on the bottom left-hand of the screen only had the characters' names.... e.g. Nea 1, Nea 2, Jane, Quentin, e.t.c.. And you would only be able to see their names in end-game lobby, just like the way killer's name is only shown in end lobby. For reporting purposes, the character the person was playing would be attached to the end of their name, like "SteveMain31 (Steve)". 😏

The next step would be for the killer to not be able to see survivors in the pre-game lobby.... so you could use the cosmetics you bought and liked without being targeted with toxic behavior! It's pretty sad that people actually get offended at cosmetics, characters and names, but I firmly believe that steps need to be taken to minimize the impact of these salty killers.



  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    I agree but killers need to see the survivors in the lobby so they can know what items the survivors are bringing

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Survivors should be able to see what killer and what addons they're bringing as well.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    I agree. I got in to an argument with one guy for tunnelling and mori someone out of a game with 900 points. Claimed he didn't tunnel. Left various comments on my profile.

    A week or so later I run a Legion around for 3 gens who then camps me and in the chat they just say "For x" where x is the name of the person who had argued with me a week earlier. Avenging his tunnelling friend? What's that ######### about?

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    What's next? Killer shouldn't be able to see what cosmetics survivors are wearing in lobby? Killer shouldn't be able to see survivor models in lobby?

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    I personally dont really care but i know some killers would complain if they couldnt see items in the lobby anymore

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I understand that you remember names to avoid those survivors in the future, but there are far more killers who use it to directly ruin the games of people whom they don't like or have a grudge against. And it's not just toxic survivors.... it's survivors who have certain names, survivors who played well, or survivors who called out the killer's toxic behavior in a previous game. And the worst part about it is that while survivor toxicity only affects one person (the killer), killer toxicity affects all four survivors.... because killers are usually not content to only take out their frustrations on one person, they take it out on the entire team.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    Why do you ignore the fact that a player CAN be good enough to win against a SWF team, no matter who they're playing (with the exception of Clown) or if the survivors know it beforehand? Does killer skill not matter or exist? Is every single game that results in a loss for killer the fault of the survivors, or can we expand our minds here and realize that the killers who lose might just be bad at the game, and should learn to play better? Playing killer, I can say that I win games because I play well. If I lose games, I did not play well. It's as simple as that.

    While it seems like a fair idea, I personally wouldn't like for the survivors to see the killer and their addons, because a lot of survivors would just dodge when they were matched with killers they didn't like.... although killers are already dodging left and right just because multiple survivors readied up at the same time, or because Meg is wearing a mask, or whatever. I do understand what BigBrainMegMain is saying though, if you want killers to have information that allows them to change their build based on the survivors they're going up against (bringing Franklin's because of multiple items, Lightborn for flashlights, e.t.c.), then survivors should be able to have similar knowledge that allows them to adjust their builds accordingly, especially considering that survivors are currently completely in the dark as to anything regarding the killer pre-game. But, I would rather negate the issue rather than counter it, i.e. make it so that killers can't see survivors, just so they can't target people who are wearing cosmetics they don't like (like the bunny Feng Mins getting mori'd nearly every game I have them in, or the aforementioned mask-wearing Megs.... killers really don't like them for some reason). It's really a bummer for your entire team to be mori-ed just because you had a pink-haired Nea, or the killer has a beef with one of your teammates.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I disagree with that. Add-ons are not the same as items, they're too intertwined with perks. There shouldn't be any hidden offerings though, Survivors should know when they're going to go up against a sweaty red mori.

    As for the names, Killers shouldn't know it, they have no reason to until the end of the match. It will also prevent stream sniping by hiding the name at the beginning.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    When you run a Nurse for 5 gens and get tunneled, camped, and morid by the same one just a few games later

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    So, the killer, who needs to build around survivors, shouldn't be able to do so? It's four perks vs sixteen, plus four items. And you want to send the killer in blind? Do you realize how much of an advantage that is?

