Who's the most liked character?

Snowstruck Member Posts: 564

It's Dwight, right?

Who do you think the most liked character in DBD is? I see a lot of Dwights.. but what are your experiences?

My personal favorites are Quentin, Dwight, Jake, Steve, Yui, Feng, Steve, Kate, Nancy- Legion, Myers, Trapper, Deathslinger, Pig, Huntress and Trapper- my top from each side being Quentin and Legion :0.



  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    Honestly, I would say that Feng Min is the most liked (to play, anyway) based off of the amount that I see!

    My top favorites from each side are Legion (Frank) and Steve, with Nea being a close second in the survivor category! I also like Jeff, Bill, Nancy, Quentin, Oni, Clown and Hillbilly (I love his smile!) 😍

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,161

    Dwight is not a dick in the rift. Read his whole story before judging.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Steve is just Male Meg.

    I would say Dwight, Feng, Nancy, Jake's are the most liked.

    Pig and Hag are the coolest killers.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223


    put some kind of drug into his bosses coffee. IDC how awful your boss is, that is straight up assault. There is no justification for that.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Claudette was well received in the archives but I don't think general opinion about her has shifted significantly. I think Dwight will be the same.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    LOL Pig and Hag. Not in my circles. Pigs tend to be the most toxic and tryhard players that will target specific players. And Hags are just... awful to play against. They are usually super campy just to spite survivors.

    You have a good point about Steve.

    Feng goes either way, it depends on the cosmetics she runs.

  • Swager
    Swager Member Posts: 1

    İ see lot of david and hillbilly-trapper

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Pig and Hag are killers that definitely receive a lot of hate. Their kits encourage tunneling and each have their annoyances, Pig's trap RNG can be unforgiving for both sides and having to crouch around Hag's traps is generally regarded as boring.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Claud was a lost cause. No amount of amazing character development could save her.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Kinda funny Pigs generally let me boop the snoot and will play along with me. Leather faces for me are 50/50. I've memed with a lot of LF. Hags probably the second most common to meme with who is slowly getting outpaced by Ghostface. Yet I would say Ghostface are probably the most toxic to play against in general anymore.

    Steve also hides his key in his pocket during the lobby. Ya Male Meg though.

    I personally play Feng and have all her cosmetics minus the ones in the rift currently, but I can play anywhere between totem/chest hunter to 5 gen chase. I prefer a bit of everything except chest I love chest. I understand what you mean by either way.

    It's funny because neither encourage tunneling people just do because they never got better at these killers. People don't seem to do well with unique killer powers so apply basic logic instead.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,161
    edited May 2020

    Two things, and don't read if you don't want any spoilers;

    1. His boss was an evil corrupt a-hole who was always losing the company money, and in order to avoid getting the blame he would frame innocent employees for it, and get them fired. The latest victim was a friend of Dwight's, who was a single mom.
    2. The 'drug' Dwight put in his boss' drink was something Dwight was told was totally harmless and would simply make his boss laugh so hard he'd pee his pants in front of everyone. Dwight had no idea it would do what it did, hence the look of shock on his face at the end of the video. He just wanted to humiliate the guy in front of everyone. Small payback for all the people his boss had hurt.

    Yeah Dwight made a screw up, but in no way does it make him a dick or a bad person.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Exactly. Pig's power actually works better if you let survivors run around silly with their party hats and Hag's power...well Hag's power doesn't offer any mobility so the best option is usually to set up shop somewhere, preferably around key points such as generators and hooked survivors. Not exactly encouraging tunneling but definitely being a very helpful tool for doing so.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Pig main so dont need to explain it man.

