Should Deathslinger have a slower reel?

Curious what your opinions are!
Do you guys think Deathslinger could potentially be more fun and balanced with the following adjustments:
*Slowed down reel speed
*Increased amount of charges to break the chain in return
*Just for fun scares, an additional 2 meters to the chain? This would make my stupid brain very satisfied with the numbers of his chain. Something about it being 18 meters feels uncomfy. Also, a 3 meter window for his iridescent coin makes it extremely difficult to make use of. Even if you don't get the hit. 20 meters sounds like a much prettier number and a more threatening chain. Ofc, this slowed down reel speed would give the survivors at a distance a much greater chance to grab on to something and break the chain.
Suggesting this because Deathslinger has a very creative concept, but I feel so helpless as a survivor when a Deathslinger spears me and steps back and suddenly I have barely any time to reach objects near me. This is coming from a killer/deathslinger main, too.
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Im not against it, just know this means more ability of the deathslinger to move around objects while having you spear'd to hit you.
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I don't know if he exactly needs slower reeling or whatever, something that I think he needs more, or rather what the survivors need, is more capability to wiggle side to side when they get hooked onto. I don't mean anything crazy because I don't want him to be weak, but honestly when I get speared I end up just taking my hand off the movement keys because it never ends up mattering whether I struggle or not. Even if there's something just slightly to the side to me that I want to fight for, it doesn't matter because when they reel in, you can barely move like 1m to either side, and that's not enough to really do anything.
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If you play him then you already know what makes him weak where.
Missing a shot is painful, a survivor constantly going around objects is painful, when he finally gets you it should be a hit most of the time honestly, otherwise its kinda like saying survivors should have an easier time wiggling out.
Huntress telegraphs clearly a hatchet is coming but when she hits, its a hit.
Deathslinger telegraphs it less but when its a hit its not necessary a hit, that is the balance, but to make it even easier to (after you sorta messed up) to just deny that hit is not healthy imo.
But like I said a few posts above, trading some far shots for close up moving around the object hits is not perse a bad idea, bit of give and take.
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I think the reel time should be faster and his aiming time slower.
Part of my issue with Deathslinger is that he's basically undodgeable since he can aim and fire in less than a second. You don't dodge Deathslingers, they miss. It's not fun when your input is pointless.
Additionally, reel time as Killer is wasted time; you're just stationary staring at one Survivor unable to act for a hot second. It's also a way for the Survivor you hit to find a way to render your successful usage of your power meaningless. It's not fun to win a "you lose" trophy.
Both are unfun at a conceptual level IMO.
This said I'm not really sure Deathslinger would work if you changed those two things in those ways. They're a big part of his power's core design and what make him distinct from Huntress.
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This is what this intended to accomplish. When he reels you in slower, you get more time to slide to an object or wall. This could also be changed to waste less time by making survivors move side to side quicker, I reckon. Both accomplish the same effect.
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Reel time on deathslinger is ABSURD when you step backwards, it gives the survivor speared little to no oppurtunity to grasp on to anything or have any teammates help out. Not to mention he can angle where the survivor is being pulled with great force. His aiming time is fine, his shot is not meant to be a guaranteed hit. That's what this is intended to accomplish. Make more spears escapable. Not sure how pulling a survivor in is wasted time unless they're already injured and they grasp on an object really far from you.
Spearing a survivor without even hitting them does all of the following:
- Pulls them towards you, negating any distance they could potentially gain. Missed hits as huntress at a distance slow you down and do little to nothing to a good survivor.
- Deep wounds them if the chain breaks
- Faces them towards you, making the view behind them obscured and possibly disorient them. I often see survivors scrambling to find a route away from once they break free.
- Grants 200+ bloodpoints in deviousness. Fair amount.
His power was made to give survivors a fighting chance. Whenever I play, they hardly break free. It's not fun on their end, I can tell. Esp whenever I play against one. It's definitely easier for me to evade a deathslinger but it's still extremely dissatisfying to get speared and have little to no chance to even break half the chain's charges.
Deathslinger could certainly survive with these changes. They just need experimenting with. If you spear a survivor, you can also break the chain yourself with little cooldown on your end and continue a chase from there if the survivor is stuck on an object.
Deathslinger doesn't need every single spear to be a hit. Even as a main of him, sure it's a little frustrating having them break free, but on their end when I have almost every spear hit them and I reel them in successfully, it's almost as if they had no chance. It's like dangling money in front of somebody but never letting them have it, it's a tease to have a chance with no actual success most of the time.
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This is true, missed shots are a pain. Possibly reducing the cooldown/removing it altogether on missed shots is an appropriate thing to try. His spear itself is not fatal, the killer is. Missing a shot shouldn't be such a painful thing but the cooldown on reloading is defs ok. His shot is very easy to access and, if missed, has less penalty than huntress. She has limited (but really unlimited) ammunition. She has to reload at specific locations, deathslinger can wherever. Like clown, his ability can also be used to slow survivors escaping in a chase. Even if you don't get the hit, not all is lost. The survivor is usually brought back/prevented from further distance and that in itself is a great help. I don't think people realize how strong that is in a chase, just break the chain yourself and you have little to no cooldown and a closer survivor!