    How often do you run into the same people? There are, what, 50k players? The only real time you'll run into the same players is in red ranks, where the pool is much smaller. I'm not exactly against having names hidden, but at the same time, sometimes I recognize a name and recall how they played, giving me info on if I want to continue or dodge.

    Plus, what about streamers? It's how they promote themselves, via their names. I'll mori them, but still.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

    So trying to protect toxic survivors? All killers should write down exit gate t-baggers gamertags. It's so low to do this at the end of the game and the only way to stop them is having this system so you can tunnel/facecamp them and after game tell them why. Or they will continue to be toxic.

    We all want a fair game for fair players.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    See, the end of your post is one of the big reasons why we need names hidden until the end of the game.... not only do my TTV teammates get mori-ed, everyone else does as well. If you're a killer who only uses the mori on the TTV (I'm not sure if you do or not), then congratulations--you're one of the minority to do so (although I still disagree with it and think it's rather selfish). There are far more people who take in moris to punish the entire team due to the presence of one individual. With names being hidden in pre-lobby and in-game, TTV gamers' names will still be seen at the end of the game, so they will still be able to "promote" themselves.

    I personally don't mind playing against people whom I've played against before, no matter if they were toxic or very good at the game, because it's truly silly to be offended or biased towards anybody on this Casual Video Game. But, there are many killers who, instead of simply dodging the people whom they don't want to play against, they choose to be vindictive and take moris or facecamp them to death. The problem is that many killer players seem to feel like they're "above" the survivors, instead of realizing that they're all just gamers and treating people like equals (which they are, there are just different roles). But, I won't delve into that, because that's not the point. The point is that something like this needs to be implemented, because there are many people in red ranks being rematched against killers that they played well against and are being tunnelled/mori-ed just because the killer held a grudge on a video game.

    To address the top of your post, SKILLED killer players would not have a problem with not being able to see survivors. Not being able to see survivors is not the problem that I think people are scared of, it's the items part. And if you're that scared of survivor items, then just take in Franklin's or Lightborn every game. But.... people are probably scared that their Franklin's or Lightborn might be useless.... and that's where I would like to mention that survivors are completely blind as to the killer, and they don't know if their Inner Strength will be nearly useless against an Iron Maiden user, or their flashlight will be useless against a Lightborn user, or the killer is taking in Franklin's because they're using a medkit, or the killer is playing Bubba or Billy and it will be much harder to use their Dead Hard, and the list goes on. I want equality in this area, i.e. killers not being able to see survivors as well, because it would level the playing field, and increase dependence on skill rather than taking perks to counter specific things.

    And please don't try and use the argument of "It's 16 perks against 4". It's not like survivors (unless they're SWF) are co-ordinating their perks in pre-game lobby. I almost purely play solo in red ranks and it's rare that anybody speaks before the game, let alone talk about the perks they're using (unless it's challenge specific). And SWF groups CAN be beaten, regardless of the perks they're using. If SWF groups were actually invincible and could win ANY game that they were put into, then there would be a problem, but that is not the case. If you're good enough, you CAN beat a SWF group. And if you're bad, you don't. People need to stop ignoring the fact that killers are responsible for the outcome of their games, since they are literally the power role. And I'm not saying you're going to win every single game that you play as killer if you play well, because that would be completely unbalanced and unfair, but it needs to be known that your skill has basically everything to do with the outcome of a game. A skilled killer can still perform well against a SWF group, and even if they don't get the Big 4k, they can still earn good points and have a fun game. Killers should be less focused on whom they're playing against, and instead focus more on themselves--getting better at the game, becoming more skilled with the killers they play, trying different perk builds, and so on.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Daily reminder if that you think you're being "tunneled", the solution is to play better.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I hate to break it to you, but crouching up and down does not give survivors any sort of gameplay advantage. They don't gain extra movement speed, they don't heal a health state, e.t.c.. People make the choice to be offended at crouch-spamming survivors and they need to realize that it is only hurting themselves to be offended at moving pixels on a screen.