    You are extremely wrong about Hag though. She has a 40 meter base teleport range that with a brown addon is increased to 60 meters, yellow is 70 meters, and green is 80 meters. This gives a Hag some of the most powerful map pressure in the game. She may not have classic mobility, but with a good Hag who knows what shes doing and how to trap effectively you'll never escape. It's why she's capable of extremely good basement camping while simultaneously able to destroy SWF. Problem is thats all most people see when they play her is the hook potential for camping. Worse part is Hag does not need addons or perks to be good, but most people who use her don't tell her secrets leaving a lot of people in the dark.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    How am I wrong? You literally admit she has potential for camping, and that's exactly what I said.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    This is actually a bit of a misleading statement considering that there are multiple factors that play into who has the most cosmetics here.

    For one the original four characters have the widest array of cosmetic selection, simply because they have been around the longest they are the original survivors that shipped with the game back in 2016. They've had the most time for the dev team to support.

    On the other hand, the original four characters are also, big word: FREE that's a huge leading factor in who is most popular or most frequently used. Original created content for DLC is locked behind a decent grind, and licensed content for DLC is locked behind a paywall. It's very clear and obvious why these characters would be used more than anybody else, regardless of any new content these four characters (and also I suppose the two free chapters + paragraph chapter so Nea, David King, and Bill Overbeck) will always be more popular than everybody else.

    In a sense cosmetics are also a kind of self-perpetuating loop. The devs say they support the most popular characters, but some of the most popular characters have the most cosmetic selection to mix-and-match make yourself look unique and stand out in the fog. So basically:

    Most popular characters get cosmetics -> cosmetics make a character more popular -> most popular characters get cosmetics...

    This would be a far more interesting question if some kind of experiment could be done, say Dead By Daylight was put in front of some 200 participants. These participants would be split into 4 groups of 50: People who have never heard of Dead By Daylight, but like Horror (movies, games, books, etc.), People who have heard of Dead By Daylight (but never played) and like Horror, People who have heard of Dead By Daylight and don't like Horror, and People who have heard of Dead By Daylight and don't like Horror. Everything in the game is free, the participants have access to all characters, cosmetics, perks, add-ons, offerings, etc. Putting all content at an equal and level playing field. Each participant has two rounds to play survivor and two rounds to play killer, allowing participants to select different characters but also are encouraged to stick to whoever they like most. Who do people pick?

    My personal hypothesis might be that the people who like horror would obviously be more likely to recognize the licensed characters Dead By Daylight has to offer and therefore at an increased probability to select them to play. Whereas the results of those who don't like horror likely wouldn't be able to recognize those characters so their results might be more scattered.

    To be completely, honest? Who knows. In that kind of setting in a controlled environment it could be anything, but nobody would actually take the time to create such an experiment lol. It was just a bit fun to think about.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,161

    You make a fair about about the free factor, but I don't think time is a significant factor at all. For example, the first lot of cosmetics did not come out til Summer 2018, two years after the release of the game and several survivors were added since. And some characters like Feng, Ace, and Nea who came out after the original four have just as many cosmetics, or in some cases more than some of the original four e.g. Jake. Likewise with later characters such as Yui who came much later after the likes of Jeff and Adam, but she has more cosmetics than both of them.

    Furthermore the likes of Yui, Jane and Kate are as free as Adam, Jeff etc, but again they are more prevalent in lobbies and not surprisingly have more cosmetics than them. I mean Yui is barely 5 months old but already has 37 cosmetics in the store. But then again nobody is shocked by that because Yui is popular.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    You act like that's all she has, can do, and even state she has no mobility. If you can't see the potential a killer has without having to be shown by people or told so than your lack of foresight into a killer is too limited to makes correct assumptions.

    It's not like your fully wrong most n00b Hags just camp and have even put 10 traps at the hook, but if that was all Hag to her than she would of been buffed highly long ago.

  • KingOfBadRNG
    KingOfBadRNG Member Posts: 425
    edited May 2020

    I could tell you this the most hated is Feng min and nancy.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Sorry my intention was to exclude any details that weren't immediately relevant, I don't want my comments to be essays. I admit that I was wrong to say she has no mobility, but I wouldn't say she is very capable of distributing pressure like Oni and Nurse, and relies more on snowbally pressure like Trapper and LF.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    Well yeah technically the whole lot aside from the licensed characters are "free" but like I said you have to grind the game to earn those characters. So like it or not those characters are just generally not going to be picked as often as the characters who are truly and actually free. AKA the characters that you are given right away at base, as soon as you launch the game. So Dwight, Meg, Jake, Claudette, Nea, David King, and Bill Overbeck.