The thing about huntress is that, yes, she sends a warning of when she's winding up a hatchet, but that is an instant injury and the survivors have time to dodge it. Deathslinger is the opposite, he has barely any warning, but in turn, the survivors have a later chance to escape the potential hit. Again, maybe deathslinger should offer faster wiggling from side to side instead of longer reeling, but this current state where he can step backwards and drastically increase the speed you are pulled at in relation to your surroundings is insanely strong. As a deathslinger main, I think it's almost unfair to the survivor how you can side step to influence the survivor's wiggling angle and step back to offer less opportunity to swing to nearby objects.
His power isn't supposed to be a guaranteed hit, it's a chase shortening mechanism itself even without getting the "Reeled In" hitscore.
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Usually when you have to reel a bit you shoot from far away, if you make the reeling slower it gives survivors more time to use obstacles or have a teammate get in front of you. If either of those happen then you just got hurt badly after successfully hitting someone. Landing long shots are already risky depending on the area so why make it harder for deathslinger to down/injure a survivor they clearly earned?
I get where you’re coming from but “I feel so helpless as a survivor when a deathslinger spears me” is kinda like yeah? He was able to land a shot on you so it shouldn’t be easy to escape. Maybe it’s just me but I like going against and playing as him. I’m not saying git gud cause I see how it can be ugh at times but he seems ok to me :)
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Oh, sorry. If that's why it happens, because he reels you in too fast, then I kind of understand why you're saying it. I feel like when I get hooked by Deathslinger, it just doesn't really matter. It feels like he could have a bit more interaction during the "getting shot."
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There is only one thing they have to change with that killer: Remove quickscope and therefore add some sort of wind up, so survivors can actually react to him in any way.
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Just remove his gun so the entitled ones have one less thing to cry about. I swear lets nerf a mediocre killer.
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Mediocre? At Rank 1, I either face Deathslinger or Billy.
That's it. Literally. He's not a mediocre killer.
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Hes good at best you face so many because hes cool. Still no grounds to nerf him.
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his reel is already slow enough,what are you on about?
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No, why would he need a change?
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because they want break his hook easy. They want everything easy.
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It appears to be so lol
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Sorry buddy but players at Rank 1 don't play a killer because "He's Cool."
He's really good, I'm not even joking.
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Yes because there are no bubbas, wraiths, clowns, or legions at rank 1. No high ranking players ever uses them.
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That's exactly my point.
They don't use them because they're not good at high ranks, Deathslinger is really good at high ranks.
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It was sarcasm...
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I wouldn't mind slightly slower but make it harder to break free. A good tactic I use when someone thinks they can use BT to unhook their friend in front of me is follow the unhooked for 9 seconds and shoot them and wait out the rest of the time with them on my gun.
If we can increase the time it takes to struggle off in exchange for reeling them in slower then I think that's a good trade in the name of screwing over BT.
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Oh my God...
I'm honestly detecting sarcasm in the forums less and less as the days progress.
My God.....
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It would make him bottom tier for sure if this was done..he already has an issue with wasting time
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Haha I feel you. Tbh this comment could be sarcasm and I would have no way of knowing because it's hard to interpret online. Plus, I've gotten used to people actually believing in hyperbole and restating it as an actual point. It's a headache lol.
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Here's his movement speeds:
Walking (Reeling w/ Collision) x0.351.54 m/s 38.5 %
Walking (Reeling + Firing) x0.52.2 m/s 55 %
Reload x0.62.64 m/s 66 %
Walking Backwards (Reeling w/ Collision) x0.73.08 m/s 77 %
Aiming Down Sights x0.753.3 m/s 82.5 %
Walking Backwards (Reeling) x0.83.52 m/s 88 %
Carrying x0.83653.68 m/s 92 %
Walking 14.4 m/s 110 %
Lunge x1.5686.9 m/s 172.5 %
Walking backwards while reeling in a survivor is the fastest he moves while reeling, but at max distance the reeling still takes 6+ seconds to bring a survivor into striking range. That means that he and the survivor are stuck in the reeling animation and moving slower than normal for 2-6+ seconds (depending on the range he speared the survivor), which gives other survivors more than enough time to complete gens, run interference, or start sabo'ing nearby hooks if they suspect their teammate will be downed. One of the chief flaws in deathslinger is that unlike all other killers, who experience a max of 3 slowdowns using their powers... he gets 5, and a stun: striking, aiming, reeling, cooldown, reloading, and the chain break stun.