    You know, people got over being offended at crouch-spammers ages ago on games like CoD and Halo. The reason that killers get offended at survivors is because they feel like they are "above" the survivors and that the survivors deserve to be "punished". And when the survivors crouch-spam in the exit, the killers have some sort of mental boom because they take it so personally. Honestly, if you're that upset about the crouch-spammers, just hit them in the exit and make them leave. If you sit there and fume because they're sitting in the exit and crouching up and down, they're just going to continue doing it. I obviously disagree with crouch-spamming because I think it's childish, but it really does not affect the game itself whatsoever. And the killer retaliating with ACTUAL toxic behavior, i.e. tunnelling, mori-ing or facecamping, just makes a show of how insecure, immature and selfish the killer is.

    A fair game for all players is the killer not being able to see survivors in pre-game lobby, because it is UNFAIR for the killer to target people with toxic behavior based on their name or character choice. And killer toxic behavior actually has an impact on the game.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    The killer killing you isn't "toxic".

    If you're consistently vulnerable enough and easy enough to catch that you can complain about "being tunneled", get better.

    That's it.

  • myersismydaddy
    myersismydaddy Member Posts: 232

    And you don't want it to be the other way around for exactly what reason again?

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I'm sorry that you either ignored or missed the point where I addressed BigBrainMegMain's suggestion. I will repost it here:

    "While it seems like a fair idea, I personally wouldn't like for the survivors to see the killer and their addons, because a lot of survivors would just dodge when they were matched with killers they didn't like.... although killers are already dodging left and right just because multiple survivors readied up at the same time, or because Meg is wearing a mask, or whatever. I do understand what BigBrainMegMain is saying though, if you want killers to have information that allows them to change their build based on the survivors they're going up against (bringing Franklin's because of multiple items, Lightborn for flashlights, e.t.c.), then survivors should be able to have similar knowledge that allows them to adjust their builds accordingly, especially considering that survivors are currently completely in the dark as to anything regarding the killer pre-game. But, I would rather negate the issue rather than counter it, i.e. make it so that killers can't see survivors, just so they can't target people who are wearing cosmetics they don't like (like the bunny Feng Mins getting mori'd nearly every game I have them in, or the aforementioned mask-wearing Megs.... killers really don't like them for some reason). It's really a bummer for your entire team to be mori-ed just because you had a pink-haired Nea, or the killer has a beef with one of your teammates."

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    Did you even read my post? The big problem is killers taking in moris just because they see someone they don't like. Tunnelling and camping are actually smaller parts of the issue, with mori-ing being the biggest part.

    I'm sorry that you actually think you can escape a killer who is bent on removing you from the game, be it with a mori or tunnelling/facecamping. And even if they only catch you and everyone else escapes, they've still accomplished their goal--namely you having a trashy experience, getting few points and losing a pip.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    Nah, leave it as is. Knowing your name is visible makes you play in a way that makes you accountable for your actions. If you know they can't see your name, then you can play as toxic as you like, or maybe a killer will be so upset by something you did, they'll confuse you for someone else, and mori them instead. The way it is now makes people responsible for their actions.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Oh no, the killer brought a Mori!

    Personally, I don't like Mori's and don't use them, but you know what? They exist. Deal with it. It's not "toxic" if a killer uses one.

    And oh no, you died first? Darn, you had a bad game. Just like everyone else. What, you think you're entitled to not have those now, too?

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    If you had actually read my main post, you would see that nowhere in there did I suggest survivors being able to see killers and their addons. BigBrainMegMain suggested that. And like I said already in another post, I already addressed that point. I will post it AGAIN here for you to read:

    "While it seems like a fair idea, I personally wouldn't like for the survivors to see the killer and their addons, because a lot of survivors would just dodge when they were matched with killers they didn't like.... although killers are already dodging left and right just because multiple survivors readied up at the same time, or because Meg is wearing a mask, or whatever. I do understand what BigBrainMegMain is saying though, if you want killers to have information that allows them to change their build based on the survivors they're going up against (bringing Franklin's because of multiple items, Lightborn for flashlights, e.t.c.), then survivors should be able to have similar knowledge that allows them to adjust their builds accordingly, especially considering that survivors are currently completely in the dark as to anything regarding the killer pre-game. But, I would rather negate the issue rather than counter it, i.e. make it so that killers can't see survivors, just so they can't target people who are wearing cosmetics they don't like (like the bunny Feng Mins getting mori'd nearly every game I have them in, or the aforementioned mask-wearing Megs.... killers really don't like them for some reason). It's really a bummer for your entire team to be mori-ed just because you had a pink-haired Nea, or the killer has a beef with one of your teammates."