    As well, Yui doesn't actually have any more cosmetic support than any of the other characters, I think she's gotten what, three more cosmetics so far after she's released? Four if you count the recolor she got in the current rift going on right now. The cosmetics she has are in most part, due to a new business practice BHVR seems to be doing. Before a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, characters were released and that was that, but now when a chapter drops and a character is released the devs make sure to drop a full set of common, uncommon, rare, and maybe one very rare cosmetic. At base, right after PTB. And then they might get more cosmetics down the line. In all reality I wouldn't say she's all that popular to be honest, she's certainly not one of the less played characters but I wouldn't put her up there on a pedestal with all the characters we know are used more frequently than everybody else (the free characters)

  • Baby_Dwight_Main
    Baby_Dwight_Main Member Posts: 16

    Dwight Gang

  • Owlzey
    Owlzey Member Posts: 442
    edited May 2020

    Most liked survivors I'd say Dwight, Bill and Steve. Dweards are an exception tho, for some reason they seem to be the most toxic type of Dwights Lol.

    For real tho everytime a Dwight gets hit and he cries out in pain, I just wanna give him a hug.

    As for killers, it goes to Mikey and Demo. I find them fun to play against and I know a lot of other people think the same.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Ya Hag definitely is a snowball killer with good success in pressure, but her traps and how you spread them are equal to how much pressure you give a survivor. Hag is technically anywhere within 40 meters of herself at base. This allows her to effectively put more pressure on survivors once they are wounded then almost any other killer outside of Nurse and Spirit. Hag has the lowest pick rate and one of the highest kill rates for a reason.

    Really there is no reason to debate this. It seems your fully aware of how strong she can be with a person who plays her vs the players who use her poorly or to camp. All this talk makes me want to play her again so imma peace out anyways.

  • kurtakedown101
    kurtakedown101 Member Posts: 25

    I think ghost face is one of the most liked because of the good stealth advantages

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Still not a valid excuse.

    It's actually crime to do what he did. If you have a fellow employee stealing your lunch, for example, and to punish them you put ex-lax in your food, something that would just make him poop a lot, you can be charge with assault for that and go to jail. If he got found out, no judge would care that he didn't know what it was he put in and that might actually make the judge come down on him even harder for being so reckless.

    Also important lessen kids. Trust the people you buy your drugs from. Not condoning anything, just making a blanket statement about safety rule #1.

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  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,161
    edited May 2020

    Yes it is a valid excuse. If you truly believed no actual harm would come, then it is valid. Simple as that.

    A lot of minor things are classed as a crime by the law. People have been jailed for jaywalking. And to compare punishing someone for stealing your lunch, to punishing someone who frames innocent people and gets them fired is a ridiculous analogy. Dwight's boss was a criminal who hurt innocent people. And even then all Dwight thought he was doing was humiliating him by causing him to laugh and pee his pants.

    I agree you should trust the people you buy drugs from. That was Dwight's error. He thought what he was using was safe. That doesn't make him a dick. It doesn't make him a bad person. He simply made a mistake. He went in with no intentions to try and hurt his boss or anyone else.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2020

    "Yes it is a valid excuse. If you believed no actual harm would come, then it is valid."

    Not in the eyes of the law.

    "And to compare punishing someone for stealing your lunch, to punishing someone who frames innocent people and gets them fired is a ridiculous analogy."

    Still does not warrant assault though.

    "That doesn't make him a dick. It doesn't make him a bad person."

    It does actually.

    A good person would gather evidence of this person's crime and report them to the authorities.