It may make you feel helpless as you are locked in a tug of war with him, but remember that while you both are like that, you are buying your teammates valuable time that no other killer would grant them by using their power. In other words, while you are both locked in that already very slow reeling animation, he can't do anything else. It's my primary complaint about Deathslinger, he's far to lenient on survivors and gives them too much time by using his power.
And OP wants his reeling speed to be even slower?
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I don't like the idea of changeing his baseline reeling mechanics. If you get hit in open space with little to now decent cover then DS deserves that hit. Giving you more wiggle room in such scenarios would be make DS's power feel much more unrewarding and cheat out DS from hits he deserves. There is already enough control over reeling from survivor's side, they don't need any more.
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You do happen to see other killer's at high ranks, but either the person using them mains that killer and is exceptionally good with them more often than not. It's just extremely uncommon you see a lower tiered killer at red ranks.
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It wasn't sarcasm. Day by day, I'm starting to see the sarcastic comments as sarcasm. =/
Well...except on console.
There is a shortage of killers so Brown ranked killers get paired up with Red Ranks all the time. =/
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You can use either A,D or S. Both work differently. If you press AD you will struggle to sides wich you use to get some objects to break the chain faster. Use this if DS hooks you through windows or high enough walls or possibly even some object with gap in it that you can get stuck in. In other words whenever there is a decent chance to deplete some of his chain's charges through objects.
You use S when you want to max out depletion rare of the chain. It causes the chain to deplete faster then when you struggle through AD but you obviously don't wiggle to sides. It also might cause the reeling to be slightly slower but I'm unsure of that statement. You use this when you get hit with long shots without any cover between you two or when you think you that the chain needs just a slight push to break before you get hit. Also usefull when teammates try to take a hit for you and stand in the chain for you so you use S to not mess up their positioning unless situation calls for it
This is basically my take on how it works. If anyone has better explanation or proof it work differently please share your knowledge with us.
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Honestly, the only thing he needs is the cooldown between aiming the GUN* Because this is honestly the most broken thing that he has right now.
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Ya you can struggle against him, by holding to one side or the other (which also fills up the break meter faster I believe).
IDK exactly how they do it, probably by walking backwards while they reel, but you practically have no control of side to side. Even if something is practically right next to you he can just pull you right past it.
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The reeling time regardless of whether the Slinger is backing up, standing still, or moving forward, is all the same.
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I play on PC and PS4. I was referring to red rank or rank 1 killers.
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Nope he needs buffs not nerfs
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Deathslinger is an average killer....he doesn't need any nerfs.
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No. Deathslinger is already a weak killer, he doesn't need nerfs. What he needs are buffs. Better Reload speed would be a good start.
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he shouldn't have a slower reel but he should have a wind up time like Huntress. There's no counter play to him right now because he can insta catch you. You have to throw pallets early and get LOS as best you can, but he can thread needles and shoot through many walls so it's really difficult.
He just needs a wind up and he'll be fine. I'd remove his Deep Wounds effect as well if they give him a wind up, since there'd be more counter play possible if he has it. Also he should not injure you if you manage to break out and stun him
So in short: Give him a wind up to shoot, remove his Deep Wounds effect, remove damage from breaking away and stunning him.
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he already spends half of his match reloading his gun u want him to spend the remaining half reeling the survivors? lmao
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No? As a deathslinger main, he is insanely good. Similar to spirit when she came out, when you land a shot, which is all too easy, you are basically guaranteed a hit. I'm not even a survivor main I'm just trying to make him more interactive. Right now, you have a slim chance of even breaking half his chain before being hit.
This wasn't even implying it's a nerf, in fact I suggested added 2 meters to his chain and then adding more charges to breaking it. It still has essentially the same effect but toned down and less of a guaranteed hit. His power wasn't intended to be a guaranteed hit.
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As a PIII Deathslinger main, I can assure you he is the last one to need a buff right now.
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Sorry, I misphrased. Reeling SPEED is absurd. Stepping back pulls a survivor in faster than other survivors can run. This is insanely fast and with pill hitboxes survivors literally slide off objects they try to grab on to.
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I'd say more that I want to actually give survivors a fighting chance so that the game is fun. It's literally too easy pulling in survivors and getting a hit. I genuinely will let them break the hook sometimes for points because chases as deathslinger are not even fun anymore. It's too easy.
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He cannot get hits around a large number of structures, which means he is going to eat a stun. I use Deathslinger as my secondary killer (Nurse is my main), and while I do think he is decent in the chase, he is not at Nurse's level in the chase. Slinger also has FAR worse map control than her.
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I understand that but his reel is insanely rigged towards him and no other outcome. Possibly buffing him to 115 could be worth consideration with a slight nerf to his reel speed but in the meantime it's just absurdly fast when stepping backwards. But bear in mind I also suggested his chain be much harder to break if this is the case.
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The counter play is his reel...
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Deathslinger should have normal movement speed
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I feel the only change to Deathslinger should be his range, but to give him a slower reel would be terrible on maps with walls like Hawkins and Lery's.