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    Rank 1 as both roles, and ever since the archives launched, I see more survivor mains play in a toxic way as killer than I do killer mains. I'm determining who mains what by their rank as both, because I've seen people play as both. People who are higher ranked as killer are less toxic as killer than the people who are higher ranked as survivor. That doesn't mean that there aren't toxic killers; I can be toxic as a killer main. But, I think it's worth noting, that more often than not, the most toxic players are people who main survivor.

  • NoBSFriendlyGamer
    NoBSFriendlyGamer Member Posts: 15

    Daily reminder that you being the ONLY survivior that the killer goes after for the enitre game until you die is not something you can play around LMAO, I'm a killer main and do you really think someone can just "pLaY bEtTeR!" to live? No if I was toxic trash I would follow them around and on their first hook get out the smores and tent and that would be the end of the game for them, not only does this behaviour ruin the game for the hooked survivour it ruins it for the other survivours who are now playing the "Hold left click game" instead of the ACTUAL game ya'know the one where the killer goes after different people?

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    There's nothing about "the real game" that says the killer has to go after different people.

    Don't want to get tunneled? Don't be easy to catch.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    The only way that you're being "affected" by this is the fact that you had a bad game. It happens. To everyone. Every survivor, every killer.

    You're not entitled to a good game every time. You're not entitled to surviving for 15 minutes. If you died early, then too bad, move on to the next match.

  • Spirez
    Spirez Member Posts: 674

    That’s a horrible idea. They see it’s a stealth killer then they’ll bring all the perks to counter stealth and now stealth killers become the worst killers in the game.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    I've played against survivors that have made me really tilted, and they've been able to run me around the entire match while gens were done. Now I know better. Really, it's only survivors that can't play that well that will get tunneled and face camped. I've even had people successfully unhook a friend and get away unscathed from the basement, while I was playing bubba no less.

    It's not guaranteed that if the killer wants you dead, you're going to die. Ultimately, your skill determines that. If you don't play as killer often, you probably don't understand that this is the case, because you don't often get to see godly survivors run a killer around the entire match without being downed. You might say, that's only a few survivors that can are capable of doing that, and that may be true, but it's still the case that it's possible. You only need to find one contradictory example to prove a claim of 'for all' wrong. In this case, you're claiming 'for all' survivors, if the killer wants them dead, then they will die... but that's simply not true.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I never see people act like this. I've run into people I have played with pretty commonly nowadays when I started to pay attention. Most killers seem to check a profile and see what they are dealing with. In the years I have been playing I have seen the behavior you have described just once.

  • NoBSFriendlyGamer
    NoBSFriendlyGamer Member Posts: 15

    Ahh yes the penalties that you receive to your score for camping someone on the hook doesn't indicate one bit that maybe the killer is supposed to be going after other people, I guess you just know better than the devs. 😉

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I'm higher ranked as Killer (Rank 4) than Survivor (Rank 6). Also, where did I say "For all". Nowhere did I say that, thank you very much. All I said is that a Killer can literally take you out of a game, while survivors cannot. And that much is absolutely true.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I'm sorry, but I'm done replying to you. You actually aren't even reading what I'm typing, or else you just can't get it into your head for whatever reason (although I have an idea). It's not just a "bad game". It's something that could easily be prevented via not allowing killers to see names in pre-lobby or in-game. And honestly, if the killer is playing fair, and I die early, that's not a "bad game" to me. I enjoy every game that I play if the killer is being a fair gamer and is not abusing things like being able to target people with moris based on their name, character or cosmetics, which is why I play the exact same way when I play killer and get plenty of points on every game. You aren't even addressing the ACTUAL POINT of my post, which is a certain mechanic being abused by toxic killers to intentionally ruin the games of specific gamers.

