Is it really rational that KYF doesn't get any bloodpoints while SWF gets full bloodpoints?



  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    Oh trust me, I get what both of you are saying on that front. Though I have zero friends & family who play DbD, we all do play Overwatch together nightly in a six-stack team. When we get tired of running normal matches, we migrate over to the workshop custom games where I have a lot of game settings saved that others made so I can relaunch them: Dead by Daylight Overwatch, McCree Hot Potato, Doomfist Sumo, CoD Zombies, et cetera.

    We have a blast. XP in custom games is minimal at best and has a daily limit that's reached after only a few matches, but we don't care. It's about the fun and chill hanging out. So, I completely understand no BP in KYF and just having fun. In modes like KYF or workshop, that's the idea anyway.

    Like I said in my original reply to Almo, I have no dog in the BP in KYF fight because in modes like that, the XP or BP was never the reason I played them.