Mutual Quality of Life Improvement: Removal of Player/Killer collision boxes

At current, using a players collision box serves several advantages to those that use it:
- Killers can trap un-aware survivors and hit/charge/stalk
- Killers can prevent survivors from reaching a window/pallet
- Survivors can force a killer to lose a carried survivor (hit them or they can't get in the basement / hit them and they'll wriggle free)
- Survivors can trap un-aware killers by crouching behind them and a dropped pallet (Ex. After stun)
These are the few 'positive' features of body blocking. (Mainly, it's still in game as it takes effort to remove collision boxes, and bE isn't about to do something that doesn't pay them immediately.)
But...the real use of body blocking is much more malicious:
- SWF survivors, will body block the 'odd one out'
- Survivors will body block other survivors in the same positions as killers can
- Survivors will use an immobile killer as an excuse to report/blame their ignorance.
Case and point, a killer, stands at the top of the basement stairs. Or the very bottom, it doesn't matter. Survivors, not content with winning will continue to poke/prod, and taunt the killer. Who, like most, accepting defeat, have walked away from the game (sometime hours at point in waiting around to read the abusive chat or see /hear the continued taunting in game). Worst of all, the survivors will purposely trap themselves. Again, ON PURPOSE, to force a report onto a killer they've already bullied. Sure, reports at this current time don't do much, and one assumes the killer will move. Again, many killers do the smart thing and walk away from abusive people, in game or in life.
As it stands, being abusive in game, as survivor is not reportable. There is no way for a killer to defend themself in this argument. bE has always sided with the "It's your job to chase, if you don't, you are reported and banned." Even if the survivor puts themself in the situation, it is the killers fault.
Prime Example: Any farm map with a combine harvester will have the ability for the hatch to spawn next to the front tines so that one can either drop down a short bit onto it, or walk from the ground onto it. Assume the gens are all powered, the killer tried, but they all kept getting out of sight. So...the killer finds the trap door, knowing they can't catch the survivors (having tried for 12+min), and stand on the center of it. There are two exit hatch. All survivors can leave via the gates. The 'want' for the hatch at this point is just greed ("I 'need' the BP / I 'need' the rank.") A killer afk at this point, waiting for the skilled survivors to leave may inadvertently 'trap' a survivor.
Rather a survivor, not content with survival through a gate, will try and walk around the killer to get into the trap door...and trap themself between the killer, and the harvester main tines.'s pride that takes over, "THEY"RE BODY BLOCKING ME! THEY"RE HOLDING THE GAME HOSTAGE" even though, the killer has tried and tried, and given up (knowing that they can't chase the survivors out).
bE will side with the survivor.
It's not enough for the survivor to win...they have to have everything they want.
If a killer afk's at the top of the basement, and a survivor forces themself through, ("I wanted an Item" "I wanted boldness") It's again, put on the killers responsibilities to try, even when they have (wisely) given up for this match. Again, the Killer is reported.
So...what do do about that long explanation of the less common, though more damaging actions of survivors or killers?
Remove collision from players. No body blocking, for survivors, or killers. Simple as that.
Killers will still be able to be 'tempted' by survivors clicking, crouching, circling the killer while they carry a survivor. Survivors will still be able to click, crouch, taunt other survivors not in their group.
Outside of that (as again, putting that kind of change into the game is quite teduius for bE's current programming department), a 'time out' That either rewards no one, or punishes all offenders.
I propose, as an alternative to the removal of body blocking:
"Time Out Timer" (TOT)
- TOT will start when all players in game have stayed without user input for 4 min (240 seconds...that's enough time to bleed out on the ground)
- When TOT limit is reached, all players currently in game will be taken to the post tally screen.
- Players who are affected by the TOT conclusion (didn't leave prior) will receive 0 Blood Points, 0 XP, All Items Lost, All Add-Ons Lost, -2 Pips.
- Players who are affect by the TOT conclusion (didn't leave prior) will receive what points were earned before the TOT timer started. (So that survivors holding the game hostage are not incentive's to get themself stuck) All Items Lost, All Add-Ons Lost, regular 'pips'.
At the very least, either PUNISH the abuse that killers and survivors receive at each others hands. Continue to REWARD them for doing as they currently are. Or REMOVE the ability to cause this situation in the 1st place.
I vote, remove 'body blocking' in all shapes or forms.
Thoughts? Ideas?
I personally think the timer is great, but I think that beyond the rank and item penalties, it should teleport the survivor to a basement hook and instantly kill them, thus giving a bonus to the killer too