    If I get mori-ed because someone just "wanted to use a mori" or is doing a daily, then I am perfectly fine with that. But if the killer recognizes me or a teammate and takes in a mori just to be completely and utterly toxic, and this is PREVENTABLE by hiding names until end-lobby, then that is what needs to be done.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Yes, and unhooking someone with the killer right on your back gives you +1000 points, so it must be what you're supposed to do, right?

    One has nothing to do with the other, don't be obtuse. You should be embarrassed to have publicly displayed such a failure of logic.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    "If the killer kills me, that's ok. But if I think they did it for a reason, that's bad."

    Ah, yes, of course.

  • NoBSFriendlyGamer
    NoBSFriendlyGamer Member Posts: 15

    Did you take into account that you see 4x (3x if you are a survivour aswell) as many survivours per game? Also calling survivour behaviour "toxic" is kinda a joke never have I seen it OFFENSIVE when some goober crouch spams and points at me lmao, I thought people got over this teabagging stuff in the Xbox days.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Even as a survivor you can see the killer on console (PS4 at least) by simply going into the "currently playing" list and viewing your own game. The name that doesn't match your survivor teammates is the killer.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    Just give us an Avoid Player Option. Limit it to a specific number to prevent abuse and we are gucci.

    And just food for thought: Some killers don't like ttv in the lobbys. They don't want to be a toy for the streamer and getting mocked by the chat.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I'm sorry, but if you're spending 80 seconds on your first chase (long enough for three gens to get popped), or even 60, or even 40, then you probably need to play better. The scenarios that you described only indicate to me that the killer played poorly. Of course, there are certain maps that are not suited to certain killers, and you'll probably have a harder time, but that's just the nature of the game--not every map can be perfectly suited to every single killer, and you'll just have to take your L or 1 kill er whatever and go on.

    And like I said as well, if you're that scared of survivor items, just use Franklin's every game. I'm personally not bothered by survivor items, as I am of the opinion that they do not affect the game any more than I allow them to. Toolboxes have been nerfed, insta-heals have been nerfed, maps are not an issue, keys only work once a certain criteria is met, and flashlights can be countered by checking your surroundings or looking at a wall.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I understand, but when I see TTV gamers in my lobby, I just play normally. Because, at the end of the day, I'm just a faceless gamer and if I want to give them a challenge, I'll try harder. It's still those killers' choice to be offended at what other people think about them.... on the internet....

    I still firmly believe that it is more important to stop the Actual toxicity that is occuring, namely killers targeting survivors intentionally with first hook moris. Honestly, this matters more than someones' hurt feelings over a TTV memeing at them to their chat!

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    Well, I'm talking about PC, and we don't have an option for that here 🙁

  • Pirscher
    Pirscher Member Posts: 647

    They should add an option to be able to mask your username by the survivor/killer name youre playing as or with Player 1, 2, etc. And if you break rules, you can still be reported naturally, as the game can see past the masking.

    Griefing, targeting and sniping is really annoying in this game..

    A few weeks i was targeted 3 times by the same killer - going straight for me, slashing on hook, tunnel and mori. I had never seen this player before and I dont play toxic.. very frustrating!

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,658

    There is no reason for the sake of gameplay why the Killer should be able to see the names and profiles of the Survivor.

    So it should be removed.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522
    edited May 2020

    No, it doesn't matter.

    You died. Great. Move on to the next game.

    There's literally zero that anyone can or will do to "fix" this issue for you. Because it's not an issue. You might as well whine that someone AWP'd you in CS:GO and now you don't get to play for the entire round, so unfair!

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I'm specifically referring to the red ranks, since the pool of players is smaller there. I've run into the same players many, many times in the past few months!