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Sort the f****** gen rush s*** out

douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316
I am getting sick of being gen rushed they need to seriously make changes to the gen rushing. Make it a 3 monutm job or something it's pathetic.


  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316
  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489

    Sadly they have no plans on changing gens or adding new objectives this year soo..

  • sHAAN
    sHAAN Member Posts: 36

    yeah i agree gen rush sucks its forces to play ´´dirty´´ tunnel , camp ... etc beacouse you have no time!

  • C4Garuda
    C4Garuda Member Posts: 198
    Cry me a river
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Making gens take 3 minutes is a no no. Just add additional objectives.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    Making gens take 3 minutes is a no no. Just add additional objectives.

    I was waiting for you to post your meme again just for laughs sake.

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316
    Like in Friday the 13th maybe the survivors additional objective could be to find a part or two of each of the generators. This will form a better challenge on killer and survivors parts and also it makes the game last longer than like 5 - 6 mins. Maybe even put skill checks on the doors.
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    edited August 2018
    Like in Friday the 13th maybe the survivors additional objective could be to find a part or two of each of the generators. This will form a better challenge on killer and survivors parts and also it makes the game last longer than like 5 - 6 mins. Maybe even put skill checks on the doors.
    Skillchecks on the gates doesn't really make sense, but maybe they could put a breaker up somewhere in the map and survivors have to flip the switch in order to power the doors.
  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042
    I am getting sick of being gen rushed they need to seriously make changes to the gen rushing. Make it a 3 monutm job or something it's pathetic.
    3 minute job is way too long unless the survivor is OP as hell but ok
  • M2Fream
    M2Fream Member Posts: 288
    3 min per gen and 5 gens is a MINIMUM 15 min match. Thats insane. I do agree with you however. All the people saying apply pressure, patrol and equip ruin are in the wrong here though. 

    Ruin is S teir... For the 42 seconds that it lasts.

    Applying pressure cant be done well unless you can have many people injured at the same time or hinder them in other ways such as madness and RBTs, long heal times with coulophobia, thanatophobia, sloppy butcher. Have some people asleep etc.

    But let me tell you how killer matches usually go.

    Patroll some gens. Find someone. Commit to chase. 3 pallets. Ruin gone. Injured. 2 pallets. Balanced landing. 2 pallets. Gen popped. Downed. Hooked. Other side of map in .3736 seconds so you dont get accused of camping. Hooked person rescued. Gen popped. Hooked person healed. New person injured. 2 pallets. Dead hard. 2 pallets. Ds. Gen popped. 1 pallet. Second person hooked. Second person immedietly unhooked and instamedkit healed. Chase the medkit user so you dont get accused of tunneling. Injured. Gen popped. 2 pallets. Dead hard. 2 pallets. Downed. Bodybcked so 3 people are injured. DS again. Last gen popped. 2 adrenaline so only one more is injured. Get one down with NOED. hook him. Noed gets destroyed and you get hook rushed. You try to tunnel so you hit him again but it was BT. You chase all 4 of them to the exit and get instablind flashed and dont get any hits on the way out. 

    You then get called a camper and tunneler for trying to secure your kill when the gates are open. Also called a noob for BBQ NOED and Ruin. You attemt to point out the 4 SC, 2 DS, 2 BT, 2 DH, 2 BL, insta flashlight and instamedkit but they just call you salty and bad. You attempt to point out that they were a toxic SWF but they all simultaniously deny even knowing each other. You leave and end up with 2 comments on your steam profile. 1 is about camping and 1 is about salt. But you didnt get and kills for your wraith daily so you start the process again.

    Gen extensions are needed, but they need to be made more fun. Like installing parts foind around the map. Forces survivors to be out in the open but also lets them have more fun looking for objectives.
  • OGlilSPOOK20
    OGlilSPOOK20 Member Posts: 716
    Maybe Try Ruin, Dying Light,  Thanatphobia & BBQ. With Ivory Mori for obsession. If they bring in toolboxes just switch out Thanathpobia for Franklin's. GG you win & no gen rush. You may stop crying now.