    A dick/bad person would put something in their coffee to make them pee not knowing exactly what it was and causing massive hallucinations that could inflict potential severe psychological damage.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,161
    edited May 2020

    "Not in the eyes of the law."

    Yeah because the law is always right isn't it. I mean the law can jail people for jaywalking. The law can jail people for simply speaking out of turn in a courtroom. The laws are clearly infallible.

    "Still does not warrant assault though."

    That's what you think. If someone made some corrupt a-hole who's framed and fired countless innocent people piss his pants in front of everyone, do you really think people would say that was uncalled for, and feel sorry for the guy? Of course they wouldn't. For what Dwight had in mind he would have gotten off lightly, too, after what he's done. Not what ended up actually happening. Which again was never intended, and Dwight clearly felt bad about it. A mistake does not make someone a dick or a bad person.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    In terms of survivors, the two contestants would be Claudette (eww) and Kate (meh).

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    "Yeah because the law is always right isn't it. I mean the law can jail people for jaywalking. The law can jail people for speaking out of turn in a courtroom. The laws are clearly infallible."

    This may be true sometimes, but not in this case. There are examples of people doing something similar and getting assault charges and jail time.

    "I disagree. For what Dwight had in mind he would have gotten off lightly, too. Not what ended up actually happening. Which again was never intended. A mistake does not make someone a dick or a bad person."

    If it was ex-lax, maybe. Considering he didn't really know what it was and the effect it had he would have probably had the book thrown at him.

    You are right that a mistake doesn't make someone a dick. But putting an unknown chemical into someone's food without actually knowing what it will do is being a dick. For all he knows it could have killed the guy.

    There's a thing in law where if you commit a crime and someone gets hurt, then you are liable. Break into a home with your friend to steal a TV, and then the homeowner shoots your friend, you get charged with murder. I don't see any exception here.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,161
    edited May 2020

    "This may be true sometimes, but not in this case. There are examples of people doing something similar and getting assault charges and jail time."

    You're missing the point. That doesn't make it right. You think because the law punishes something that makes it justified. There's examples of people being jailed just for speaking their mind in court. They call it contempt. Its ridiculous. But by your logic its right just because the law says so.

    "If it was ex-lax, maybe. Considering he didn't really know what it was and the effect it had he would have probably had the book thrown at him."

    Read the lore for yourself. He thought he knew what it was, or rather what effect it would have. He was certain that its effects were harmless.

    "You are right that a mistake doesn't make someone a dick. But putting an unknown chemical into someone's food without actually knowing what it will do is being a dick. For all he knows it could have killed the guy."

    But it wasn't an unknown chemical. He didn't take it and have no idea what it would do. He thought he knew exactly what it would do. He had no idea there was any risks involved in it at all. Again this is all in his lore. H thought he was going to make his boss laugh so hard and pee his pants in front of everyone.

    "There's a thing in law where if you commit a crime and someone gets hurt, then you are liable. Break into a home with your friend to steal a TV, and then the homeowner shoots your friend, you get charged with murder. I don't see any exception here."

    Oh I'm not saying Dwight is not ultimately responsible for what happened. At the end of the day it was a result of his actions. But the fact is he had no idea it would happen. Even the law takes circumstances like that into account.

    You keep making absurd analogies. You shoot anyone, whether its in your home or not, is going to have one outcome. Someone gets hurt. Shooting people only has one effect. Whereas drugs come in all forms, including harmless ones. Which Dwight thought he was using. You can't compare to willingly shooting someone.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    For survivor it's def dwight. They are just too damn cute when they are babies.

    For killer, I love a baby Demo. They are so precious.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    "You think because the law punishes something that makes it justified."

    Yes because putting something in someones food is assault, IDC how you try to slice it. For all he knows it could have killed the guy. Mistake or not, good intentions or not, it's a crime. Thinking he knew what it was does not excuse anything, especially when it's evident he didn't know what it was.

    "There's examples of people being jailed just for speaking their mind in court."

