Hot Take: Bad Survivors Create Bad Killer Habits
I'll avoid dropping too big of a novel here, but I'd like for everyone to think about the following:
- If a teammate is getting camped or 'patrolled', just do the generators and leave the match. This robs the killer of a lot of points, stops them from snowballing, and shows them that in order to catch survivors, they'll actually have to play the game.
- Most of you do anything but generators for the entirety of the match and wonder why killers 4k so much. If one average person gets chased and caught within 25 - 40 seconds, a bunch of generators can be close to finished, 3 to be exact.
- At any one point in time, two people can be on generators (assuming one hooked survivor) while one scouts for a potential save. If the killer is camping, see the solution at the top of this list.
- Run DS/unbreakable. Seriously. Do it. Slugging is only so effective, and leaving you on the ground due to fear of DS in combination with this perk gives the killer a no win scenario. Either leave you on the ground for unbreakable, pick you up and eat a DS, or babysit your body for 60 seconds which is a lot of free generator time. There is no scenario here where the killer is in complete control. Losing to slug strategies should be a thing of the past with that particular perk combination. Unbreakable is one of the top 5 perks in this game, especially against good killers. Killers that pick you up immediately every time they secure a down aren't the ones you'll worry about.
- Bumrushing hooks contributes to killer snowballing. What I've seen in a lot of games is that most killers will lurk around the hook for a bit to look for any potential unhookers. They test to see how altruistic the team is, but unless they've hard committed to just camping every hook, most killers will go away from the hook when generators start popping. Don't bumrush hooks, you're only putting the game in the hands of the killer.
- During the endgame collapse, don't be afraid to leave the last person on the hook. Unless you have the correct combination of perks or the killer you're going against has weak hook defense, don't risk giving them more kills than they deserve. Killers count on altruistic saves to turn games from 0K into 3-4K. Don't give undeserved kills.
- Don't stack up on generators together. It is less efficient, as the risk of having the killer chase multiple people off of one generator isn't worth the slight increase to repair speed. Split up on generators or find new ones if you encounter teammates stacking on one. You'll find your games will go much smoother this way.
- Choose which generators to prioritize finishing to avoid a 3 gen scenario. Many games I've been in have been sabotaged by people just holding M1 on the first generator they see without any regard for its position. The general rule is: try to do the generators on either side closest to the middle, that way, the killer will have to travel a longer distance during their patrol if the furthest generators are left. This, in turn, gives the entire team more time to finish the remaining generators.
I could add more, but I feel like this should be more than enough. I've played way more survivor these days than killer, and if every survivor had this mindset, I swear to god most killers would quit this game until some real balance or mechanical overhauls took place. That's all, folks!
Edit: One strategy that survivors don't technically contribute toward is tunneling. If a killer is going to do this, then there's not much you can do other than make yourself incredibly difficult to catch. Best case scenario, you run the killer for the entirety of the match and you get out anyway. Worst case? Three people leave the game and one dies.
Edit 2: DS/Unbreakable can be considered a soft counter to tunneling, but doesn't always guarantee an escape.
Altruism really is one of the biggest killers. I've seen so many 1Ks turn into 3/4Ks from the perspective of both sides or games just spiral out of control as survivors mindlessly throw themselves at the killer trying to save their teammates.
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Point is, Do gens or dont, the match is over anyway, like what value is there for anyone involved? if it was any sort of tournament it would be disqualified.
Also the real problem is campers who dont appear to camp, by the time you realize they are its already too late, too much time has been wasted.
But like I said, it does not matter, that match has had no value anyway, might as well just run up to the killer and die so you can go to hopefully an actual match after that.
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Bad players in general create bad habits. If you keep pulling through the low ranks you are going to get used to running the killer around a simple loop or survivors going down straight away and not learning how to counter loops etc.
Its why people complain about stupid things being OP when in reality they have just faced someone who is better than average.
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Most of the survivor games I've won are ones that I have completed 3-4 generators alone. If all the survivors played where they focused repairing gen's this game would be unplayable for Killers.
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Nailed it
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By that do you mean stealth campers? Or or hardcore hook patrolling? Or both, I guess
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pretty much but in my head I have the hardcore patrolling kind.
You run up for the unhook:
"oh the killer is back, ok the killer is after me oh dear oh dear....oh wait no, killer is going back? did they see someone else? OH THEY DID QUICKLY the killer is just coming back....and yep.....yeah I think thaaaat.... yep we got a camper, ok lets do some gens...dude is already in stage 2, this is great."
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Bonus points if it's a cloaked wraith "countering" BT and punishing "farms". Had that twice this week.
And a Trapper that never used his traps. That one was wierd. Like, it's a Trapper: you could at least set traps. But no, I wasted a whole minute figuring out he was patrolling, not setting up.
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It's a shame that the game encourages it so much, but in the "long run" it's best to think a little more before rushing in for every unhook.
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Did you play a match against me last night? I feel like you saw the travesty of basement rushing that happened to me. A 0K to a 3K
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I can't remember, but I have so many games that go this poorly it wouldn't surprise me.
I don't quite understand what you mean by this. Could you clarify?
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I think he is trying to say that people who "camp" are basically patrolling around the hook rather than facecamping but do it for too long?
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I wish I could like this post more than once. Kill rates are so high 100% because survivors do some of the stupid things that you mention.
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15 second rule. If the heartbeat doesn't vanish in around that time (unless the signs are obvious), then just do gens and leave the poor bastard on the hook. I know it sucks for them, and it's super lame, but their struggle time is +3 escapes if the game is played right. No reason to risk a close game turned by something like NOED at the last minute because people had to bumrush the hook.
Yes. Correct. The only reason I lose most of my games (and I do ######### up sometimes, but not habitually), is due to hook bombing, good pallets going to waste early, and being sandbagged by teammates (happens more often than you think).
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Yeah, hook bombing turned a 1k into a 3k for me. Last oerson left and said i was camping basement 😢
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Felt like this thread could use a necro, seeing as how I'm encountering some seriously uninformed or terrible survivors in solo queue.