Ebony Mori Rarity....

I see a lot of people on here complaining about ebonies and how they should either not exist or receive a heavy nerf. As a usual survivor main who isn’t a massive fan of ebonies, I recently tried it out for the first time in a few killer games and steamrolled teams who would’ve usually ran all over me as a rank 10 killer, admittedly receiving hate for it in nearly all of them.
In this brief killer stint with hillbilly, (before they messed with him) and lvld him up to 50 on the spot, it’s weird to see that you come across way more ebony Moris than you do cypress or Ivory put together. I think I got 1 Ivory, 2 cypress and 8 Ebony.
I know that wont have been the case for everyone but I see the same thing on multiple streamers bloodwebs, considering it’s supposed to be of the highest rarity, it’s pretty common. Why don’t they just slightly decrease amount of Ebonies and increase the amount of cypress and Ivories. It would make killers less blasé about using them so frequently and hopefully see a higher popularity of killers using the other two offerings. (Imo the other two are much fairer and healthier for the game)
Im not saying they should be gone altogether or that sometimes, less experienced killers need them to stand a chance against teammates out of their league due to matchmaking. It’s not nice to be destroyed as killer and admittedly, killers on a whole need a QOL buff. It’s just a thought and I was wondering what the rest of the player base thought of this issue...
I've said this same thing before. Only changing that needs done with moris is make them less common. Especially with billy and LF who have no ultra rare addons you get them almost every blood web. I probably get 5-10 ebony moris to every bloody party streamer. And they are a more common offering???
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Its funny when i have like 2 ivory moris and then like 20 ebonies. Some logic.
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I wish the mori curve was reversed. Seriously ebony being the most common by a titanic margin is rediculious.
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I’ve been playing Survivor basically since release but only killer recently (last couple of months) has it’s always been like this?
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Ebonies are more common on Hillbilly and Leatherface because they lack ultra rare add-ons. Where an ultra rare add-on would be on any other killers bloodwood, an ebony mori is there instead in the case of these two killers.
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I wish they'd just stop giving me Mori's altogether, I don't like them and never use them.
Let me trade them for a Pudding!
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billy (and bubba) aint really representative, due to him not having a single ultra rare addon.
So instead of 8 ebonys during these 50 lvls, you would get maybe 2-3 ebonys on other killers.
They just need to rethink the rarity of the addons, carbo tuning guide shouldnt be green. It's better than his very rare addons as well as his green addons (except the doom engravings, but it has a downside).
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thats fair, but even in the case of other killers, although the gap may be less significant, you seem to get more ebonies than The other two.
Couldn’t switching cypress to most common, Ivory less so and Ebony rarest (like the offerings’ rarity shows) for all killers solve the problem?
it wouldn’t be that difficult to do a ranged fix like this, wouldn’t it?
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They just need to give all killers the same perk rarities. They also need to remove a crap ton of survivor clutter from their webs. Or give us a trade in feature. I personally only ever bring brown medkits depending on my goal for the game.
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I posted about this before. Once I got to level 50 for Spirit, more than half of my bloodwebs had an ebony mori. That's insane and nowhere even close to "ultra rare." It was never addressed so I guess things are working as intended.
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I didnt really disagree with ur point. Just said, that billy & bubba aint that representative for the purpose and that they should change their addons to fit all other killers (2 ultra rare and 2 or more very rare addons).
Yes an ultra rare should be less common than a rare/uncommon.
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The issue is that they're namely ultra-rares, but that's doesn't say exactly how rare.
With caution, it appears that a bloodweb can spawn either 0 or 1 pink nodes and the chance of spawning is between 65% and 85%. Now, if we take a killer with standardized add-on rarity, they have two pink add-ons and one pink offering (ebony). If those three unlockables have an equal chance of spawning, that means that the individual chance is 0.65*0.33=0.21 and 0.85*0.33=0.28 or 28%. In other words, 1 bloodweb out of 5 / (a little less than) 4 will spawn an ebony.
If we take green nodes, they're more numerous in a bloodweb. However, the sheer number of green unlockables is also very high. That means that their individual chance of spawning is actually lower than the individual chance of greens. That's why, ironically, every killer knows very well that it's much more common to get an 'ultra-rare' ebony mori in a bloodweb rather than a simply 'rare' ivory.
For more info https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/a4d03r/i_manually_counted_and_analyzed_over_200/
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I honestly think they should become flavor/bp things where you can only use them on death hooks and yellow mori should allow you 1, green should allow you 2, and red should allow you 4. Then just give you a hearty bp bonus for getting the animation or whatever. Is it a massive nerf yes, but the item is blatantly op and should be nerfed it doesnt have counter play and allows you to circumvent your objective as a killer namely hooking survivors a number of times.