    Court is not the place to speak your mind. It's the place where justice is carried out. Just like the side of the street while the cop is writing you a ticket is not the place to contest the ticket. You take the ticket, and go to court. That's called due process.

    "You keep making absurd analogies. You shoot anyone, whether its in your home or not, is going to have one outcome. Someone gets hurt. Shooting people only has one effect. Whereas drugs come in all forms, including harmless ones. Which Dwight thought he was using. You can't compare to willingly shooting someone."

    There is nothing absurd about it. If you do something that results in someone getting hurt or killed you are liable. That's just how it is.

    And it doesn't matter how harmless you think something is, you have no idea how someone may react to it. If the guy was allergic to the chemical he could have died.

    Sorry but this argument has no legal merit, and the law is 100% right in this case. He put something in his drink, that constitutes assault. He didn't know what it really was, which makes it even more egregious. Period end of story.

    Like I get he is your favorite character but you seriously can't sit there and deny he committed assault and was a complete dick.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,161

    "Yes because putting something in someones food is assault, IDC how you try to slice it. For all he knows it could have killed the guy. Mistake or not, good intentions or not, it's a crime. Thinking he knew what it was does not excuse anything, especially when it's evident he didn't know what it was."

    You keep quoting the law like that makes it right. Life is not black and white like legal definitions Of course thinking that he knew is an excuse, and a valid one. If you do something believing you know its ok it is not remotely the same as using something and being clueless as to what it will do and just taking a blind chance on it. One is doing something you think is going to be ok, and one is not having any idea if it is but still doing it anyway. They are not remotely the same.

    "Court is not the place to speak your mind. It's the place where justice is carried out. Just like the side of the street while the cop is writing you a ticket is not the place to contest the ticket. You take the ticket, and go to court. That's called due process."

    There you go again quoting the law like the outcome of these laws is ok. Imagine putting someone in a jail cell just because they spoke out of turn in a court room. Using a jail cell that could be used to house a real criminal instead. But because it didn't follow the "due process" a person deserves to be thrown behind bars. Laughable.

    "There is nothing absurd about it. If you do something that results in someone getting hurt or killed you are liable. That's just how it is.

    And it doesn't matter how harmless you think something is, you have no idea how someone may react to it. If the guy was allergic to the chemical he could have died."

    It must be great to live in your world where everything is so black and white. If someone gets hurt because of your actions, there is a world of difference between intent to cause that harm and not. Even courts take that into consideration. You comparing shooting someone to this situation is absurd on every level. In absolutely no scenario is willingly shooting a person not going to result in harm. Whereas many drugs are harmless. Simple as that.

    "Like I get he is your favorite character but you seriously can't sit there and deny he committed assault and was a complete dick."

    I do deny it. 100%. Whether you agree or not is your choice. But making a mistake and unintentionally causing harm does not make someone a dick. Period.

    Anyway this is my last response on this. We're just repeating ourselves and derailing the topic of this thread. But you can take my word the fandom's perception of Dwight has not changed in a negative way. Count on it.

    See you in the fog of the forums.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I'm gonna go with Claudette. Many hate seeing full squads of her or whatever, but jeez I see a loooot of Clauds.

  • Snowstruck
    Snowstruck Member Posts: 564

    I love the megathread of someone calling dwight a bad person

    The man made a mistake leave the poor bean alone

  • pizzamess11
    pizzamess11 Member Posts: 149

    I'd vote Jane for that big.....personality

  • FFabeq
    FFabeq Member Posts: 530

    He isn't, he actually became a meme with his broken reveal effect, annoying and unfair tbh.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    And then you run into Dweard armies in red ranks...and your opinions of Dwight players completely change in an instant

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Myers, everyone loves daddy Myers. There are also some domesticated Piggys out there

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,161

    Always warms my heart to hear this since I main the boogeyman as killer.

  • Dolls
    Dolls Member Posts: 395

    Can't believe their are people saying drugging people is okay... 😕